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<pq> emersion, whoa, did we actually convince people to rename "secure buffers" to "restricted buffers"?
<emersion> pq, yeah, i can't believe it
<pq> just another dozen series left to get the memo I guess
<pq> This made me start to think how a "restricted buffers architecture" could be made usable for everyone and not just the few big companies...
<emersion> yeah, too late for GBM_BO_USE_SECURE or w/e
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<pq> maybe some kind of public/secure key split; anyone could encrypt their own content with the public key, and only the hardware has the private key for decrypting it. Then some handwaving around restriction levels (how much HDCP or whatnot is enough) and how to manage a bajillion different key pairs because people have different devices.
<pq> Then anyone could publish "eyes only" content - as far as the fallacy of "eyes only" is true.
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<karolherbst> how can I run jobs with the correspdoning container locally (and potentially debug them)?
<MrCooper> karolherbst: docs/ci/index.rst "Building locally using CI docker images" might be a start at least
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<karolherbst> MrCooper: you know if there is a simple way to pull the env vars used for the build script?
<MrCooper> those set by the CI configuration YAML, or by the script itself?
<karolherbst> by the CI config yaml
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<karolherbst> mhh, but also "./.gitlab-ci/meson/ line 96: uncollapsed_section_switch: command not found"
<ernstp> Struggling with the amd-gfx mailing list and Gmail... "Your membership in the mailing list amd-gfx has been disabled due to excessive bounces"
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<MrCooper> karolherbst: don't know any way, would seem like a nice feature addition to though
<MrCooper> ernstp: #freedesktop is better for that
<ernstp> thanks
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<airlied> karolherbst: oh I fought that for a while last week and mostly gave up, but definitely learn to use real docker and not podman :-P
<karolherbst> installing real docker on fedora is pain tho
<karolherbst> (and to get it to work)
<MrCooper> I'd expect podman to work fine for this
<karolherbst> sure, but podman is also podman and has its own caveats
<MrCooper> one crude way is to add 'env' to the job script and run it in CI :)
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<mupuf> pq: I guess it would require FPGA-based GPUs to implement that... but honestly, the entire thing is broken anyway so all you need to do is "encrypt the video file" and let the cpu decode it
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<karolherbst> mhhh *sigh*.. the error I try to debug doesn't reproduce locally :)
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<karolherbst> I blame ccache 🙃
<karolherbst> though I think it's not used in that job
<dolphin> airlied, sima: <- looks like for drm-next the number of tests run has regressed big time
<dolphin> So I will send the PR, but will be hard to assess on the quality as the drm-next baseline also looks bleak.
<dolphin> PR sent
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<pq> mupuf, the point of "eyes only" is that the receiver can decrypt and view but not save/copy the decrypted content. For example photographers who need to give out drafts over email but don't want to give out digital pictures, since they sell specifically hardcopies.
<mupuf> oh, right!
<mupuf> now I get your point
<pq> Very much like Digital Rights Management, but available to everyone rather than just the cabal of big companies.
<pq> of course, if you can view, you can also copy, so the whole premise of "eyes only" is false
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<pq> just like one can put a hardcopy photo into a scanner
<tleydxdy> except it's not tho
<tleydxdy> they can just videograph the whole time you are looking at it
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<tleydxdy> all that we have right now is just foreplay to get people comfortable
<javierm> maybe more like "receiver only with the same image quality that was sent"
<tleydxdy> tv with cameras are coming very soon
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<pq> tleydxdy, so what prevets me from pointing a camera at the screen while I am viewing it?
<pq> *prevents
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<tleydxdy> the tv sees you are doing that and stops showing you the pictute?
<pq> the tv doesn't see my camera
<tleydxdy> well then their camera system is crap
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<pq> the camera can be behind a half-mirror in a black box, or look like Mickey Mouse, or...
<ccr> I think "eyes only" can only truly work for situations where both parties ('sender' and 'viewer') explicitly trust each other. for any DRM purposes it is a fallacy. if the content can be viewed, it can be copied - period.
