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<alyssa> ^^
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<i509vcb> dEQP-VK.api.copy_and_blit.core.image_to_image.3d_images.2d_to_3d_whole does a per layer copy (only copying one layer at a time) but seems to just only ever write on the first layer?
<i509vcb> On possible issues, the PBE and TEXTURE descriptors look just like gallium's
<i509vcb> Using the dstSubresource just like the src image view in vk-meta didn't seem to change anything either:
<alyssa> trace?
<i509vcb> Dimension: 2D
<i509vcb> Texture
<i509vcb> Depth: 256
<i509vcb> ...
<i509vcb> this shouldn't be possible?
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<alyssa> i509vcb: what you're seeing is that the Depth field overlaps the stride field
<alyssa> the hardware decodes the layout (Linear) first
<alyssa> we should probably make agxdecode smarter here but, effort
<alyssa> i509vcb: in those copies, you have layers = 1 in the UAPI, and the end-of-tile ("Store pipeline") writes to a non-arrayed 2D PBE descriptor with a non-layered 2D image write
<alyssa> so only layer 0 is ever touched
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