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<bgb> jannu: for the mac reboot thing: seems this is why arduino terminal always works fine, but console cmd may not.
<bgb> when I replug the arduino cable, your picocom cmd fails to reboot mac, finally find a solution like this :
<bgb> and never fail again
<marcan> alright, going to take a shower and spend the rest of the day in kernel mode :)
<marcan> povik: I also just realized that the pmgr pstate driver needs to be a reset provider too
<marcan> streaming over at #asahi-stream shortly
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<arahael> I'd be interested in those streams once they have captions. (I'm deaf), but I think google will eventually put on automated captions if you have a "good" accent (american, I think?) so perhaps if I check back in a week or so I might be able to check out the older streams.
<marcan> I mumble a bit sometimes, I wonder how well it works...
<nsklaus_> marcan: regarding to that, if i may formulate a little bit of constructive criticism, i think ideas are going fast in your mind and you try to express them as quickly as they go, with your voice. and the result lack a bit of proper pronouciation. i'd say you could improve oral charisma a bit by breathing more and taking more time on your pronouncing words. sometimes you sound like
<nsklaus_> you're trying to talk as fast as you type
<marcan> nsklaus_: it kind of depends on whether I'm in explaining things mode or in writing code mode
<nsklaus_> i understand. also, forgive me my frankness
<j_ey> arahael: I just watched a few mins of some of the older streams that do have captions, theyre not bad. just trip up on technical words mostly
<j_ey> like kext was 'kecks'
<j_ey> and a lot of "um"s :P
<tophevich[m]> for those not in #asahi-stream, marcan is live:
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<marcan> follow-up:
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<arahael> j_ey: Nice. :)
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<Glanzmann> marcan: When I use the installer it asks me which version I want to use for the setup of the recovery setup, I used the newer one, but if I pick the old one, will that change the code that is used for the dcp (display controller)?
<marcan> yes
<marcan> once 12.0 is released we will only support that version initially
<Glanzmann> Than I'll try the other version. :-)
<marcan> everything older is basically only there because some people don't like installing betas
<marcan> but I think alyssa is developing on some 11.x version for now
<FireFox317> also marcan did you see the bug in the installer that Glanzmann reported yesterday?
<marcan> losing the boot picker race?
<FireFox317> 1tr apparantly doesnt have xattr
<Glanzmann> marcan: I yester tried to replicate Allysas setup. I got a Debian installed on my mac mini however the kernel with dcp code enabled crashed, once I removed config option, it booted.
<marcan> oh I saw that
<marcan> 12.0 1TR does
<marcan> 11.6 does not
<marcan> I could've sworn older 11.x did but I'm not sure
<marcan> so that's another one for the "12.0 or newer please" :p
<FireFox317> ahh, i can check tonight. I think I'm still on 11.6 too
<Glanzmann> marcan: I rember reading something in the backlog or hearing it in a stream that xattr was missing, but than it doesn't matter.
<FireFox317> but might be better to just install the 12.0 beta i dunno
<Glanzmann> marcan: If I want to go for the old version, I can just delete the 'm1n1' partition again, and run the installer again, and pick the other version?
<marcan> yes
<Glanzmann> Than I'll try that and report back if the kernel with the dcp code runs.
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<FireFox317> fortunately apple decided that we can have different firmware versions per os install on the m1 \o/
<j_ey> there was also the question of if the DCP driver can work out the firmware version
<Glanzmann> marcan: First I thought the installer is a waste of time, but now I think it is very cool to have 2.5 instead of 80 GB of space wasted and also it is much faster than reinstalling macos. And also uses less bandwidth.
<sven> j_ey: and i proposed two amazing solutions alyssa just didn't like for some reason :p
<sven> more seriously though, i don't expect DCP to have a "get firmware version" call because it's always going to be paired to a kernel anyway
<Glanzmann> marcan: I'm getting dark fibre in a few weeks, 1 Gbit/s down, but only 200 Mbit/s up. In Switzerland you can also have 10 Gbit/s sync using xgpon, is that a thing in Tokyo, too? Also I wonder what in Toko the 1 Gbit/s symmetric line costs per month? In switzerland you get 10 Gbit/s for 50 EUR, in Germany I'll way 80 EURs per month for 1 Gbit/s down and 200 Mbit/s up a synchron 1 Gbit/s would cost 1200
<Glanzmann> eur.
