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<airlied> Kayden, dj-death : oh you've got a bit of a problem with llvm17 and intel-clc, going to write up an issue for spirv-llvm-translator, but not sure how best to move it forward
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<airlied> filed 9791, 9792 and a spirv-llvm-translator
<airlied> karolherbst, jenatali : if you use spirv-link we might see fallout like this in other places
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<kode54> Will be a while before that hits arch, somehow
<kode54> They just updated to llvm16 less than a month ago
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<Kayden> airlied: thanks for the heads up
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<tzimmermann> javierm, i resubmitted the boot-up logo series and rearranged some of the patches according to your suggestion. do you want to take another look or can i merge it?
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<kode54> airlied: dk-death gitlab profile says “Offline until September 25”
<kode54> dj
<kode54> I swear I typed it right, stupid autocarrot
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<javierm> tzimmermann: sure, go ahead
<MrCooper> kode54: stupid autocarrot indeed :)
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<MrCooper> better stick to manual carrots
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<tzimmermann> thanks, javierm
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<karolherbst> airlied: thanks for looking into llvm-17
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<karolherbst> but yeah.... that event stuff will be annoying
<karolherbst> or other opaque pointers to I guess
<karolherbst> ehh opaque types
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<tzimmermann> sima, i still found two unmerged patches in drm-misc-next-fixes. i'd like to send a PR for drm-next and then also cherry-pick them into drm-misc-fixes. ok?
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<penguin42> karolherbst: I figured out how to prod llvm with the debug ir's; if you save the chunk starting '; ModuleID..' to the bit ending '!0 =' in a whatever.ll file you can run it through llvm's llc or opt
<penguin42> karolherbst: and if you have a debug build of llvm you can pass llc --debug
<penguin42> now that's just 36k lines of debug output to understand :-)
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<sima> tzimmermann, hm I guess you could also merge them into drm-misc-next-fixes
<sima> if you leave them dangling, then I think dim gets confused and keeps pushing drm-misc-next-fixes to for-linux-next
<sima> so whatever you do, pls make sure drm-misc-next ends up in there
<tzimmermann> sima. the patches are in drm-misc-next-fixes already
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<sima> tzimmermann, oh I mean as an actual merge
<tzimmermann> i want to merge drm-misc-next-fixes into drm-next; even though it's not really open any longer
<tzimmermann> does that work?
<sima> well -next-fixes should have gone into -rc1
<sima> so it should go into drm-fixes?
<sima> otherwise those fixes are held up for an entire merge cycle
<sima> tzimmermann, is there a PR for these 2 patches on dri-devel?
<tzimmermann> not yet
<tzimmermann> i'd then cherry-pick them into drm-misc-fixes
<sima> there's still the issue that if you leave them dangling as unmerged stuff, then dim gets confused
<tzimmermann> the pull request against drm-misc-next is for consistency of the various drm trees.
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<sima> so roughly what we can do is 1. PR for drm-misc-next-fixes 2. I merge that into drm-fixes 3. you base drm-misc-fixes on that
<sima> tzimmermann, I was wrong at first, it shouldn't go into drm-misc-next
<sima> if you want it there, backmerge from drm.git or so
<tzimmermann> yes
<tzimmermann> ok
<sima> also, I just came back from workout, my brain is not entirely online :-)
<tzimmermann> ok, sorry :D
<sima> well just double-check that what I said makes some sense
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<tzimmermann> my question is: should these patches be merged into drm-next, or should they go into drm-fixes. i'd assume the former. but you just said it's the latter
<sima> drm-fixes, they're fixes
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<sima> and also, we need to merge them or dim gets confused
<sima> since it uses "is drm-misc-fixes a strict superset of drm-misc-next-fixes" to decide whether we're inside or outside of the merge window freeze (which starts more at -rc6 for us)
<sima> tzimmermann, it's maybe less confusing if you look at this in terms of releases, the patches in drm-misc-next-fixes were meant for 6.6-rc1, so they should just make it in the next 6.6-rc, not get delayed until 6.7-rc1
<sima> which they would if you stuff them into drm-(misc-)next
<tzimmermann> sima, ok, thanks. makes sense
<sima> tzimmermann, if you want to sort this all out you can do the pr and ping me here and I'll land it right away
<tzimmermann> ok
<sima> then either backmerge or fast-forward drm-fixes into drm-misc-fixes to get it all sorted
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<tzimmermann> sima, PR is out
<sima> it's compiling
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<sima> tzimmermann, pushed
<tzimmermann> thank you
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<zmike> anholt_: can you add hakzsam to restricted traces access? or can anyone do it
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<kisak> eric_engestrom / dcbaker: I want to NACK backporting on the basis that it requires an xcbproto bump to 1.16.0 (3 weeks old) for a commit that landed over there ~2 months ago and that's not expressed well in mesa's meson config (or I'm missing something important there.)
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<kisak> that's fine for 23.3.0 and going forward, but the dependency bump doesn't make sense in a backport to me.
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<anholt_> seems clearly like a new feature that wouldn't qualify for backporting to me.
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<zamundaaa[m]> kisak: the version bump was intentionally not added to not annoy people with the new dependency or have to wait ages with merging it. Or is there a way to add a version bump as optional?
<dcbaker> kisak: I'll hold off on that for now
<dcbaker> unless there's a really good reason to backport it
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<anholt_> success! I can now generate .debs from a CI pipeline.
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<kisak> Ah, so the boiler plate of !19125 doesn't match the contents. If it doesn't break the build without the xcbproto bump, then I shouldn't care one way or another.
<zamundaaa[m]> Yeah, the 'requires' is outdated
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<gfxstrand> zmike: rb
<gfxstrand> Also, annoying
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<airlied> karolherbst: okay fixes the event thing in the most llvm compatible way, I didn't really want to backport a bunch of htings from llvm17 to 16