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<i509vcb> I'm confused, EGL states the default sync status unsignalled, but piglit allows unsignalled or signalled before a glFinish:
<i509vcb> That specific test behavior seems to be in violation of the spec
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<HdkR> i509vcb: Oh, I think egl sync objects behave like GL fences. So it's a misunderstanding about how they work.
<HdkR> `When a fence sync object is created, eglCreateSync also inserts a fence command into the command stream of the bound client API's current context (i.e., the context returned by eglGetCurrentContext), and associates it with the newly created sync object.`
<HdkR> If the command stream is empty then it is going to immediately signal.
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<HdkR> Reading a bit more of the documentation that seems to be the case. Basically GL fences but tied to egl instead
<i509vcb> Hmm okay, so I guess the semantics I was trying to test are more related to EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR?
<HdkR> Seems to be the case
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<HdkR> One thing about reading the spec of the reusable sync objects is I can't tell if eglSignalSyncKHR inserts the command in to the stream and does the signal once the command stream gets to that point, or if it signals immediately on the client side.
<HdkR> I assume it is server side since it doesn't have client in the name
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<xq> heya o/
<xq> can i create several framebuffers per GEM buffer?
<MrCooper> yes
<xq> thanks! this makes things easy for me :)
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<mivanchev> Hey, author of static-wine32 here. I wonder if someone from the Mesa team would be interested in merging some stuff from my patch I use to compile the project. I know it's mostly my own problem, but I think Mesa can profit from some stuff, especially the redundant prefixing in anv/anv_hasvk
<mivanchev> there are prefxing stuff also in the intel driver
<mivanchev> generally, in the long run, static linking might be something Mesa wants to support because it's just so convenient
<mivanchev> there are also stuff in the meson files like needlessly specifying 'shared_library' vs just 'library' and also name_suffix : 'so'
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<dunnj> hello, I am interested in linux gpu development, is there a guide or tutorial that introduces me on the topic?
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<FLHerne> dunnj: If you're interested in userspace drivers, there's some documentation under 'Developer Topics' on
<dunnj> thanks
<FLHerne> Kernel driver notes here
<FLHerne> I'm sure I've seen something more introductory on someone's blog, but can't remember whose blog :p
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<Company> dunnj: if you find anything good, please tell me
<Company> I'm trying to get more familiar with the code and I'd very much like a good overview doc
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