<marcan> you want #asahi-offtopic ;)
<sven> (except for that general rtkit version but that stays the same even when the dcp protocol changes)
<marcan> sven: we do know the iBoot version, which should be representative; we can forward that from adt to fdt
<j_ey> cos we still want a single kernel source tree that could work with several versions?
<sven> oh, true. we don't even need to rely on the firmware hash in the ADT
<j_ey> we want to support say, macOS 12, but what about when macOS13 comes out, dont want to just rewrite the dcp driver, otherwise macOS12 users couldnt update the kernel
<FireFox317> j_ey: but the m1 has different firmware per os right? so then the macos version doesn't matter
<j_ey> FireFox317: right. im saying that the kernel still wants to support several versions at once. because there may be some users with macOS12 firmware and some with macOS13 firmware
<marcan> j_ey: yes, we will support multiple versions
<marcan> just not all versions
<marcan> also macos version does not matter
<kettenis> unless the macOS13 provides important functionality that the macOS12 firmware doesn't, the Asahi Linux installer can continue to bundle the macOS12 firmware
<marcan> we are only required to support newer firmware to support new devices, or for important bugfixes
<j_ey> im using macos verion as a proxy for firmware version
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<Glanzmann> marcan / alyssa: I resetup the 'm1n1' partition with 11.4 recompiled the kernel with the dcp code in, but the kernel still crashes, will try macbook air next.
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<Glanzmann> Btw, do I get USB a on the macbook air running using a usb-c to usb-a dongle?
<sven> hopefully
<sven> only usb 2 though
<sven> (i.e. same as on the mini usb c ports)
<Glanzmann> I see, I'll try it. Than I probably will also use a usb 2 stick.
<kettenis> type-a connectors can do usb3 just fine
<sven> yup
<sven> don't think the macbook air has those though
<klange> the extra pins added to type A connectors were a real baller move
<kettenis> sure, but a good type-c to type-a cable should do superspeed just fine
<sven> sure, but the usb3 phy on the type c ports isn't up
<sven> ... or does that also just work by accident and my c-to-a adapter just sucks?
<Glanzmann> alyssa: Are you booting m1n1 via or the 'developer quickstart'?
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<kettenis> hmm, the flash drive on my mini seems to be running at high speed only
<Glanzmann> marcan: I just tried the alxsh on my macbook air, and in the boot picker, it does _not_ show me the newly created m1n1 partition. See:
<sven> kettenis: yeah. for usb3 we need a few pokes to this "CIOPHY" thingy and probably also apply tunables from the ADT
<j_ey> Glanzmann: im sure the script is meant to do more stuff..
* sven is still waiting for someone to just understand how that all works in detail :>
<j_ey> Glanzmann: the script shouldnt exit at that point either
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<Glanzmann> j_ey: It did not exit, in the past I was always presented with m1n1 and the installed os. Than it shutdown (I could not read the step 2 notice)
<j_ey> Glanzmann: it looks like it exited in the screenshot?
<Glanzmann> Than I powered on holding the button down, went to 1tr, ran the and ended up in m1n1.
<Glanzmann> j_ey: I tried to drag and drop the movies folder on the top right behind the terminal because of the screenshot so the path of the folder eneded up in the terminal, but it did not exit.
<j_ey> oh ok
<Glanzmann> Also yesteday someone told me about the step2, and I was only seeing the ste2p once I booted back into macos and it reopened my old terminal with the output.
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<Glanzmann> Never mind, maybe I should reinstall my macbook air, because it also refuses to apply macos updates. Screenshot follows.
<Glanzmann> I also got my wife one, so maybe I'll retry with hers as well.
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<marcan> Glanzmann: when you pick the boot device, is the installer still running? and once you do, does your computer *shut down* or *reboot*?
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<Glanzmann> marcan: To my knowledge it is still running and afterwards it is off (led of the mini is off). I than need to turn it off.
<Glanzmann> But if you want, I can put a hdmi graber, record the whole thing and send you the video.
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<Glanzmann> This happens when I try to upgrade macos on my macbook air. I tried at least 6 times by now, each time downloading 3.6 GB.
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<alyssa> Glanzmann: developer quickstart, since I set it up before the installer was a thing
<alyssa> sven: "more seriously though, i don't expect DCP to have a "get firmware version" call because it's always going to be paired to a kernel anyway"
<alyssa> worst case we just key m1n1 to the installed version in asahi-installer
<alyssa> which is... gross but meh
<alyssa> would be in line with apple's approach
<sorear> is there any metadata that can be extracted from calls and/or reading memory, that could be checksummed as a consistency check?