<pq> indeed
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<Company> pq: reddit comments mocking you for not knowing the screenshot tool prevent you from pointing the camera at the screen
<pq> degrading quality during the copy is a thing though
<ccr> of course.
<ccr> and one can try all kinds of stop-gap methods to make it more difficult and slow things down, but alas ..
<Company> if you do it well, Sam Altman won't use it
<sima> dolphin, uh looks like lockdep splat in pci subsystem ...
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<sima> airlied, maybe backmerge?
<sima> airlied, looks like it's 49de0dc87965079a8e2803ee4b39f9d946259423 we need
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<sima> which is only in 6.7 release sadly :-(
<sima> still probably good enough excuse to make sure we can CI before sending the main pr to linus ...
<dolphin> sima: wonder why it would impact only shards?
<sima> dolphin, it's just a part of pci, maybe the others don't have that?
<sima> I've seen the splat also in some bat machines I think, or I mislooked
<sima> pci_bus_sem is the thing to grep for, and then it needs to hit some vmd_ functions and I think it should be a match
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<javierm> pq: yeah, the degrading quality part is why I said that more than "eyes only" is more like "receiver with the quality sent only"
<dolphin> sima: AFAIK, the BAT and shard machines are not that different, maybe different Kconfig?
<sima> dolphin, tbh not sure ...
<dolphin> CI folks confirmed it's the same, so it just happens to not be touched by BAT, but most of the shard tests fail
<dolphin> so each shard seems to hit it quite early
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<sima> pq, emersion daniels what do you think of output properties in atomic ioctl?
<pq> sima, what are output properties?
<emersion> OUT_FENCE_PTR?
<sima> probably a new type, read-only, and you give atomic a list of these that are read back and stored into the userspace array after atomic_check has finished
<sima> emersion, yeah but a lot more generic
<emersion> what's the use-case?
<sima> so we could give error reasons, hints, computed stuff like the output format and all that
<sima> just randomly cross my mind rn
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<mupuf> sima: sounds useful for libliftoff
<sima> so instead of the rather magic OUT_FENCE_PTR trickery it would be a lot more like normal properties
<pq> javierm, HDR WCG displays probably do enough of quality degradation by simply displaying the picture alone. You'd need expensive camera to properly capture it, and even the picture has already been mangled for the display's panel, which would be less than optimal for any other panel.
<emersion> that sounds useful, sima
<sima> plus that added output-prop list in the atomic ioctl so you can get at them with TEST_ONLY
<emersion> yeah
<emersion> getting info out of the kernel via TEST_ONLY is important
<javierm> pq: indeed
<emersion> so user-space provides a list of output props it wants to query?
<sima> kinda came up with this because trying to smash the current IMMUTABLE props we have for connector stuff like edid into the atomic framework needs some work anyway, and might as well do it properly ...
<pq> sima, sounds really cool.
<emersion> and the kernel fills that?
<sima> emersion, yeah
<sima> and since we make it a new property flag we could give it some clear read-only semantics and maybe some high level sanity checks on the implementation side
<sima> instead of continuing to abuse IMMUTABLE
<emersion> the thing i'm worried a bit about is in case the output value needs memory
<emersion> user-space would need to allocate before-hand
<sima> emersion, blob property
<emersion> but might not know how much to allocate before-hand
<emersion> hm, right
<emersion> so kernel memory
<sima> it gets a bit tricky though to make sure we don't leak them like a sieve
<sima> like if we assing a blob prop id then it'll stay around until userspace nuked it
<emersion> what is user-space's signal for "i'm done with it"?
<sima> so if userspace doesn't know about a new blob output prop it might leak
<emersion> user-space should only request props it understands
<sima> hm
<sima> we could do a weak reference trick
<sima> since the kernel keeps stuff alive that's still referenced in the current state
<emersion> ie, not request a prop which creates a blob and then not destroy it
<sima> including keeping the blob prop id reserved
<sima> so we could just put the blob in there like that
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<sima> and as soon as a new blob is put into the output blob prop, the old one gets garbage collected
<sima> hm
<sima> no
<sima> doesn't work for TEST_ONLY, it gets garbage collected before the ioctl finishes :-/
<pq> definitely "user-space should only request props it understands"
<sima> emersion, I guess the rule would be a bit tricky, like we make it a weakly referenced blob
<sima> but if userspace asks for it explicitly as an output prop in an atomic commit
<sima> we upgrade it to a blob prop as if it has been created by userspace with DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CREATEPROPBLOB
<sima> including all the lifetime and possible cgroups account rules
<emersion> that sounds reasonable
<sima> pq, yeah, but need some rules that work for this ...
