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<Soupborsh> What do you think of porting to Pocketbook 618 with B288 and internal emmc with external SD card?
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<apritzel> Soupborsh: what are you hoping for? Complete mainline Linux support, including eink support? That would be quite some work, and ideally require devices in the hands of mainline maintainers
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<Soupborsh> Hello, I want to install normal GNU/Linux with normal package manager, I am okay if it will use downstream kernel and U-Boot. I want to have full eink support to use it as intended with KOReader.
<Soupborsh> The downstream B288 U-Boot and Kernel sources are available from Pocketbook.
<Soupborsh> I want to try to port it. I am new to porting and programming.
<Soupborsh> I want to experiment but I might soft brick it,
<Soupborsh> how do I restore it?
<Soupborsh> And how to enter FEL mode on it?
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<Soupborsh> I tried holding for each of the 3 buttons and power button for ≈ 2 seconds and then pressing quick more than 3 times. Unfortunately, it did boot normally.
<Soupborsh> My PB618 is jailbroken, I have root access if it helps.
<Jookia> you may have to modify the hardware to allow you to access FEL
<Jookia> note that if its a wifi device you may not be able to use wifi on a mainline kernel
<Jookia> it's unlikely that you'll get normal linux on that board, but maybe you could find a way to install a distro with the vendor kernel
<apritzel> yeah, mainline Linux (and firmware) is very far out, as there is exactly nothing regarding mainline support, not for the kernel and not for U-Boot
<apritzel> and while I believe that it's not that far from the other SoCs, there are still many details that make this quite tedious
<apritzel> and eInk is a complete unknown, I doubt there would be a mainline driver anytime soon
<apritzel> Soupborsh: does the device have an SD card slot, where you can boot from?
<apritzel> then you could enter FEL mode by writing fel-sdboot.sunxi (from sunxi-tools) to an SD card and booting from there
<Soupborsh> Yes it does have wifi, I hope I can install normal distro with vendor kernel. It has external SD card slot, but I do not know if it is able to boot from it.
<Soupborsh> Is fel-sdboot.sunxi universal to all Allwinner SoCs?
<apritzel> yes, it should be
<Soupborsh> Good, will it just boot by default from SD card or I have to somehow tell it to do so?
<apritzel> most SoCs are configured to try SD card booting first, but there are exceptions (and the board vendor could have changed that)
<Soupborsh> Ok, I will try it. But the main question for me is how do I backup everything and then restore it if I for example by accident delete U-Boot and Kernel? If you know, could you please tell me?
<apritzel> if you got a root command line in the vendor image, you can dump the whole eMMC block device to some SD card, with "dd"
<apritzel> or choose the required partitions only
<apritzel> but normally I'd expect development happening via SD card and FEL only, and no one touching the eMMC
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<Soupborsh> Ok, thank you
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