<sven> see marcan's reply. we should be able to use the iboot version from the ADT
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<sven> now... do i want to look into usb3 or do i want to continue hoping that someone else just comes along and enables that? :D
<alyssa> sven: You want to look into USB3
* alyssa waves hand around like fricking Quigon Jin
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<sven> alyssa: what, you think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? mind tricks don't work on me! :P
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<alyssa> Uh huh
<Glanzmann> alyssa: Do you know which version of macos you setup using the 'developer quickstart' maybe we can integrate this in the installer, so that dcp works when setting up using the installer?
<alyssa> Uhhhh let's find out
<alyssa> sounds like an excellent thing to do that's not school or work ;P
* Emantor hands alyssa a procrastination token.
<Glanzmann> alyssa: I tried with both versions in the installer, on both I got a kernel panic (at least I think so. I showed the video yesterday).
<alyssa> Emantor[m]: thanks
<Emantor> 10 tokens and I'll procrastinate giving you a washing machine :-)
<alyssa> if anyone has had to deal with smartlaundry, this is for you 🤗
<alyssa> That partition is on specifically 11.4 (20F71)
<alyssa> Hash: dcpf = b'\xc4\xadc\xa7\xe6\xe7[\t=\x1b\xc7\x97\x85\xd3\xce\x03\xd2D;*B\x1e\x0bfY\x8d\xaf\xfe\xa8\x19\xe4\xc6\xb2\xa9\x0e\xad\xa6\xb9\x9cl\x85wL3\xe9\xdc\xad,'
<alyssa> system-firmware-version = iBoot-6723.120.36
<alyssa> I wasn't planning to uprev until 12.0 was released :|
<kettenis> I wouldn't uprev until 12.1 is released ;)
<alyssa> truth
<Glanzmann> alyssa: Strange. I checked the installer. And it has the exact same version you're using.
<alyssa> uh. alright. so we have some other issue, fun
<Glanzmann> Do you want to try my kernel dtb and m1n1?
<alyssa> maybe there's something subtly different between our monitors
<Glanzmann> Or should I try your kernel, m1n1 and dtb?
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<alyssa> I can send those, sure
<Glanzmann> alyssa:
<alyssa> M1N1DEVICE=/dev/ttyACM0 python3 proxyclient/tools/ --bootargs="net.ifnames=0 rw root=/dev/nvme0n1p4 rootwait rootfstype=ext4" ~/drm-misc/arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz ~/drm-misc/arch/arm64/boot/dts/apple/t8103-j274.dtb
<alyssa> realistically that should be broken in exactly the same way as your build of my tree is..
<Glanzmann> alyssa: Can you send me the m1n1, as well? I compiled yesterday HEADs with your patch on top.
<alyssa> shouldn't matter but for whatever it's worth
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<Glanzmann> Trying now, takes a second.
<Glanzmann> My monitor is an eizo flexscan ev2780
<alyssa> I wonder if will work for you (with backports to 11.4 ABI)
<alyssa> let me get that m1n1 pushed somewhere
<alyssa> if it does, it tells us we're close
<alyssa> if it doesn't, no amount of kernel pokes will fix that
<Glanzmann> alyssa: I just tried your build artificats, same result, but that was expected.
<Glanzmann> alyssa: The kernel does _not_ crash. I just assumed it does, but the machine got an ip and I was able to login via ssh:
<Glanzmann> But my eizo turns the screen off.
<alyssa> Yeah, figures.
<alyssa> Just something screwy with DCP
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<alyssa> we'll figure this out :-)
<alyssa> dmesg looks just like mine
<Glanzmann> I have two more monitors, but not the right cables to hook them up.
<alyssa> ok, should have ready for you to try
<alyssa> Glanzmann: Try pulling alyssarosenzweig/m1n1:dcp-4k-rebase
<alyssa> and then running in proxyclient/experiments
<alyssa> It should spew tons of output (please tee it to a file and upload) and also turn your screen white
<alyssa> and if that doesn't work there should hopefully be indication of why
<Glanzmann> alyssa: Should I only run the and use the prevopus m1n1 with your patch in it?