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<sima> and if it's not requested as an output prop it's just like the boot-up state (for drivers with fastboot, e.g. i915 does create a mode blob this way)
<sima> weak reference that's gone as soon as that state is gone
<pq> sima, sound like you are thinking of kernel internals here - they confusee me. Why would a weak blob be created if userspace didn't ask for it.
<emersion> yeah, kernel internals
<sima> pq, mostly to keep the api consistent, since these things would work exactly like a prop
<pq> UAPI?
<sima> i.e. you could do atomic commit ioctl and then get prop ioctl, which seems to be the use-case for the actual_output_format one (or whatever it was called)
<emersion> to me the easiest kernel API would not be blobs internally
<sima> yeah from userspace
<pq> umm...
<emersion> like, it would be the blob contents struct instead
<sima> emersion, it's a pretty simple way to get a pile of data to userspace
<emersion> and then core DRM creates a user-space blob at the end of the commit if requested
<sima> otherwise you get the entire 1. query size 2. allocate buffer 3. do the ioctl again dance
<emersion> but drivers never deal with blobs directly
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<sima> emersion, oh yeah that'd be definitely how the internals would work
<emersion> ah, then i don't understand the weak ref part
<pq> oh, I didn't understand you wanted to use get_prop ioctl for these!
<sima> I'm just talking uapi here
<emersion> hm, get_prop?
<sima> pq, it sounded like that's the plan for these hdmi output props ...
<sima> might be that in the end we'll only ever use output prop list in the atomic ioctl together with test_only
<pq> I thought you wanted to add a new pair of arrays to atomic commit ioctl, one array lists the output props to return and the other kernel writes the results into.
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<sima> pq, well that part is just to make it useful together with TEST_ONLY
<emersion> my understanding would be that user-space passes a {prop_id, value} array to the kernel
<sima> since the kernel otherwise entirely tosses that state and there's no way for you to get at it
<pq> but why need get_prop ioctl support at all?
<emersion> and then the kernel writes the values
<emersion> without having to get_prop
<sima> pq, it's zero code because it's all the same already on the kernel
<sima> disallowing it would require code :-)
<pq> sima, it cannot be zero code, if you have invent weak block refs or whatnot.
<pq> *blob
<emersion> (brb dealing with a ddos)
<sima> pq, that's only complications in the atomic ioctl, and the added code would be for _strong_ refernces so the blob survives a TEST_ONLY atomic ioctl
<pq> get_prop could just always fail on output props, or return always zero, or...
<sima> the weak blob prop thing is already in use as I mentioned for fastboot state in i915
<sima> also I think GETFB does a weak bo ref, same idea
<pq> well, if you want to make get_prop ioctl work, okay.
<sima> pq, weak referenced blob is essentially what you get if a) current atomic state refernces the blob and b) userspace called DESTROYBLOB
<pq> but if atomic commit ioctl already contains the array where the kernel returns uint64_t results of the output prop queries, then I don't know why anyone would want to get_prop on output props.
<sima> this is because people really don't like the RMFB semantics and much prefere CLOSEFB
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<sima> pq, yeah maybe no one
<sima> aside from that seems to have been the plan for the hdmi output format props
<sima> since they're set in commit, not in the ioctl, they're only guaranteed to be set when the drm event for that commit has come through
<sima> for nonblocking
<sima> so it's always a get_prop for that design
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<pq> oh
<sima> but if we add output prop list to atomic ioctl, that's probably redundant
<sima> (I don't like that design for a bunch of reasons, which is why I pondered what this should look like really)
<sima> pq, other reason is that we could do it more incrementally
<sima> 1. add output props, use them with get_prop ioctl
<sima> 2. add more fancy output props that only make sense for TEST_ONLY, add the atomic ioctl complications
<sima> incremental design and all that
<sima> plus like I said, it's zero additional code to make it work compared to directly going atomic with output prop list
<pq> except all the userspace code that needs to be written
<pq> sound more complicated to me, but also not wrong
<sima> we have very disjoint compositor space, so might not actually be real overlap there
<sima> but yeah if userspace wants to go directly all the way, that's a good reason
<pq> how could userspace not?
