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<eric_engestrom> azsxdcz: it's built automatically when `IOKit` is present; `-D tools=asahi` doesn't enable it, but `-D gallium-drivers=asahi` is required to build any of the asahi libs
<eric_engestrom> alyssa: if you want another behaviour I'm happy to write the patch :)
<eric_engestrom> sorry, I just noticed that I misread: `-D tools=asahi` does do something: it builds the lib by default (ie. `ninja` without having to specify `ninja src/asahi/lib/libwrap.dylib`)
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<alyssa> eric_engestrom: you can't build the gl driver on macos anymore is the problem
<alyssa> src/asahi/ is just broken ever since clc merged, I just never fixed it properly
<alyssa> proper patch welcome
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<eric_engestrom> ah, I see
<eric_engestrom> so do you want to be able to build the wrap lib without building the gl driver, or do you want to build the gl driver on macos?
<eric_engestrom> I can do the former, but the latter I don't have any dev stuff on my macos partition
<alyssa> the former
<alyssa> mostly I need to untangle the mess of src/asahi/lib, but... priorities
<eric_engestrom> ack
<alyssa> what should actually happen is that the .xml + + header-only packing helpers are split out into one folder, I guess
<alyssa> and then decode.c and the iokit stuff are one folder that depends only on that, I guess? IDK
<alyssa> and the higher level NIR relevant stuff is... maybe a third folder, or maybe compilerized, or something I don't know if I knew I would've just done that git mv already
<alyssa> IDK
<alyssa> it's all bad
<eric_engestrom> yeah, I was trying to think about it and it's all tangled indeed
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<TheLink3> Don't go into the light!!
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* alyssa never saw that film
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<azsxdcz> @alyssa: Oh I understand... you don't have any makefile left by any chance to build wrap as a standalone binary outside of mesa?
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<alyssa> nah, I've just hacked up the to work locally
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<azsxdcz> @alyssa: can you share your with me?
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<alyssa> not on macos rn sorry
<alyssa> er wait
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