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<Jookia> does anyone know an alternative to u-boot that provides PSCI? or will i have to implement that? or should i just copy the linux stuff?
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<wens> TF-A / ATF on ARMv8, OP-TEE on ARMv7?
<wens> Linux is a consumer of PSCI, not the provider
<Jookia> the reason i need psci is to init multiple CPUs but i can just hack that, this is for armv7 the t113
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<Jookia> i mean not in u-boot
<Jookia> i'm looking for an alternative bootloader
<apritzel> why?
<Jookia> u-boot is incredibly frustrating to work with
<Jookia> so anything else might be fun to try
<apritzel> in my experience everything else is an unreviewed mess ;-)
<apritzel> not that U-Boot is particularly pretty ;-)
<apritzel> I am just waiting for reviews on the T113 U-Boot series, particularly the GPIO part
<apritzel> I hope that something still shows up this week, then it will be merged
<apritzel> there is an alternative for the T113s, but IMHO it's just a distraction from fixing and improving the real thing (which is U-Boot)
<apritzel> Jookia: what is "frustrating to work with", in particular? Maybe we can improve things?
<Jookia> apritzel: the Kconfig system has a lot of unspecified dependencies so often just enabling a feature causes compile errors :(
<apritzel> yes, that's indeed true. Whenever you find something, please report it on the U-Boot list, so that it can be fixed
<Jookia> a lot of code is also a little broken at least with what i'm touching
<Jookia> but i guess i just have to fix it lol
<apritzel> yes, that's the point
<apritzel> it won't get better on its own ;-)
<Jookia> can you spare me a hint on one thing
<apritzel> and I agree, whenever I touch some new area in U-Boot, I see it's quite often in a bad shape
<apritzel> sure, shoot
<Jookia> i have managed to get SPI working on the T113 (Linux writing NAND doesn't work :( ) and I'm trying to connect SPI flash, but 'sf probe' says it can't find cs 0 and 'Invalid chip select 0:0 (err=-19)'
<Jookia> I added the spi controller to dt and the flash in the spi controller
<Jookia> oh i was missing the spi nand driver
<apritzel> SPI-NAND? That should be covered by the "mtd" command, not "sf", as GrantM11235[m] figured out lately ...
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<Jookia> why is spi nand so hard :(
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<apritzel> because it hasn't been used yet on sunxi
<apritzel> I think the heavy lifting is already done in generic code, and I have heard that some people got it to work
<apritzel> one problem seems to be that some people get it to work, but never upstream their fixes, so it stays broken for the next user :-(
<Jookia> very close to giving up on this
<Jookia> *everything* in u-boot seems to want to just be hard to use or not work
<Jookia> things like mtdparts aren't documented, 'mtd list' causes a data abort or is reading out of bounds memory and hangs
<Jookia> ok, i might have spoken too soon. mtd list worked this time
<Jookia> when i figure this out this is going in the wiki
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<apritzel> Jookia: oh yes, please, add it to the Wiki
<apritzel> SPI-NAND is somewhat uncharted territory on sunxi
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<daschaos> I worked with spi nand in the past it wasn't fun
<daschaos> if you want to boot from it, I needed to align my u-boot like its done with nand
<daschaos> This cost me the most time.
<Jookia> nice
<daschaos> And for file system I used UBIFS
<daschaos> with that its basically the same like you are using EXT4, because it doing automatic wear leveling
<daschaos> If you have some specific question, i might be able to help, but it was already a while
<Jookia> the source code should be enough, thank you :)
<Jookia> my pain comes not from the general concept but new board
<Jookia> new soc*
<daschaos> I used it on F1C100/F1C200, but back then u-boot wasn't able to boot from spi-nand on sunxi, i used a patched older version from somewhere. I don't know what the current state of mainline u-boot is. The error looked like this: U-boot SPL was loading, but it couldn't load U-Boot
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<daschaos> Does anyone know if there are already patches/implementations for the video engine for T113-S3 and mainline linux?
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<wigyori> Jookia: which t113 board are you working with?
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<jernej> daschaos: that soc isn't that popular, but Cedrus is one of the cores which is usually easy to add support. You just need to figure which codecs are supported and add nodes for it in DT.
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<junari> apritzel: I sent a patch for the DRAM driver, but didn't send defconfig for the opizero3
<junari> I thought it needed to specify the correct DT
<junari> In my experiments I specified DT from opizero2, but I think this is not entirely correct for the patch
<junari> I don't know what's the best thing to do
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<daschaos> jernej: thanks for this information, I will look into it.
<jernej> daschaos: if you need help with that, just ask
<daschaos> I hope I will get back to allwinner and mainline soon, because currently I need to work on Nvidia Jetson and it's pain.
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<apritzel> junari: don't worry, I will sync all DTs from the kernel tree, and the OPi Zero 3 one will then be in the tree already
<apritzel> so we just need the defconfig
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