<sima> well for props that only make sense to drive TEST_ONLY decisions, then yeah it has to
<pq> userspace has to add the code to understand new props anyway
<sima> I didn't look at what exactly userspace wants to do with the hdmi output format prop, but current code has no support for TEST_ONLY so seems not needed
<pq> is the HDMI output format prop about RGB vs. 4:2:0 vs. 4:4:4 on the cable?
<sima> yeah
<pq> I guess the best use of that is to make sure you force it to remain the same when a compositor is taking over and wants a flicker-free boot, while having the option to force otherwise.
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<pq> Some people need to force things that drivers currently pick automatically. For backward compat a KMS prop to set that needs to have an "auto" value. But when it's "auto", you still want to know what the driver actually picked...
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<pq> that if you are fine with "auto", you can tell the end user what they got, or if you want to enforce a value, you know what value is there already to avoid a modeset flicker.
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<pq> sima, if the atomic commit ioctl contains both output prop array and the return value array, it should also work when the commit lists no other props at all, used purely for reading output props.
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<sima> pq, yeah it'd also be a get_mutliple_prop ioctl I guess
<pq> in TEST_ONLY mode at least
<sima> pq, probably need to decide whether you're allowed to have objects in your output prop list that weren't in the input prop list
<pq> oh?
<sima> well if not we need to write a new impl because currently atomic duplicates states and would then read out the values from the duplicated states
<sima> whereas get_prop ioctl reads the value directly from the current state
<pq> That would forbid the purely reading case.
<sima> so if we allow arbitrary output prop it needs a bunch more code
<sima> not much, but it's not zero
<pq> I think saving in implementation line counts is much less important than a clear UAPI. :-)
<sima> pq, oh sure, just saying you don't get it for free, so needs actual usecase and tests and all that
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<pq> I never assumed any of that could happen without full-blows test and usersapce effort.
<sima> pq, I mean the incremental addition of using TEST_ONLY + output prop list as a fancy get_prop ioctl
<pq> adding a single output prop to be used with *any* UAPI needs the full test and userspace effort, right?
<sima> yeah
<sima> I thought you want to use this for state readout on compositor switch for existing props though?
<pq> I didn't think of that.
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<sima> ah I guess I misunderstood what you meant with taking over and flicker free boot
<pq> that was specific to the HDMI color format prop
<any1> This is only mildly relevant to the current discussion, but do you guys have any thoughts on this?
<pq> sima, but now that you mentioned, if the same call can be used to read out everything, that would be cool. OTOH, being a new feature, userspace cannot lose the old code for quite some time.
<sima> any1, it's pretty much directly relevant since output props is the generic way for drivers to tell userspace about all kinds of things
<sima> any1, meaning this idea was motivated by pondering your patches
<any1> Well, they're really Werner's patches. I just rebased them and fixed the i915 implementation. :)
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<pq> any1, I think the best way to deal with the combinatorial explosion with format/mode/bpc props is to avoid having to generate all combinations. I guess most of them can have a "auto" setting, also in UI, and then separate show what you would get.
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<pq> what you would get would be queried from the driver
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<pq> then if people want to force some aspects to specific values, they can change "auto" to something else in the UI, and see how the driver responds.
<any1> pq: That sounds like the current approach.
<pq> when the user opens a drop-down of possible values for one prop, the UI could probe the driver for all those values in order to tell the user which ones are possible with the currently selected values for all the other props
<sima> yeah for gui interfaces the current test_only should be enough since users can't change more than one value at once
<sima> so there's no combinatorial explosion to test
<pq> any1, I have a hard time imagining anything else, given the fully exploded list of all driver-possible combinations would still be too long.