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<alyssa> only run
<alyssa> m1n1 shouldn't matter a ton(?) but chainload if you want I guess
<Glanzmann> Screen does not turn white.
<alyssa> ...that manages to crash the DCP?
<alyssa> ASSERTION FAILED: malloc.cpp:97..heap != NULL
<alyssa> what in the world?!
<alyssa> wait I can reproduce, what
<alyssa> what
<alyssa> okay for me it works on the old m1n1 I have burned in, but not a recent chainloaded m1n1
<alyssa> this seems like a """fun""" bisection
<Glanzmann> I chainloaded yours.
<alyssa> yeah I see that
<Glanzmann> I retry with the one from the installer.
<alyssa> but like actually what the F
<Glanzmann> alyssa: With the one from the installer, it works. Screen turned white. Output here:
<alyssa> I'm nervous that means we have two bugs to deal with then
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<alyssa> Glanzmann: Anyway, uh presing on then..
<alyssa> let's see if mode sets in will work for you (this is where Linux is likely getting clobbered)
<alyssa> 135Hz refresh rate?
<alyssa> no wait 60Hz sorry
<Glanzmann> Yes, I googled it up, 60 HZ.
<alyssa> yeah I was just misreading the log, my bad
<alyssa> that "should" put your monitor in 4K and then white screen as before
<alyssa> I have a sinking suspicion it won't work because if it does, why wouldn't Linux?
<Glanzmann> The monitor is not 4k.
<Glanzmann> it is: 2560x1440
<alyssa> ........Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<alyssa> It's advertising a whole bunch of 3840x2160 modes?
<Glanzmann> But I have one 4k screen. The TV in the living room, should I use it?
<alyssa> I would really like to know why a non-4K monitor would advertise 4K modes
<alyssa> (I am curious what the outcome of that patch is regardless)
<Glanzmann> alyssa: If you want I can run the experiment, maybe it does some sort of scaling, I can also hook it up to an intel nuc and send you the output of xrandr -q
<Glanzmann> I'll run it. I run it with the non chainloaded m1n1.
<alyssa> IsVirtual = True on that one,. Delightful. Uh.
<alyssa> Okay starting to get a sense of the particular nonsense we're up against.
<Glanzmann> No signal. output here:
<alyssa> The latter patch will try to set 2560x1440 then.
<alyssa> assuming I didn't typo, I'm pulling the magic numbers out of the log
<alyssa> I am .. cautiously optimistic about this
<Glanzmann> alyssa: This also gets me blank screen. Output here:
<alyssa> so why is the DCP crashing on us
<alyssa> I mean I can reproduce but
<alyssa> welcome to my life :-p
<jn> Dedicated Crash Processor
<alyssa> but this was
<alyssa> this was working
<alyssa> before
<alyssa> jn: sounds right
<alyssa> Oh right I remember what happened here ughhhhhhh
<alyssa> god I need to keep notes on all the ways I've crashed the DCP
<alyssa> Glanzmann: On one hand I'm sorry we're still dealing with this. OTOH welcome to my world ;)
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<Glanzmann> hrhr, I'm looking forward to a framebuffer. :-)
<alyssa> ok fixed
<alyssa> Glanzmann: grab the latest dcp-4k-rebase, it has a fix for 11.x
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<alyssa> and then your modesets should work
<alyssa> and if we're lucky, the 2560x1440 one works but the 3840x2160 one does not
<Glanzmann> Should I try with the mode patch or without?
<alyssa> with
<alyssa> it's a fix for mode setting with 11.x
<Glanzmann> It turned white.
<alyssa> Good!
<alyssa> wait was that with mode.txt or mode-2560.txt?
<alyssa> (I mean . Try both .)
<Glanzmann> This was out of the box with no patch applied.
<alyssa> ^^
<alyssa> (If the original mode.txt patch doesn't work, but mode-2560.txt does work --- both with the latest rt bandwidth fix commit --- I have a Linux patch to make things work for you)
<Glanzmann> So I tried without the patch (just a git pull [reverted the mode changes before the pull]).
<Glanzmann> I'll now try both mode patches and send you the output.
<alyssa> Hmmm?
<alyssa> "debug backport" you need regardless, or mode sets will break no matter what on 11.x
<alyssa> I am hopeful that "debug backport" + mode.txt is broken, but "debug backport" + mode-2560.txt is working
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<Glanzmann> mode.txt patch (4k) - no signal output here:
<Glanzmann> Okay that is strange
<alyssa> hm?
