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<alyssa> ella-0: fascinating
<alyssa> i509vcb: casting at the level of formats input/output to the copy
<alyssa> nothing in shader code
<alyssa> util_format_is_compressed()
<i509vcb> Yeah oof sorry my temp disable of compressed formats is not good
<alyssa> all good :)
<alyssa> mesa has lotsa helpers
<chadmed> read that in a jar jar binks voice ^
<i509vcb> I'm sure I've written far worse code when I was 12
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<i509vcb> alyssa: I think the sfloat issue is what you mentioned, now to generalize a solution for it...
<i509vcb> I guess I'll be writing new helpers so that I have a way to get a format with a different numeric type
<i509vcb> Although I might not have it figured out yet
<i509vcb> Huh the cast works with R32 but not R16?:
<i509vcb> entirely different formats I've yet to figure out a pattern
<i509vcb> src_format == VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM && dst_format == VK_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT works though with the hackery (with UINT instead in the dst change)
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<alyssa> util_format might have something
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<i509vcb> Any ideas why R16 doesn't work with the casting but R32 does? (Yes the code is horrible)
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<alyssa> i509vcb: Snorm has a similar problem, decode+encode snorm is lossy
<alyssa> due to ambiguous representation of -1.0
<alyssa> so snorm needs to be cast to e.g. uint/sint
<alyssa> generally speaking, uint, sint, and unorm are safe for copies
<alyssa> snorm and float are unsafe
<alyssa> learned this the hard way recently
<alyssa> hth
<i509vcb> (checking with a color picker, these are the same)
<i509vcb> I think this is the a8b8g8r8_norm to r16g16_sfloat copy test
<i509vcb> /s/norm/snorm
<i509vcb> I did try casting both ends to sint and nothing changed
<i509vcb> And uint attempts did the same