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<sima> the trouble is with compositors where you don't have a human who can just play around with stuff to get an intuitive feel for constraints
<pq> If the end user is fiddling with these, they know which prop is most important to them, and can fix that first, and see what's left with the others.
<sima> yeah
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<sima> also with gui there's no "must draw next frame in 5ms" constraint
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<pq> Well, a compositor is not very different: a compositor has its own policy of which prop is most important to maximize first, then pick what's left of the rest.
<pq> This is only needed on mode switch, too, so performance is not *that* critical.
<sima> pq, well I meant for the more general kms config problem, picking the right plane config for a given scene is rather hard
<javierm> sima: for compositors that don't have an human to play around, that will mostly be embedded / vertial integrated products where the constraints will be mostly fixed I guess?
<any1> I was just thinking that since color format is a per-mode capability, it might be good idea to send it with the mode info.
<sima> any1, shared output clocks can break your assumption
<sima> so you still cannot rely that if an output format is in the mode_info that it's guaranteed to work
<sima> only that there is _a_ possible kms config where it's possible
<any1> sima: But at least you know up front what's _not_ going to work.
<pq> javierm, and all the usual desktop compositors too, because most people do not want fiddle with trivialities.
<javierm> pq: right
<javierm> hence your comment on 'auto'
<sima> any1, doesn't help you in your gui selection box, because you still need to TEST_ONLY verify against the current config
<sima> unless you want to piss of userspace by showing stuff that doesn't work in the drop-down list
<pq> well, "auto" is good for most end users too, but it's also needed for UAPI backward compat as the default value for the prop.
<sima> *piss off users
<sima> any1, so you need TEST_ONLY anyway, and at that point you don't really need the flags in mode_info since it's purely redundant info
<any1> That's a fair point
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<sima> any1, now where current atomic test_only breaks apart is if you want to change a lot of props and then figure out what's possible
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<sima> that's where the output prop list idea comes in, so you can ask the kernel what a good value would be for an entirely different config
<sima> but incremental changes in gui should be fully covered as a use-case
<pq> sima, I didn't realize you wanted to tackle that biggere problem as well.
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<sima> pq, well we've been talking about it since forever and been pondering what could error/hints for TEST_ONLY failures look like since years ...
<pq> sure, but I failed to connect that to output props properly.
<pq> I see the mechanism working, but defining the actual output props to help with it seems difficult.
<sima> pq, fully agreed
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<sima> but maybe starting with a smaller problem might get this going
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<pq> for failure feedback, I wonder if there should be a kernel-writable array matching the KMS props that are being changed, in order to return hints which props were disliked and maybe even why.
<sima> pq, but I think it might help with a lot of the detail issues, like if the hw needs a tiny bit of rounding in plane coordinates, or a bit of fiddling with gamma ramps and all these might be doable in failure simple and well-contained output props
<sima> pq, yeah that's where the discussion usually landed, but I feel like that's too big
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<sima> so maybe adding incremental output props for more specific issues is a more tractable approach to get somewhere
<pq> it feels really difficult to define output props for failure conditions, especially if userspace needs to explicitly ask for each output prop to be returned.
<agd5f> robclark, Do you know anyone on the gmail team? Can you figure out why gmail seems get so many bounces? Lately I get unsubscribed once or twice a week from freedesktop MLs due to excessive bounces and as the amd-gfx admin, I get get tons of emails that list members with gmail addresses are also getting disabled due to excessive bounces.
<agd5f> only seems to affect gmail
<sima> agd5f, maybe #freedesktop?
<sima> pq, could also be more meaningful, e.g. there's often constraints between features
<agd5f> sima, I asked there yesterday, they checked the logs and it seems gmail no longer plays nicely with mailing lists
<sima> like where a given format is incompatible with rotation, and changing either would help
<sima> agd5f, ugh :-(
<zamundaaa[m]> pq: whether or not a property is "at fault" for the commit failing sounds a bit difficult to define too. If it needs too much bandwidth, it would have to complain about most plane properties for example
<sima> zamundaaa[m], yeah there might also be rather general "oversubscribed on planes, use less" issues
<pq> zamundaaa[m], yes, bandwidth is like that.
