sboyd, "gpio-gate-clock" doesn't have CLK_OF_DECLARE, so it doesn't work if it is just declared under /clocks/
CLK_OF_DECLARE macro works by looking at nodes
The question is if it should work or not
The 'clocks' container node is not great
I did it years ago though
CLK_OF_DECLARE is built upon OF_DECLARE macros
we rely on core OF code to create device_node structures
I think that doesn't descend anything besides simple bus?
we're not going to change of_clk_init()
That's where the fun begins. device_node instances are created, but struct device (well, struct platform_device) is not, unless there is "simple-bus" compat under /clocks
we don't want to expand the use of CLK_OF_DECLARE
it's to workaround the case that clks are needed for the timer/clockevent/clocksource of the system
or for the irqchip sometimes although I'm not sure anyone uses that
ack. Then krzk's patch is fine from the clocks point of view. Thank you.
yes we should probably remove all 'clocks' container nodes, at least on qcom