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<alyssa> gfxstrand: "multiple, say, occlusion queries going at once"
<alyssa> wait what?!
<alyssa> that is. not how the hw i'm familiar with works, like, at all?!
<gfxstrand> On IMR hardware BeginQuery writes a value, EndQuery writes another value and CopyQueryPoolResults subtracts
<jenatali> Hm? There's nothing wrong with that from an API standpoint
<jenatali> Right
<alyssa> gfxstrand: ok, no tiler i'm familiar with
<alyssa> vk lets the same draw count towards multiple active occlusion queries?
<gfxstrand> I thought so
<alyssa> O_o
<gfxstrand> But I could be wrong. I'd have to go deep diving
<gfxstrand> And I don't have the spoons for that sort of deep dive tongiht
<jenatali> AFAIK yes
<alyssa> ^ a nice summary of the VK problem
<alyssa> ("Absolutely critical details hidden in some random VU")
<gfxstrand> And the problem with GL is that the absolutely critical details aren't written down.
<alyssa> :clown:
<alyssa> oh right here
<alyssa> VUID-vkCmdBeginQuery-queryPool-01922
<alyssa> gfxstrand: jenatali: not allowed in vk :-)
<jenatali> :O
* alyssa vaguely remembers doing that exact deep dive years ago for panvk
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<gfxstrand> Well, it's allowed in all my drivers. :P
<alyssa> gfxstrand: >:)
<HdkR> Sounds like something an extension could solve. So all games can start using the feature
<alyssa> noooooooo
<alyssa> implementing it on a tiler efficiently sounds.. painful
<alyssa> doable though
<HdkR> I /definitely/ described to Rob that ES 3.0's occlusion queries also allowed multiple of the same active and was wrong :D
<alyssa> granted everything painful seems doable after compute-based geom+tess+xfb ...
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<alyssa> HdkR: the spicy case is, can you have a boolean query active at the same time as a precise one?
<alyssa> for VK, clearly no
<alyssa> for GL, I don't know and my drivers don't allow it and they passed CTS.. :p
<HdkR> alyssa: Luckily the only driver that supports precise occlusion queries active in ES is the NVIDIA blob. So it can be safely ignored there
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<HdkR> GL land...madness
<alyssa> heh
<HdkR> Although, I'd still be fine with Mesa gaining support for precise occlusion queries in ES. For those poor people that haven't adopted VK yet
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<HdkR> Actually no, I'll change my opinion. If you're stuck on a platform with ES and not GL, just use Zink instead :D
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<airlied> zmike: I don't think out quantize to f16 handles outputing infinities properly, I seem to get nans
<airlied> alyssa: oh you wrote it maybe you know
<airlied> I wonder where the dxil lowering is
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<airlied> I think we need to initial compares to pass new conformance
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<airlied> actually I'm lost on what is going wrong, will keep digging :-P
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<airlied> ah need the magic split fp64 flag
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<airlied> zmike, alyssa : should make sense
<airlied> zmike: any ideas what is up with dEQP-VK.api.version_check.unavailable_entry_points ?
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<airlied> hmm I wonder if this could be a layer issue
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<tzimmermann> javierm, if you have a bit, could you please review ?
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<MrCooper> Company: you can use e.g. GBM for allocating the buffers
<javierm> tzimmermann: yes, I have in my TODO but was just busy with some internal tasks. I'll do it this week for sure
<tzimmermann> thank you
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<Company> MrCooper: yeah, I know I can use external APIs, but I was hoping for way to convince GL to do that
<Company> MrCooper: because unlike me, GL gets the modifiers right
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<MrCooper> Company: "right" WRT what? How could GL know which modifiers are (not) suitable for your use case?
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<Company> my use case is mainly rendering with GL
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<Company> so my idea was that GL knows how to do that
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<emersion> but if you're using DMA-BUFs, then you're sharing that buffer with _something else_ right?
