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<any1> HDMI supports YCbCr subsampling and RGB, but there doesn't seem to be any way to select which format to use other than modifying the EDID or patching here kernel. At least I don't see it. Is there any way to do it?
<any1> the kernel, rather
<any1> Most TVs claim support both RBG and YCbCr for any given mode, but some struggle with RGB at 4K@60, so I'd like to be able to override this to always use YCbCr 4:2:x at 4K@60 when available.
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<any1> Or the cable might be bad, or signal integrity might suffer for whatever reason. I just want things to be reliable regardless.
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<emersion> any1: no, no way sadly
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<any1> emersion: Very sad indeed. I wonder what would be the nicest way to add it. I was thinking of adding a format bitmap to drmModeModeInfo and calling it drmModeModeInfo2 or something.
<any1> Or maybe it can be stuffed into "flags"
<zmike> this is definitely one of the inbox fightbacks of all time.
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<any1> inbox fightback?
<jenatali> zmike: welcome back
<zmike> thx
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<emersion> any1: probably a CRTC prop or something
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<jenatali> any1: reading through the pile of unread emails that accumulates on vacation
<zmike> yeah that
<zmike> jenatali: welcome back to you too
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<jenatali> zmike: thanks
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<any1> Perhaps the simplest way would be to add a property called "preferred_color_format" to influence the driver's choice and something called "actual_color_format" for feedback.
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<any1> pq: It seems you were most active in replying to those patches; do you know why it stalled?
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<robclark> karolherbst: so in the end I needed this:
<robclark> and, well, a couple other things that I need to impl in gallium driver..
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<karolherbst> robclark: ahh yeah...
<karolherbst> maybe I should just link in all drivers, because none are enabled by default anyway
<karolherbst> but maybe it's better to enable them one by one
<karolherbst> robclark: while at it, can you move panfrost above r600? :D
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<robclark> karolherbst: I realized that lumag had a draft MR for rusticl support so I just switched to that.. but now I need to do some real work
<karolherbst> yeah... it always ends up like that :D
<karolherbst> what's missing btw?
<karolherbst> most missing callbacks have default impls you could use
<karolherbst> the only things which might require real work are: 1. variable_shared_mem and 2. decoupling samplers and textures
<karolherbst> ohh.. and vec16 lowering I guess
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<robclark> I think better 8b support.. a proper impl of get_compute_state_info().. and a proper impl of clear_buffer
<karolherbst> I see
<karolherbst> well.. you can always lower 8b, I've done it for v3d: just pick what you need
<karolherbst> you can always do it quick&dirty first to get something working and then work on proper 8/16 bit support
<karolherbst> or extend that quick and dirty depending on what the hardware can do
<karolherbst> there is also some 64 bit stuff you'll need for libclc builtins, which use 64 bit ops for 32 bit operations
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<alyssa> anyone know if KHR-GL42.shader_image_load_store.multiple-uniforms is buggy?
<alyssa> specifically, when testing tess eval shaders, it relies on side effects happening once
<alyssa> that's... doubly wrong
<alyssa> wrong first because there are 6 tessellated vertices out
<alyssa> and wrong second because the spec allows repeated invocations of tess eval shaders IIRC
<alyssa> (I meant the first wrong. The second wrong is broken all over the CTS)
<karolherbst> alyssa: could always open a bug and discuss it there
<karolherbst> or maybe somebody already did
<karolherbst> but I suspect it never came up, because almost no hardware has to deal with this I think
<alyssa> no
<alyssa> er
<alyssa> no?
<zmike> this sounds familiar for some test but I don't remember which one
<karolherbst> alyssa: could have filed it on github
<karolherbst> I think the bug tracker on gitlab is only really useful for those private tests
<zmike> incorrect
<karolherbst> but whatever
<alyssa> maybe?
<alyssa> I get lost in the KHR red tape
<alyssa> If I could PR cts fixes I might actually fix the bugs I find :clown:
<zmike> you can, you just have to type PR as 'gerrit'
<karolherbst> seems like most people file issues/MRs on gitlab, I kinda prefer doing that in the open unless there is a reason not to... oh well 🤷
<karolherbst> alyssa: yeah.. I fixed a bunch myself, just file a PR/MR
<karolherbst> though it seems that stuff usually happens on github :D
<alyssa> karolherbst: no, khr members are supposed to gerrit them instead (-:
<karolherbst> they do?
