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<wigyori> does anyone have a copy of the cherrypi/lcpi v3s schematics/sources from baidu?
<gamiee> wigyori: I think those documents are also else where. In any case, I have them locally, but I am not at home right now.
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<wigyori> gamiee: i was able to google/find the cherrypi schematics file - thanks for the idea -, but not the sdk or the docs
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<gamiee> I downloaded it from some time ago
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<smaeul> later versions of other BSPs have some A523 drivers in them
<apritzel> smaeul: thanks, and yeah, I found an A523 clock driver there a few hours ago, using the same method
<apritzel> smaeul: most amazingly that clock driver is a proper sunxi-ng one now! Well almost, but still ;-)
<smaeul> yeah, they started doing that with D1
<apritzel> ah, didn't know. Almost boring then ... ;-)
<smaeul> still pleasantly refreshing :)
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<apritzel> the pinctrl driver looks very wrong though, maybe it's just for their FPGAs (there are #ifdef's around the definitions)
<apritzel> let's hope the clock driver is correct ...
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<apritzel> well, the clock driver is GPL-3.0, so we cannot directly copy