<emersion> and that _something else_ may support different modifiers
<Company> sure, but that'd be step 2
<Company> because right now that someone else is Vulkan or a compositor, and they usually agree on things
<MrCooper> GL still can't magically know what they agree on though
<Company> and pretty much any modifier is gonna look better than glReadPixels()
<Company> sure, and I'm prefectly fine with an API where I tell GL my preferred modifiers
<Company> I guess GL can give me its modifiers
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<Company> or are they only for importing?
<MrCooper> if you know the modifiers, you can allocate with GBM?
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<MrCooper> or you can create a corresponding GL extension, if you prefer
<Company> I'm not sure I know the modifiers
<emersion> Company: there have been situations where client GL doesn't agree with server GL (e.g. flatpak), and GL doesn't agree with Vulkan (missing format/modifier on one side)
<Company> I can eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT() but I don't get the preferred modifier for a framebuffer target that way
<emersion> it's not theoretical, i've seen this multiple times in practice
<emersion> also the compositor might do arbitrary filtering
<emersion> for instance gamescope does
<Company> in Vulkan I can specify the format and Vulkan picks its favorite modifier
<Company> actually, I give it a list of modifiers to choose from I think
<Company> and then it reliably picks the weirdest one
<emersion> one really must follow the format modifier negociation dance described in
<emersion> or else there will be breakage
<emersion> yeah, passing a list of formats/modifiers to the allocator is the right way to do it
<Company> so I'll have to add some internal allocate_dmabuf() and then export that into GL
<Company> and before that I need to figure out somehow which formats/modifiers GL supports
<Company> for rendering to
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<Company> I guess it's all the formats that eglQueryDmaBufModifiersEXT() doesn't mark as external_only
<emersion> and intersect that with the compositor's list
<emersion> yes
<Company> ... or with Vulkan, depending on where I want to use it
<any1> It's funny that this text says that "it must query the media API it intends to use" but the most common media API doesn't support this kind of querying. :)
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<Company> any1: that's really proof that the docs are correct
<Company> because if anything with dmabufs looks straightforward, you would need to be very suspicious
<emersion> any1: 😥
<Company> so, step 1: create an internal gtk_allocate_dmabuf (width, height, list_of_allowed_formats_and_modifiers);
<any1> With VA-API, you need to either throw a buffer at it and pray that it accepts it or allocate the buffers via VA-API.
<emersion> Company: also note that you loose dmabuf feedback handling when you do things yourself
<Company> step 2: figure out how to get the right list
<emersion> any1: oh i was thinking of a different API
<emersion> for VA-API it has some DMA-BUF negociation in place now
<emersion> not quite complete
<any1> emersion: Ahh, so there is hope for it
<any1> what API were you thinking of?
<emersion> my answer now is: just use vulkan video and burry VA-API
<Company> emersion: feedback handling? You mean the zwp_linux_dmabuf protocol feedback?
<emersion> i think V4L2 still doesn't have modifiers
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<emersion> Company: yeah
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<Company> emersion: I'm not really concerned with that yet, because for now I just want to pass GL rendered buffers to Vulkan
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<Company> emersion: but we'll probably grow our own feedback handling anyway, so we can make GStreamer etc hook into that
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<Company> once everything works well, we'll ask the compositor for the preferred formats so that gstreamer can make pipewire tell the compositor those formats
<Company> and then screencasting will be real smooth
<karolherbst> ohh right, I was wondering why screencasting is so slow actually.. so that's basically it? pointless format converstions/copies going on?
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<kode54> Yes, just use Vulkan video
<kode54> I think that finally supports h264 on AMD now?
