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<youmukonpaku1337> hey guys
<youmukonpaku1337> so im back after like what, a month?
<youmukonpaku1337> took a break from my ebook project and now im thinking about why did gpu work like such garbage
<youmukonpaku1337> do i need to define it in DT or find a way to reclock it?
<youmukonpaku1337> or both
<youmukonpaku1337> i only managed to get 10fps in kmscube but i doubt USB is the bottleneck here
<youmukonpaku1337> as i have full speed 480mbit
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<jernej> you need gpu opp table, so driver will know which frequencies are safe to use
<jernej> default frequency is usually something on the low side
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<youmukonpaku1337> jernej: oh alright, and how can i modify it?
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<youmukonpaku1337> hi apritzel
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