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<junari> warpme: I looked at the ghidra and sunxi repo again, and found new difference, if you will have time, try
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<warpme> junari: thx for code. I applied patch - but my zero3 is still unstable. I compared regs between working xulong and your current code ant there are still differences: If in your system there are no differences - then maybe may code and yours diverged? If this is a case - may you pls provide me yours full uboot sources? I compile them and will test on my zero3/zero2w
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<hexdump0815> jernej: apritzel: just read through the old logs and saw that you mentioned h6 dram init here:
<hexdump0815> are you aware of this one: - not sure if it is related in anyway, i just wanted to make sure that you are aware of it ...
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<jernej> it was posted to U-Boot ML too
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<hexdump0815> ah - ok - perfect
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<apritzel> warpme: junari: did you try lowering the DRAM frequency? That's of course not the proper solution, but was used often in the past to solve stability problems.
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<apritzel> hexdump0815: that was the original discussion thread:
<apritzel> hexdump0815: and that's the latest version of the patch I came up with:
<apritzel> hexdump0815: I am hoping for Gunjan to put this through its paces to see if just the DSB at the right place fixes the problem
<apritzel> wow, jernej, smaeul, many thanks for the reviews, that's much appreciated!
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