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<MoeIcenowy> apritzel: H6 DT also says these window, but they're all virtual.
<MoeIcenowy> jernej: they now move open things to
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<jernej> MoeIcenowy: thanks. is there an english version of the page? I can't find any button for that
<dsimic> I also tried to find that button, but failed
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<apritzel> MoeIcenowy: did you find any documentation of the H6 PCIe IP back then? I know of at least one IP where the inbound and outbound windows addresses need to programmed first (by firmware)
<apritzel> and the A523 DT specifies the size of the PCIe IP register frame as 4.5MB, so there is at least some more space in there
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<gamiee> Hello everyone. Does H616 have USB OTG with DMA support? Thanks
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<apritzel> gamiee: theoretically all(?) Allwinner SoC should support DMA on OTG, though no one has implemented that yet
<apritzel> that's a long standing "open ticket" ;-)
<gamiee> apritzel: sorry, yeah, I meant the mainline support. As far as I remember, even Allwinner never implemented it in BSP?
<apritzel> yeah, I vaguely remember the same, and it was unclear why. So if you want to become a hero and make other people happy, please try it ;-)
<gamiee> Well, would be good to check out if finally some BSP have it. Or they still use some broken USB OTG IP core?
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<anarsoul> I briefly looked into it several years ago, and IIRC it's not difficult to adapt one of another glue musb drivers that supports DMA for sunxi
<gamiee> So there was not any big issue? Just it needs to be done?
<gamiee> (strange that none Allwinner customer didn't needed it)
<anarsoul> gamiee: I never tried it. The hw still might have some issues
<anarsoul> I looked into it for original pinebook which had one of the ports connected to musb by default, but IIRC it's possible to just switch it to EHCI
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<anarsoul> libv: can you please send +R mode on this channel?
<anarsoul> s/send/set
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<MoeIcenowy> apritzel: the cursed point of H6 is that it's a virtual bus, not a real one
<MoeIcenowy> jernej: I think no en version, try ?
<apritzel> MoeIcenowy: what does "virtual bus" mean? If I got this correctly, there was only very little address space to map in and out-bound windows or config space?
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