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<junari> apritzel: hi, did you do something with LPDDR4 driver on the opi zero3?
<junari> I received my board and thought I'd do it while I still have time.
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<apritzel> junari: I did test your driver, but it didn't work out of the box on the OPi Zero3
<apritzel> I worked out the parameters, I think, but that didn't help
<apritzel> I didn't have time yet to go through it more carefully
<apritzel> but there are more people asking, and the DT is in mainline Linux now, so U-Boot should not lag behind...
<junari> apritzel: understand, I will look
<apritzel> I refactored one function, to remove those nasty "if (LPDDR3) ; else if (LPDDR4); else " cascades
<apritzel> can post it tonight
<junari> I tried to do this using other drivers. If there is a better option, then no problem
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<junari> looks like spi contains valid image and it run without microsd. What easy way to load from fel?
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<junari> a soldering iron solves any problem, almost
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<apritzel> I put in an SD card with a magic binary on it
<apritzel> junari_: fel-sdboot.sunxi from sunxi-tools
<apritzel> dd to 8KB, like any other sunxi boot image
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<junari> apritzel: thanks, now I will know
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<apritzel> other boards use a button that shorts the SPI chip select
<apritzel> or some jumpers
<apritzel> GrantM11235[m]: I don't think SPI NAND works easily on sunxi
<apritzel> there are patches to enable it for the SPL (to load the rest of U-Boot), but I don't know what's the story for the "sf" command
<apritzel> you would at least need to enable SPI NAND support, potentially a "driver" for the particular chip
<apritzel> CONFIG_MTD_SPI_NAND, for a start
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<jernej> apritzel: speaking of DRAM, did you find proper way for memory barriee and delay in H6 driver?
<apritzel> jernej: sorry, I was on holidays, and didn't touch a computer at all ;-)
<jernej> no worries, I'm just curious
<jernej> if I understand video you linked correctly, then barrier should be replaced with register read?
<apritzel> that's only needed architecturally, I don't think we need it in this case
<apritzel> the DSB should push it to the controller already
<jernej> that talk actually reminded me on dummy read HDMI driver needs to do to descramble register addresses
<jernej> (after correct code is written to config register)
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<apritzel> jernej: did you try whether a DSB would suffice there?
<jernej> no, because I was just happy that it works and I didn't consider why it may be needed
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<GrantM11235[m]> Does u-boot support usb gadget on sunxi? I tried enabling it, but I got compiler errors like "undefined reference to `usb_gadget_register_driver'"
<apritzel> what SoC is this? In general this works absolutely fine, many boards have this enabled by default and many people use it
<GrantM11235[m]> F1C200s
<apritzel> ah yeah, that's rather new, so there might be some bits missing
<apritzel> let me have a look...
<GrantM11235[m]> It looks like it was only added to linux in 6.3
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<apritzel> GrantM11235[m]: what exactly? the DT for the LCtech Pi?
<apritzel> U-Boot has quite some messy dependencies in Kconfig, to enable certain features
<apritzel> my hunch is that suniv is missing something in this fabric
<GrantM11235[m]> It's this device I started by copying the dts and defconfig from the LCtech Pi
<Jookia> apritzel: just an update on the t113 nand spl, i am actually in nightmare land with it still but i think the suniv spl code and t113 code is solid. is the suniv spl code abandoned or just in the patch queue?
<apritzel> Jookia: I had a brief look over the SPL NAND-SPI patches, and didn't particularly like them. I was hoping to simplify them. Also I need to check how the code size behaves, for normal SPI NOR on other SoCs
<apritzel> Jookia: to be clear: the SPL SPI code is not particularly pretty to begin with, because it's optimised like hell to be small
<apritzel> and if we now make it uglier and blowing it up, that defeats the purpose
<Jookia> i see
<Jookia> any alternate design you could think of?
<apritzel> Jookia: are you interested in SPL operation, U-Boot proper operation or both?
<Jookia> SPL operation so i can boot in to second stage from NAND
<GrantM11235[m]> Speaking of spi nand, I figured out the problem I was having earlier with the help of the u-boot irc channel. The sf command that I was using only works with spi-nor, but the mtd command works once I enabled all the necessary configs
<apritzel> GrantM11235[m]: so just enabling CONFIG_USB_MUSB_GADGET=y on top of the lctech_pi_f1c200s_defconfig compiled for me ...
<apritzel> now searching for that board ...
<GrantM11235[m]> I haven't submitted anything for that board upstream yet
<apritzel> ah, I see now, the compatible string is missing from sunxi.c
<GrantM11235[m]> I'm trying to enable CONFIG_CMD_USB_MASS_STORAGE
<GrantM11235[m]> Is it possible to automatically enable all the dependent configs for a certain config? I have been manually searching for each config with menuconfig, which is very annoying
<apritzel> I once sent a patch to enable UMS by default for all of sunxi, let me dig that out ...
<GrantM11235[m]> Okay, CONFIG_USB_MUSB_GADGET=y seems to have fixed the compiler errors
<apritzel> I *think* that should be the only one needed, the rest comes automatically
<apritzel> GrantM11235[m]: and if you connect "allwinner,suniv-f1c100s-musb" to sun4i_a10_cfg towards the end of drivers/usb/musb-new/sunxi.c, it should even probe ...
<apritzel> but there might be more ...
<apritzel> unfortunately U-Boot and Linux differ quite a bit in this driver, so a port is not straight-forward, but I think that should be enough
<apritzel> we detect has_reset automatically, and no_configdata is already enabled by Kconfig
<GrantM11235[m]> hmm, I still don't have the ums command even after I enabled CONFIG_CMD_USB_MASS_STORAGE
<apritzel> which leaves .has_sram, but apparently this already works somehow for the A10, so we might be lucky
<apritzel> GrantM11235[m]: but you did enable the other config options, so that it showed up in menuconfig?
<GrantM11235[m]> yes
<apritzel> did it compile cmd/usb_mass_storage.c?
<GrantM11235[m]> Oops, my mistake. Somehow I messed up copying uboot to my sdcard, so it was running a previous version
<apritzel> yeah, common problem. I learned to always check for the build date in the U-Boot banner
<apritzel> the ums command works, but I get Controller uninitialized
<GrantM11235[m]> me too
<apritzel> so reset, configdata and SRAM look fine on the board
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<GrantM11235[m]> Does the a10 usb controller get initialized in the bootrom or something?
<apritzel> that's independent. I booted via FEL, so OTG definitely works, but the U-Boot operation is separate from that
<GrantM11235[m]> It looks like the error is because a static struct musb *gadget is null, but I'm not sure where it is supposed to be set
<apritzel> the key is the "musbp = &gadget;" line towards the end, which means musb_init_controller() returns NULL