<sima> or "oversubscribed on memory bw"
<sima> I think some of them are well defined enough that compositors can then do meaningful stuff with it
<pq> I guess we should ask: what kind of feeedback would let userspace do better, rather than what actually went wrong.
<sima> pq, yeah
<MrCooper> agd5f: #freedesktop is still better to discuss that, the relevant people are unlikely to notice it here
<agd5f> sima, I'm guessing gmail is lowering sender reputations due to too many recipients or something like that. Maybe this is the end of mailing lists
<sima> like for pure memory bw it's pretty easy for userspace to figure out how to cut it
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<MrCooper> the end of using gmail for mailing lists, maybe
<agd5f> like the email lists get really low sending domains because it's assumed that mailing lists are spam
<agd5f> *low reputations
<sima> any1, can you pls summarize the discussion/conclusion here on-list?
<any1> sima: I think you're probably in a better position to summarise than I am, since you have a full understanding of it. :)
<sima> any1, uh I just jumped over that thread because "explained it on irc" :-)
<any1> This is my first foray into the DRM subsystem.
<javierm> any1: IME re-reading these kind of IRC discussiones and trying to come with a summary is a very good learning experience :) It's OK if there are misunderstandings in your summary since Sima and others can chime in
<javierm> *discussions
<sima> any1, if you want you can pastebin the draft here for quick review
<any1> sima: When you say "So I think the better approach would be to put the output type into drm_connector_state", by "output type" do you mean the "active color format"?
<sima> any1, yeah
<sima> any1, but that's the big fancy output prop idea (at least a first step towards that), I thought the irc conclusion here was that TEST_ONLY should be good enough for gui config tool usecase?
<sima> airlied, ah just seen your drm-next PR, I guess that makes the backmerge obsolete
<any1> sima: Ahh, ok, so we're back to dropping "active output format" entirely?
<pq> sima, TEST_ONLY that can answer "what would the driver have picked for this prop that I set to auto?", then yes.
<sima> any1, yeah it sounds like you don't really need it?
<any1> Well, except some people have pointed out that the user might want to know what was picked if they selected "auto"
<pq> there are two separate use cases here
<pq> people playing with setting UI would like to know what "auto" would result in, but that's just nice to have
<pq> the other use case is the flicker-free boot into known configuration I mentioned
<pq> the former need TEST_ONLY feedback, the latter is happy with the old get_prop is there if a prop that tells us
<pq> *if there is
<any1> It's currently possible to continue with the previously set property?
<pq> sure
<pq> The precedent for the flicker-free boot is "max_bpc" prop which is actually a little different than what was discussed here. It has no "auto" setting, but it still acts as a limiter.
<pq> so the actual bpc picked can be lower
<any1> Cool. Then we don't need "active color format". :)
<pq> drivers may initialize with different values for max_bpc, so userspace needs to read it before programming it
<pq> well, people still want to know what the driver actually chose
<pq> some people
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<any1> Those people can get an HDMI analyzer for $500. :D
<pq> the problem with "auto" is that any mode set could make the driver decide differently, so if you want to keep your format, you cannot rely on "auto"
<any1> hmm, yes
<any1> I'll try to write a summary some time today.
<zamundaaa[m]> The UX problem with "auto" is really that if the user has a problem with their screen, they first have to trial and error the other options because they don't know what's currently beinh used
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<zamundaaa[m]> We have the same problem with broadcast rgb and we have one or two bug reports about that
<zamundaaa[m]> But waiting with fixing that until we have output properties for commits, and then adding an output property that says what the driver would recommend / choose with "auto" would probably be okay. As long as we actually get that eventually
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<robclark> agd5f: sorry I don't.. and it's a pain, it's happening to me too
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<any1> Was there a conclusion regarding resource management for output property blobs?
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<gpiccoli> Hi folks, this could be an old question..but here it goes (apologies if obvious): why efifb doesn't work after S3/deep sleep? It seems to be restored fine after s2idle, though during s2idle the screen is effectively "powered-up", I can see its backlight on...
