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<Jookia> Good(?) news, I think my NAND issues come from hardware faults
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<veremitz> :/
<veremitz> good that its an answer :)
<veremitz> or explanation I s'pose
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<apritzel> warpme: junari: is there any news on the LPDDR4 front? Does the code work reliably on the OrangePi Zero 3 now? And problems are just with other boards?
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<warpme> apritzel : from my side: last state is: it works but unstable. I compared dram controller registers between stable xulong code and non-stable code and there are differences. I recall Junari is working on this issue.
<apritzel> OK, thanks, and that was on your OrangePi Zero3?
<warpme> yes
<warpme> and zero2w
<apritzel> alright, thanks. I was thinking about merging some code now, so we still get that in the next release
<apritzel> we would still have till the end of the year to apply fixes
<warpme> i just got Eth board for zero2w and interesting is that using Eth makes hard hangs for me. Switching to wifi (by only reconfig what intf is used by dhcp) works stable. very strange....
<apritzel> the LPDDR4 patches would unblock people that want to play with those new H618 boards, that mostly seem to ship with LPDDR4
<warpme> exactly!
<warpme> I was trying to play with dram clk (decreasing) - but this not helps....
<apritzel> junari: when you read this: is there any chance you could post some "best state so far" LPDDR4 patch on the list?
<warpme> good thing is that we have xulong code (based on uboot 2021.07) which seems to work well with lpddr4. Maybe it is worth to try to adjust CONFIG_DRAM_SUN50I_H616_* para in defconfig to values resulting with exact the same dram controller registers values like stable xulong code does?
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<apritzel> yeah, I tried before to correlate the Xulong code, but then Junari came up with his version, so I dropped that
<apritzel> I can have a look again
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<DonkeyHotei> Hi, all. I'm revisiting this old Armbian-xenial system, and it seems to have this weird issue where ping fails with EPERM and setcap does not fix it, with another symptom being that DNS fails within Chromium while still working fine in other contexts
<DonkeyHotei> EPERM even as rooy, I meant
<DonkeyHotei> *root
<DonkeyHotei> What else could cause that?
<DonkeyHotei> I ask here on the assumption that I'm not the only one here who has seen such a thing happen
<bauen1> DonkeyHotei: something like SELinux, Apparmor, SECCOMP / eBPF filters / sandbox ?
<bauen1> DonkeyHotei: oh and user namespaces also
<bauen1> DonkeyHotei: but these are just general ideas, nothing specific to your system
<gnarface> the only bell it rang for me was also something about virtualization
<gnarface> a side effect of using a tun/tap network device as the primary or something like that
<gnarface> i forget exactly
<DonkeyHotei> gnarface: This is on bare metal
<gnarface> it involved virtualization, but the network device in question was technically the host's
<DonkeyHotei> bauen1: User namespaces seems the most likely explanation here. Got any link with info?
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<Jookia> technically it would be network namespaces
<DonkeyHotei> Jookia: Regardless of the semantics, got any URL?
<Jookia> if 'root' means your actual root user then this shouldn't be happening
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<Jookia> how are you running ping?
<Jookia> EPERM can also mean linux firewall rules
<bauen1> DonkeyHotei: the manpage for unshare I guess ? Basically user (/ network) namespaces could mess with the capability required by ping
<DonkeyHotei> Jookia: If "su -" counts as the actual root user, then it *is* happening
<Jookia> try logging in at a root prompt over serial
<Jookia> or tty
<DonkeyHotei> I believe I tried that before, but I'll try again
<Jookia> do you have any specific firewall rules
<DonkeyHotei> None
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<DonkeyHotei> Jookia: Logged in as root via serial, still EPERM from ping
<Jookia> huh, weird
<DonkeyHotei> Well , "weird" was the very word I used for this in the first line of this convo
<DonkeyHotei> "ip netns list" just returns EOF
<DonkeyHotei> Well! Given your [plural] clues, I found the cause:
<DonkeyHotei> Now ping works, but only as root. However, the DNS side of it is still not solved, because "host" also works only as root
<DonkeyHotei> Aaaaand, adding non-root users to those groups fixes that. Problem solved.
<DonkeyHotei> Thank you!
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