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<junari> wens: you can find AvaotaA1 in the taobao at a better price. Only 350RMB for 4GB RAM
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<maggio_> can any one point me to any boot0 binaries for the a133/r818/t509 ?
<maggio_> I can't get boot0_sdcard_sun50iw10p1.bin from lichee for the R818-mCore board to work
<apritzel> maggio_: do you have any PhoenixCard vendor provided image somewhere? You can extract boot0 from those
<maggio_> apritzel: I built one that worked using bsp provided by lichee for the mCore-R818 board
<maggio_> apritzel: Flashing with PhoenixCard worked
<maggio_> apritzel: but extracting say the first megabyte and then dd'ing that to and sdcard doesn't
<apritzel> from the PhoenixCard image? that won't work, but you can use tools that know the format
<maggio_> oh ok
<apritzel> shameless plug:
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<maggio_> apritzel: Thanks a lot man. Will try it out now
<apritzel> maggio_: I just hope you don't have any serious plans with that module (given its lack of mainline support)
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<maggio_> apritzel: I don't for now.
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<maggio_> apritzel: With sunxi-fw I get something similar to the last example in the README
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<maggio_> Do I have to extract boot0_sdcard.fex and write that to the sdcard 8K offset?
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<apritzel> maggio_: yes, boot0_sdcard is probably the right one. Most files in there are called .fex, but are actually binary files.
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<maggio_> apritzel: thanks man. that worked!
<maggio_> I guess would be to do the same for the u-boot.fex and then get it to boot a recent kernel
<apritzel> well, I am afraid this is where it gets sketchy: running BSP firmware with mainline kernels is not really supported
<apritzel> and nobody is probably willing to fix things there
<apritzel> not sure how far a mainline kernel will get you anyway, there are quite some patches missing
<apritzel> (the second round of A100 support was sent to the list, but never merged)
<maggio_> I could probably take this up if I ever get to a getty prompt with a recent kernel
<maggio_> the a133 seems like a decent chip. Wonder why few give a shit. Is it because of the lack of boards?
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<wens> junari: thanks. I'll keep an eye out, but I don't really have any time to do bringup anymore
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<macromorgan> apritzel: Here's my "minimum viable changes" for the RG35XX... I can't see, read, or write to the PMIC via the i2c command:
<macromorgan> again all I'm trying to do here is read/write to the PMIC via the i2c command
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<apritzel> maggio_: there were indeed little to no actual boards, just some tablets, IIRC
<apritzel> and so it missed its chance, as there are now better SoCs
<apritzel> plus it has a Imagination GPU, which probably didn't help when it comes to Open Source popularity
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