<Glanzmann> the mod-2560 works, give me a white screen but not the whole screen is occupied.
<alyssa> Yes, that's expected
<alyssa> not a bug im just lazy
<Glanzmann> Okay.
<alyssa> and uhhh that is exactly what I'm hoping for soo
<alyssa> I just pushed a commit to mu-one/linux:many-hacks
<alyssa> "drm/apple: Skip virtual modes"
<alyssa> There is a high probability if you cherry-pick that, you'll get DCP working again
<alyssa> (Using the behaviours you reported in m1n1 as reference)
<alyssa> (reenable CONFIG_DRM_APPLE if you're building your own, of course)
<Glanzmann> Which m1n1 should I use?
<alyssa> latest + "hack enable ANS" one line patch
<alyssa> (i.e. whatever m1n1 you used to boot linux earlier)
<Glanzmann> k.
<alyssa> ("hack enable ANS" will go away SoonTM)
<Glanzmann> alyssa: It works.
<Glanzmann> I saw the mode change.
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<alyssa> 🎉!!!!!!
<alyssa> Enjoy your desktop and thanks for flying Asahi :-p
<Glanzmann> X works.
<alyssa> (And thank you for the meticulous debug. This is the sort of thing that is hard for me to do alone because I have ... 1 .. monitor)
<alyssa> Oh, also, does hotplug work?
<Glanzmann> What should I hotplug and into what?
<Glanzmann> But something is strange. See 'screenshot'.
<Glanzmann> never mind, xrandr works.
<alyssa> "What should I hotplug and into what?" just, like, if you unplug the HDMI and replug, does it come back up?
<alyssa> (and if you don't have HDMI plugged in when you boot m1n1 + Linux, but after booting Linux you plug in HDMI, does it come up?)
<alyssa> (Both tasks AFAIK require DCP to do right)
<Glanzmann> No, that doesn't work. After pulling and plugging, it goes into 'no signal'.
<alyssa> ugh
<alyssa> works for me... I wonder what we have broken there then.
<Glanzmann> What is also strange it came up in the wrong mode 1600x1200 but than I did a xrandr.
<alyssa> Yeah I noticed that with i3 as well
<alyssa> but GNOME (X11) comes up in 4K so 🤷
<alyssa> Xorg does what Xorg does.
<Glanzmann> But good news for you, when I login via ssh and run xrandr to change the resolution, the picture comes back.
<alyssa> ok, curious
<alyssa> how this works for me is:
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<alyssa> I plug in HDMI cable ---> DCP gives a hotplug event ---> Linux calls the hotplugged callback --> Linux does a mode set to reinitialize
<Glanzmann> I see.
<alyssa> I guess the next step is sprinkling in printks to find out which arrow is broken for you
<alyssa> should help narrow down the bug
<Glanzmann> Okay. I'll rebuild the kernel now
<alyssa> thanks
<alyssa> (that's just prints but hopefully dmesg of you plugging in an HDMI cable and it not working will be indicative of which arrow is bugged)
<Glanzmann> alyssa: Needs x to run in order to do that?
<Glanzmann> Or should I just pull the cable and replug on the console?
<Glanzmann> I assume it does not matter because x is using the framebuffer?
<alyssa> Does not matter
<Glanzmann> Okay.
<Glanzmann> Now something strange happened. I booted up and tryed to start x, and than the console went 'no signal'. put ssh is still possible.
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<Glanzmann> I reboot and try the hotplugging.
* alyssa is confused
<alyssa> [ 170.532] (EE) 0: /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg (OsLookupColor+0x188) [0xaaab28f5f178]
<alyssa> that's an "Xorg process crashed and we don't know why without symbols"
<Glanzmann> I see. Btw. I jsut tried the hotplug without x, and it worked ...
<alyssa> k, that's normal then
<alyssa> so it's just hotplugging in X that's bugged?
<Glanzmann> It seems so, but I had X running only once.
<Glanzmann> I log in as user.
<Glanzmann> run 'startx'
<alyssa> (It works for me at least on X11 gnome)
<Glanzmann> I have fvwm2 as winodw manager.
<Glanzmann> When it worked, it took a very long time to run X.
<alyssa> oh, I can reproduce buggy hotplug with i3
<Glanzmann> perfect.
