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<i509vcb> I think I might have forgotten something, but I think this is all the compiler related stuff for layers:
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<alyssa> nir_fadd
<alyssa> unless it's meant to be an integer
<alyssa> in which case, drop the u2f32 (unsigned to float) conversion
<alyssa> nir_intrinsic_instr_create is the "old" way, nowadays we prefer the much more concise helpers
<alyssa> nir_load_input(b, nir_imm_int(b, 0), .component = 0, .base = /* you get the idea */)
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<knedlik> Hey there! Is there any way I could contribute to the Vulkan drivers becoming a thing? I'd say I'm a pretty good programmer, although I don't have much knowledge in low-level stuff...
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<i509vcb> knedlik: build the vulkan cts, find a group of failing tests and try to fix those
<i509vcb> Or you could try to implement extensions, although there is a lot of core API that these need to make that truly work
<i509vcb> Areas to avoid: the entire vkCmdCopy family of commands, I am currently working on those
<knedlik> Alright, just to make sure, where can I find the current Vulkan implementation? Last time I looked in the upstream Mesa repo, the Asahi dir didn't contain a Vulkan dir
<knedlik> Is it the asahi/mesa repo under freedesktop?
<alyssa> knedlik: yep, branch agxv/main
<knedlik> Will try to compile it now, I'll get back if I need any help
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<i509vcb> alyssa: yes, it is an int, did the change and still no dice
<i509vcb> although the output in the viewer shows something odd
<i509vcb> I think .64 is the one where we start seeing uses of layer reads:
<knedlik> So I have successfully compiled the VK Mesa and the test suite... now, could someone help me with which binary I should run for the CTS?
<i509vcb> dEQP-VK
<i509vcb> it should be under external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan
<knedlik> Alright, thanks
<i509vcb> It could also be useful to grab deqp-runner
<i509vcb> Although I've found if you start too many jobs with deqp-runner your gpu hangs and the kernel can't recover it without a hard reboot
<knedlik> So considering this is pretty new territory to me, I'm gonna need some help - when I try to run deqp-vk with the params listed in the README, I get 'FATAL ERROR: Failed to initialize dEQP: Failed to open file: './vk-default/api.txt' at tcuResource.cpp:53'...
<alyssa> i509vcb: the FS is reading the LAYER, but the VS isn't writing it
<alyssa> er, rather
<alyssa> the VS is writing but it's not getting routed
<alyssa> `Output select` is missing the viewport target + render target bits to consume the fixed-function layer
<alyssa> (there might be other bugs, but that's the only obvious one)
<alyssa> see the GL driver logic
<alyssa> also would appreciate a doc patch to with what you've learned :)
<alyssa> but viewport tgt + render tgt (== layer) work like clip distance as described there
* alyssa doesn't remember the ordering off hand
<alyssa> assume it's after clip distance I guess
<alyssa> agx_remap_varyings_vs control that
<i509vcb> knedlik: your current directory is the same location as dEQP-vk?
<i509vcb> Although last I recall caselist files aren't just specified that way?
<i509vcb> Check --help
<knedlik> It isn't, should it be?
<knedlik> I specified the absolute path
<i509vcb> And you did ./path/to/caselist
<i509vcb> what does pwd say?
<knedlik> I already closed the terminal, but it was in the root dir of my external SSD, so /run/media/knedlik/LinuxEXT/
<knedlik> there I have cloned the mesa and CTS repos
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<i509vcb> Ok
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