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<mareko> soreau: does this fix the blend issue?
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<kode54> that patch looks incomplete, as it leaves on the conditions that are being false'd out
<mareko> that's the intent
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<soreau> mareko: no sadly, I'm still able to reproduce the bug with that patch
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<jani> I want to make ' -f drivers/gpu/drm/drm_bridge.c' *only* return the drm bridge maintainers, but --pattern-depth 1 already includes drm misc maintainers too. anyone have any idea how to make return the most specific MAINTAINERS entry, and only that?
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<tjaalton> dcbaker: how far are we from having 23.2.0 out? ubuntu 23.10 will release in under four weeks, and it's getting pretty late (again) to get a new mesa in
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<vsyrjala> mlankhorst: tzimmermann: can i get an ack for this ?
<vsyrjala> mripard not around it seems...
<tzimmermann> vsyrjala, go ahead
<vsyrjala> ta
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<karolherbst> daniels: any thoughts on my loader changes to make it possible to load zink per render node?
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<karolherbst> ahhh.. how can I make nir_copy_prop stop creating vec8/16 :'(
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<karolherbst> though maybe I should just split all vec8/16...
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<karolherbst> ehh wait.. this is my fault
<HdkR> karolherbst: Delete all vec8/vec16, they aren't real :)
<karolherbst> uhhhh
<karolherbst> yeah... but... we don't have a proper way of doing that :D
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<cwabbott> markco: your change to add a wrap for lua has the unfortunate effect that even if an older version of lua is there (like 5.3) it'll download and build lua 5.4 which is completely unnecessary
<cwabbott> and for me it promptly fails because I don't have some builddep
<cwabbott> I thought the point is that wraps are supposed to be fallbacks, but that's not what's happening here
<cwabbott> (and it doesn't even properly check for the dependency either, just fails compiling with a missing header)
<cwabbott> dcbaker: ^
<zmike> I have to filter all those patches out of my git repo every time I update since they don't even build for me 🤕
<markco> I'll fix the issue with lua only falling back after checking for all versions
<markco> In general, it seems like wraps are way shoddier than expected, I'm having to fix quite a few things upstream in wrapdb
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<markco> zmike: What issues are you running into? Is it mainly the libarchive issue?
<zmike> it's the conflicting type decls
<markco> In what file?
<zmike> uhhh
<markco> libarchive config.h?
<zmike> yeah
<zmike> that
<markco> Right, currently waiting on a merge in wrapdb to fix that:
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<alyssa> ...since when does mesa depend on lua?
<zmike> I rip van winkled last week and then just now I updated and it was there
<ccr> grep indicates that only freedreno depends on lua
<dcbaker> alyssa: freedreno tests
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<ccr> "y u no Python"
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<dcbaker> cwabbott: the lua thing is super annoying. I think we can at least solve the falling back when it shouldn’t, I’ll write a patch for that. You can add —wrap-mode= to disable wraps altogether. I need to look at why they still get enabled for required false though
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<dcbaker> cwabbott: should fix the case of falling back when 5.3 is installed but 5.4 isn't
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<dcbaker> mareko: I reviewed that MR for you, but I'm not really a committer in the wrapdb, so it'll have to wait for someone to come by make the release
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<markco> Thanks, that's fine. I'll wait for someone to merge it then update it on the Mesa side.
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<robclark> sima (or anyone that knows drm/i915): does intel_context map 1:1 to drm_file?
<sima> robclark, nope
<robclark> what does it map to? I assume everything per drm_file (or pipe_screen) maps to a single gpu virtual address space?
<sima> also no
<robclark> does iris really have to track and allocate a va per pipe_context?
<sima> that's maybe a bit much
<sima> robclark, ok I read up enough that I wont mix up all the structs
<sima> so there's i915_address_space, which you can have any number of and look up through file_priv->vm_xa
<sima> then there's i915_gem_proto_context, which is just an extremely entertaining uapi retcon, you can ignore
<sima> then there's the i915_gem_context, which is the "context" uapi object which ties everything together
<sima> you can find these through file_priv->context_xa
<sima> there's a ctx->vm
<sima> and there's ctx->engines, which eventually point at intel_context, which is the per hw engine actual hardware context
<sima> it's a bit ... organically evolved
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<alyssa> dcbaker: ...yeah, why not Python?
<dcbaker> alyssa:🤣
<alyssa> i mean
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<HdkR> I mean, it's not the worst to integrate and extending it to have custom module imports isn't too terrible...
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<HdkR> And you get the benefit of writing stuff in python instead of Lua, which is a plus :)
<HdkR> (Biased because all my scripts are poorly written python or terribly written bash scripts)
<DavidHeidelberg[m]> I have this "huge" definition moving for CI, tell me what do you think:
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<robclark> alyssa: idk if python has improved since then but at least at the time lua was _far_ easier to integrate into .c app
<robclark> most other scripting langs are designed as a stand alone thing, not something to embed
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<HdkR> Calling a function and passing arguments might be more of a PITA I guess
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<robclark> yeah, I mean what I use it for needs to tie back to rnndec based register/packet decoding
<robclark> lua was an easy and light weight way to achieve that.. it's a pretty nice way to add scripting for extension to an app
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<alyssa> robclark: oh, yeah thats fair
<alyssa> i'd be tempted to invert things and have python call into c since ctypes is straightforward to work with but yeah i see why you went lua
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<robclark> it's more of a bolt on, and I believe completely optional, feature.. although we do have some tests for it so I guess if you want to run all the tests you need lua
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<alyssa> sure
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<Lynne> any way to capture a vk trace from a program that doesn't draw?
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<Company> Lynne: if you figure out a good way, tell me
<Lynne> figured something out, but rgp is useless, just tells me the obvious - my compute dispatch takes years
<Lynne> doesn't tell me why my very riced vullkan algorithm is slower than a naive opencl implementation
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<Company> that's prettymuch always what happens, isn't it?
<Company> somebody invent perf for GPUs - or flamegraphs or so
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<Lynne> gpu crash, should've tested on my other machine...
<Lynne> why do I like the red team so much when they handle crashes like it's 1995?
<psykose> who doesn't
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<Lynne> nvidia
<Lynne> intel
<Lynne> not sure about apple, but probably
<DemiMarie> Does virtio-GPU support cross-VM buffer sharing? I’d like to have VM A run a fullscreen nested Wayland compositor, with VMs B and C rendering through VM A.
<DemiMarie> Qubes OS already supports this with X11 and its bespoke GUI protocol, but that protocol uses software rendering.