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<knedlik> So I added a guard clause that checks if the format is equal to the undefined value (I believe it is 0, not sure though), and if it is, set the pointer to a nullptr and return. Unfortunately, that does not solve the error of returning non-zero properties. Any ideas? I'm really learning a lot about mesa as I go, so please excuse me if this is something obvious.
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<i509vcb> knedlik: setting the pointer to zero does not change the data referenced by the pointer
<i509vcb> I think you'll want memset? Or was it called something else in C?
<knedlik> Oh right
<knedlik> Would the zero properties be just 0 in memory, or some different default value?
<i509vcb> You probably want to zero the formatProperties field
<knedlik> I'll take a look, thanks
<i509vcb> You might be able to get away with initializing a zeroed struct of that type on the stack and then doing a memcpy
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<i509vcb> I guess the bug for layered rendering is elsewhere, setting viewport_target and render_target based on the vs changes nothing
<i509vcb> hnm no different qpa output
<alyssa> 2 bugs, why not?
<i509vcb> some more basic 3d related copy tests are giving me the funny results again
* i509vcb time to open up gdb again to compare the memory
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<i509vcb> Only the first layer is correct
<i509vcb> although some of the 3d blits started working when I did turn on layered rendering
<i509vcb> this is certainly odd
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<qvy> I assume that nobody is active ?
<i509vcb> sadly the khronos debug layers aren't packaged on fedora (api trace), so debugging is a little more painful
<i509vcb> s/khronos/lunarg
<i509vcb> qvy: depends what you mean by active
<qvy> I joined the IRC server, expecting it to be as active as a discord server would be. Though idk if I'm doing things right, I use irssi. Eitherway, I was wondering how the work on the refresh-rate of the display was going. Kind of a shot in the dark since i'm not sure that this is a question for the gpu dev
<i509vcb> it's probably not going to be here (the display and gpu hardware are seperate units), better luck probably in #asahi or #asahi-dev, but I imagine those questions appear every day, so probably just need to wait
<i509vcb> the gpu channel is generally pretty quiet until I stumble around the vulkan driver
<j`ey> qvy: I dont believe anyone is actively working on that currently
<qvy> Got you. Thank you for the reply about the refreshrate though! I assume that there's no workaround for now, i'll just sit tight and not pressure anyone.
<qvy> j`ey: I do not have much skills but a decent chunk of time ahead. How likely am I to be useful to actually finding a solution for it ?
<j`ey> qvy: it requires reverse engineering
<qvy> j`ey: well it sounds like I'll just do as I said. Sit tight and wait. On a last note, I tried an external monitor that does 144hz 1440p, with asahi linux it's pretty darn smooth. Everything is snappy. Really looking forward to seeing this on the laptop display
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