<alyssa> regardless, it sounds like you have my setup replicated then :-)
<alyssa> which I mean. you tell me if it's good enough for your use case but hey
<alyssa> hopefully the hoops required will go way down over time ;)
<Glanzmann> alyssa: Yes, I have a desktop that works.
<alyssa> Woohoo!
<alyssa> I seem more excited than you 😜
<Glanzmann> Also the m1 is fast enough to play 4k videos in CPU. ;-)
<alyssa> Yep lol
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<Glanzmann> alyssa: Do you use it already as your primary desktop?
<alyssa> uhm
<Glanzmann> I probably need to get a usb hub in order to have sound.
<alyssa> It's my workstation
<kettenis> alyssa: so you can do your homework instead of working on 3D acceleration ;)
<j_ey> Glanzmann: did you run the powerstates script?
<alyssa> kettenis: giggle
<Glanzmann> j_ey: Yes, I did.
<j_ey> Glanzmann: cool, I think alyssa even said without that, 4k worked
<alyssa> j_ey: speaking of how far did marcan get with the stream?
<Glanzmann> I'm using this at the moment:
<j_ey> so the first has a binding, so I guess that is the closest to be sent out, the other 2 drivers need bindings still
<Glanzmann> alyssa: Thanks a lot for all the work you put in. I'll use it for a few days and report back how it went. Also what do you do about Audio? USB Headset or usb sound card?
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<alyssa> CONFIG_DRM_PANFROST=n oh lol sorry about that
<alyssa> that was from "I needed to build test something at work and didn't feel like pulling down another kernel tree"
<alyssa> I have a "3.5mm to USB type-C" adapter originally made for some Nexus phone
<Glanzmann> alyssa: I removed these lines, this was just me trying to get the framebuffer to work ...
<Glanzmann> alyssa: Oh I have lying something like is around, maybe I try it.
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<Glanzmann> alyssa: Are the usb-c Ports in the mac already working, I thought they're still work in progress?
<alyssa> they should work fine on that kernel (thanks sven!), albeit usb-2 only
<alyssa> no usb-3 (hey sven!) or thunderbolt or displayport or type-c video yet
<alyssa> the type-a ports are usb-3
<alyssa> $ gzip arch/arm64/boot/Image
<alyssa> should be unnecessary no?
<alyssa> linux builds arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz for me
<Glanzmann> alyssa: Some howto said, m1n1 needs a compressed Image, so I went with that.
<Glanzmann> Let me check.
<j_ey> Glanzmann: make ... Image.gz
<Glanzmann> oIC.UI see.
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<FireFox317> Glanzmann, did you manage to fix the issue where asahi doesnt show up in the bootpicker when running the install script? I have the same issue
<FireFox317> like somehow the generated disk image is not recognized as a valid startup disk. I'm on MacOS 11.6 and trying to install version 11.4
<Glanzmann> firefox317: No, I tried three times, always without luck.
<Glanzmann> I'm on 11.5.2.
<Glanzmann> I have the 500 GB SSD in this one.
<FireFox317> Glanzmann, but you did manage to install it on the m1 mini right?
<Glanzmann> I have another similiar device that I have not tinkered with (the macbook of my wife), maybe I'll try it with this one tomorrow.
<Glanzmann> firefox317: Yes, here is a rough write up Alyssa did all the work, I just reproduced what she did.
<Glanzmann> firefox317: This is a usable debian desktop. I'll use it the next few days.
<FireFox317> so, somewhere there is a bug that causes the installer to fail on the macbook air, and apparantly the installer does work on the mini
<FireFox317> strange
<FireFox317> Glanzmann, do you remember what macos version you were using on the mini?
<Glanzmann> Yes, so it seems. On the mini I have the newest stable release. So 11.6.
<Glanzmann> I wiped it yesterday, reinstalled and applied all updates.
<FireFox317> Glanzmann, ah okay thanks. I'm gonna investigate a bit
<Glanzmann> If you find something, let me know.
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<FireFox317> hmm so somehow the first time I ran the script it did not properly reload the 'Startup Disk' program and thus the Linux partition did not show up. I rebooted the system and now it shows up
<FireFox317> But it then doesn't actually change the startup disk when i click on the linux logo, and I have to go back to the main screen of the settings app at which point it then ask to authenticate again.
<FireFox317> Then changing the startup disk actually changes the value in the nvram and then the skip exists the busy loop
<FireFox317> okay great, and then m1n1 is succesfully installed!
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