<kode54> Not sure it supports anything else
<kode54> Or encoding
<kode54> And Intel is a special hell because they want to ship media encoding outside of Mesa
<airlied> anv has h264 decode
<airlied> and some h265 as well
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<kode54> Too bad nobody wants to make encode work fully on that extreme minority outlier, the Arc Alchemist
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<kode54> Alas, every Alchemist owner should just upgrade to Battlemage the instant it launches
<kode54> I’m sure everything will be better this time around
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<Company> if hwdecode was just about the hardware
<Company> and drivers
<Company> but the multimedia framework APIs all have their issues, too
<airlied> kode54: encoding is written
<airlied> i even had some of av1 decode working last year
<kode54> I meant the media firmware loading
<kode54> Apparently dg2 needs it for things like bitrate control
<kode54> And dg2 is somehow the only generation of hardware to use a particular form of loading method
<kode54> Unless someone wants to add it to xe, or someone wants to add vm bind to i915
<kode54> But I don’t think even vm bind fixes all of anv’s performance problems
<kode54> Can’t tell how far it’s come now, I sold out
<kode54> Sold my A770 to some eager person for full MSRP and bought a 6700 XT
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<CounterPillow> Thank god that after vdpau, vaapi, qsv, nvdec, mmal (lol), rkmpp (2xlol), v4l2-m2m and v4l2-requests we now finally got it right this time for sure with vulkan video
<pq> forgot openmax I think
<kode54> Handbrake still only supporting proprietary video codec libraries
<kode54> even though their entire codebase is just a fork of ffmpeg
<CounterPillow> Question: does a device that only implements Vulkan video, e.g. a hwdec IP on an embedded SoC that is completely separate from the 3D GPU and display engine aside from sharing the same memory, need to implement the entirety of Vulkan in some cursed way as well, or can it just chill as a stub device that *only* implements base Vulkan boilerplate stuff and vulkan video?
<daniels> CounterPillow: the latter
<CounterPillow> Okay, that's good news
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<Company> which defines what a command queue can do
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<danylo> Hi, How could I get access to traces at ? Also, are these trace the same ones used in ? I'd like to have more traces for us to test the Turnip on.
<zmike> DavidHeidelberg: ^
<daniels> danylo: I've added you now, and also no
<danylo> daniels Thanks
<daniels> np
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<pcercuei> Is the coding style now to use __free(), even if that means declaring the variables mid-block?
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<demarchi> daniels: any idea if it's indeed fdo? I wonder if it's because of the mailman misfeature of tweaking the Cc headers
<demarchi> if you cc 2 mailing lists, will end with 2 different emails (as far as Cc header is concerned), with the same msgid
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<robclark> alyssa: re: same draw, multiple queries, freedreno just does same thing an IMR would do, from cmdstream capture counter value at start and end of query, and then math (the only one we punt on is time-elapsed queries that are read-back from shader ... since that would require doing division and division is hard
<alyssa> robclark: interesting, and that.. works even with gmem?
<alyssa> (It doesn't work on either Mali or Imaginapple)
<robclark> with the usual caveats about ordering of rendering, yes
<robclark> we just do `result += stop - start` where the query is stopped for each tile
<robclark> by the end of all tiles you have the final result
<robclark> qbo stuff that reads back from shader ends up flushing a tile pass, IIRC
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<alyssa> huh, neat
<alyssa> can adreno process multiple tiles in parallel?
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<austriancoder> can anyone name an app/benchmark that makes extensive use of scissored clears?
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<robclark> alyssa: so, ignoring pipelining, it is one tile at a time.. but the tile dimensions are somewhat arbitrary and only limited by gmem size
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<robclark> (where gmem size can be something like maybe 256KB on smallest gpu, and up to 4MB on a690)
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<alyssa> fascinating
<alyssa> this is all. very different from what I'm used to
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<robclark> it's as if, ATI took an IMR and added tiling to it :-P
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<alyssa> >:P
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<mareko> robclark: I'm confused... is adreno just an IMR where you do tiling in the driver, or something else?
<mareko> binning I mean
<mareko> there is also an AMD mobile GPU, FYI
<robclark> mareko: you can kinda think of it like that
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