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<nullspace> hi
<nullspace> > The M1 lacks hardware instructions for image atomics, even though it has non-image atomics and non-atomic images
<nullspace> i believe this isn't true for m2 and m3? hardware atomics are supported, right?
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<alyssa> read a bit more carefully
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<knedlik> So I have successfully run the tests, and made a deduped text file of the non-passing ones:
<knedlik> Which of these would be a good thing to get started with?
<knedlik> Oh wait... forgot to include failed tests, one sec
<knedlik> Okay, now it should be complete
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<i509vcb> knedlik: VK_EXT_global_priority(_query) the promoted KHR extension for that is implemented. If you did want to implement the older EXT extension I think you just need to enable those two extensions and test if anything changed during promotion?
<i509vcb> You can run individual tests with the -n argument on dEQP-vk to avoid running the entire suite every time
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<i509vcb> ignore this, that's something to fix when we are 90% done
<i509vcb> And the tests below testing for required format feature bits
<i509vcb> I guess the problem you have there is that you know how many failed but not what specific test did
<i509vcb> deqp-runner gives you a results and failures.csv with every test name and whether it failed, crashed, flakes or passed
<i509vcb> (That "Fail (Fail)" dedup is doing some heavy lifting)
<knedlik> Alright, I was using the binary directly without deqp-runner, so I guess that was my issue
<knedlik> I'll try taking a look at the 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties' from line 49 as you said
<knedlik> Hmm, I may be blind, but is the function not implemented yet at all? I'd assume "returning non-zero properties" doesn't happen in an unimplemented function
<i509vcb> That function is delegated to the FormatProperties2 function by mesa for us
<i509vcb> Vulkan has a few of these vkWhatever2 functions since 1.0 didn't consider adding pointer chains to some types or expected all data to be specified via a single fixed signature
<i509vcb> Search for vk_common_GetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties to see where that forwarding is done
<knedlik> So I'm supposed to patch some function outside the asahi-specific tree and point it to some file in the asahi tree?
<i509vcb> It's all linked for you
<i509vcb> You just need to do stuff inside the agxv_ prefixed functions
<i509vcb> Pretty much look at agxv_GetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2
<knedlik> That makes sense now
<knedlik> There it is, I found it, thanks for the help
<i509vcb> TLDR: Mesa makes a big function pointer lookup table for us
<knedlik> It makes sense for a project like this to be honest
<i509vcb> Mesa is also used for several other vulkan implementations so people do want to yeet some boilerplate
<knedlik> I'd assume it should be as easy as adding a guard clause to check for the undefined format?
<i509vcb> Uhh I'd wonder what other drivers do here actually
<i509vcb> I guess take a peek at nvk
<knedlik> Alright
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<knedlik> I have a suspicion NVK does it in the image functions, which means we could just do a guard clause assuming it won't be needed elsewhere
<knedlik> I need clarification here - the error is about returning non-zero properties, but the function is declared as void, where exactly is it returning the properties?
<knedlik> Nevermind, it's a pointer... :facepalm:
<i509vcb> I guess we could just do the quick guard clause
<i509vcb> The properties are returned via one of the pointers
<knedlik> I'm starting to get tired, but tommorow I'll do a quick test if the guard clause clears the test
<knedlik> Should I make a pull request with the change to agxv/main once finished?
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<alyssa> NVK is the reference drivr
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