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<gpiccoli> On S3 it power-offs fine, screen is disabled, but never comes back. Would the display need to be reprogrammed (like it is on boot time by the UEFI GOP) after S3 ?
<sima> any1, thanks a lot, lgtm
<sima> any1, I guess the part that's missing is that for gui config selectors current TEST_ONLY should be enough and we don't need any of these more fancy things we discussed
<sima> that was really the main reason why I asked you to summarize since that's the question you jumped into the discussion with
<sima> tzimmermann, we generally don't take -next pulls during the merge window, only -next-fixes for the current one ...
<tzimmermann> sima, oh sorry
<tzimmermann> sima, maybe just wait until -rc1
<tzimmermann> i promise to do better
<sima> tzimmermann, no worries, just wanted to tell you if you'll wonder why it's not landing
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<sima> the "-next never closes" is kinda more for committers' benefit, to avoid them pushing new features into the merge window
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<agd5f> gpiccoli, on S3, the GPU usually loses power. on s2idle, it generally just gets put into a low power state
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<gpiccoli> Hi agd5f , thanks - indeed that makes sense. But I thought efifb was basically a memory region set/mapped, different from the full gpu works ...
<gpiccoli> so, even this in this simple mode, we'd require reprogramming?
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<javierm> gpiccoli: but same could be for the display controller or any needed clocks, regulators, etc
<agd5f> gpiccoli, sure, but the GPU points to it and you need to program the display hardware to actually scan it out
<gpiccoli> oh yeah, I just had a wishful thinking here..that for a simple fb that would be simpler haha
<gpiccoli> this was due to my narrow understanding of how GPUs work..certainly! Thanks a bunch javierm and agd5f for the clarification
<gpiccoli> The good point: amdgpu_fb works fine after S3, so amdgpu reprograms not a biggie not having efifb [I'm testing something with amdgp blacklisted, that's the full context heh]
<agd5f> I doubt S0i3 works fully without the GPU driver loaded. I don't think the firmware will enter the lowest power state without the driver driver setting up a bunch of power features
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<gpiccoli> interesting...
<gpiccoli> it apparently works, but I'm not measuring power ... so it maybe be suboptimal despite appearing to work heh
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<karolherbst> agd5f: well.. core pci can runtime suspend GPUs just fine (mostly)
<karolherbst> it's just not enabled by default
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<agd5f> karolherbst, depends on the device
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<karolherbst> yeah, fair
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<jenatali> Is it expected to get a Gallium resource_copy_region call where the source and dest have wildly different formats?
<zmike> there's a util function for determining copy_region compatibility
<zmike> I'd read that
<jenatali> That I'm supposed to call within the driver? Or that mesa/st should call?
<zmike> in the driver
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<zmike> you would e.g., call this at the top of blit() and then just call copy_region instead of blit if compatible
<jenatali> Right, I'm not getting a blit though, I'm getting a copy
<zmike> yeah I'm just giving an example of the usage
<jenatali> Yeah it seems like gallium should be giving me a blit though, unless it's expected that I can internally route in both directions
<zmike> I don't think that's expected, no
<airlied> maybe if the wildly different formats are in the same class
<jenatali> RGBA16 vs RGBA8
<airlied> seems wrong then
<airlied> unless they have different pitches maybe
<jenatali> Cool. Sounds like I should get an apitrace and file an issue then
<airlied> it should just operate like a memcpy
<jenatali> Right
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<jenatali> Oh cool this app crashes apitrace
<jenatali> Oh nvm, my fault
<jenatali> Ok so it looks like the app is trying to redefine a texture that was RGBA with UNSIGNED_SHORT and mips, to RGBA with UNSIGNED_BYTE and no mips, and Mesa seems to be trying to copy the RGBA16 mip data into the new RGBA8 texture
<robclark> possibly fallback path for something the blit path doesn't support?
<jenatali> Mesa thinks the texture is mipmap complete because the internal formats are both RGBA, despite one being RGBA16 and the other RGBA8
<jenatali> Ok I think it needs to be both TexFormat and InternalFormat matching
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