<karolherbst> I definetly didn't :D
<DavidHeidelberg> Sadly they force it.
<karolherbst> not to my knowledge
<DavidHeidelberg> and so far no-one explained me where their CI fails on my commit when locally the script passes.
<karolherbst> though I only submitted two PRs for the GL stuff, and 4 against the CL CTS
<DavidHeidelberg> If you send PR signed with KHR member email then yes :D
<karolherbst> but uhh, maybe nobody bothered
<karolherbst> DavidHeidelberg: well.. mhhh...
<karolherbst> use another email then :D
<karolherbst> though I used my RH one it seems
<alyssa> karolherbst: I'm registered for khr with my email :clown:
<karolherbst> just open a PR anyway and see what happens
<karolherbst> anyway, most stupid rule ever
<karolherbst> I approve anybody to violate it
<mareko> zmike: welcome back
<zmike> mareko: I see you've been hard at work 💪
<karolherbst> zmike: ohh, I have an annoying bug for you to fix, need it for nvidia on zink :D
<zmike> I didn't see a ticket so it can't be real
<karolherbst> sub allocation is entirely broken in a multi threaded world
<karolherbst> tried to use a buffer for cb0 to fix other issues
<karolherbst> running into that then
<karolherbst> ehhhh wait...
<zmike> ticket.
<karolherbst> zmike: wrong gist anyway :D
<karolherbst> yeah, I'll file a gitlab issue and a branch to trigger it easily from
<karolherbst> the issue is kinda that the sub allocation buffer is still referencing a batch from a destroyed context
<zmike> yeah I see
<zmike> it's annoying to fix but not hard
<mareko> zmike: you might want to check the amdgpu changes here, especially the 2 bullets about BO fence tracking and slabs:
<zmike> I glanced over that a bit earlier but I'd already read your other MR and then had to try to sparse
<zmike> maybe tomorrow
<karolherbst> ohh right, I also need this to land:
<karolherbst> but that's trivial
<karolherbst> that use-after-free is triggered with this:
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<alyssa> what s not clear is how this test possibly passes on other hardware
<karolherbst> luck?
<alyssa> Seemingly
<alyssa> I guess if all the tess evals are running exactly in lockstep it won't race
<alyssa> (effectively barrier'ing in between the loads and stores)
<airlied> zmike: hey welcome back, easy question, was GL CTS passing on zink on master on any driver?
<zmike> airlied: afaik yes
<airlied> I got a bunch of it passing on nvk, but some of the remaining looked more zinky than nvky
<zmike> I think radv and anv both, probably lavapipe
<zmike> nvidia proprietary there's like 10 that failed last time I ran it which seemed to all be nvidia bugs
<zmike> zink/ci in git has all the fail lists that ci uses, so that's probably a good starting place
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<airlied> zmike: I just wondered if there was bunch of zmike patches that hadn't been upstreamed :-P
<ccr> a secret vault full of delicious patches?
<pac85> I think this is relevant to zink passing CTS
* alyssa has one of those
<alyssa> pac85: oh hello :)
<pac85> alyssa: hello :)
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<zmike> airlied: I upstreamed everything of note before I left
<alyssa> glcts: /home/alyssa/VK-GL-CTS/external/openglcts/modules/gles31/es31cArrayOfArraysTests.cpp:927: tcu::TestNode::IterateResult glcts::ArraysOfArrays::TestCaseBase<API>::execute_positive_test(const std::string&, const std::string&, bool, bool) [with API = glcts::ArraysOfArrays::Interface::GL; std::string = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]: Assertion `0 == program_object_id' failed.
<alyssa> ...that's a new one :P
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<DavidHeidelberg> eric_engestrom: hold a second with backporting
<DavidHeidelberg> I have feeling it'll need additional fixes...
* DavidHeidelberg investigates some crashes
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