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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#246]( of `mvebu/cortexa53` completed successfully.
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<dansan> Hello! Has there been any investigation, talk or work on a KConfig feature (either in OpenWRT or elsewhere) to differentiate because manual and automatic selection?
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#239]( of `bcm63xx/smp` completed successfully.
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<dansan> I'm just starting to think it's time, I just wish *I* had more free time.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#233]( of `lantiq/xrx200` failed.
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<brpr> Hey all. I've been digging through DTSes and can't wrap my head around how I can get the needed info for "eeprom". The MAC addresses are on the ubi partition "factory".
<PaulFertser> brpr: hey
<PaulFertser> brpr: I think you can't get it from a ubi volume from kernelspace, you need to make it in a script.
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<PaulFertser> brpr: for MACs see target/linux/ath79/nand/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network netgear,wndr3700-v4 section , mtd_get_mac_binary , probably also nand/base-files/etc/hotplug.d/ieee80211/10-fix-wifi-mac
<PaulFertser> brpr: and for wifi calibration data nand/base-files/etc/hotplug.d/firmware/*
<brpr> Alright. So I get MACs from "factory" and I suppose calibration data from "caldata"? caldata isn't an ubi volume.
<brpr> Also, is this expected?
<PaulFertser> brpr: yes, MACs from factory and caldata for wifi data.
<PaulFertser> brpr: so probably you do not need any scripting for caldata, specify offset in dts and that should be it.
<brpr> so the error codes from the drivers are ok for now. I was a little scared :P
<PaulFertser> brpr: I guess so
<brpr> Do I need to specify the same caldata for both bands?
<PaulFertser> brpr: sure not, you need to find the right offsets
<brpr> Oh no, I'm sorry for so much questions but how would I accomplish that?
<PaulFertser> brpr: do hexdump -C for your caldata and post somewhere
<brpr> alright
<PaulFertser> brpr: try 0x1000 for ath9k and 0x5000 for ath10k
<brpr> is this "eeprom"?
<PaulFertser> brpr: yes
<brpr> alright. Compiling
<brpr> title of the paste says it all :)
<PaulFertser> brpr: probably you have forgotten to remove the no-eeprom option?
<brpr> I have removed it sadly
<PaulFertser> brpr: I suggest you also pastebin your full dts.
<brpr> You're going to cringe hard about the formatting. Posting
<PaulFertser> brpr: surely that's not the full file?
<brpr> you
<brpr> you're right
<brpr> it didn't copy correctly
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<PaulFertser> brpr: line 84 has 0x5000 instead of 0x1000 that I suggested.
<brpr> oh, got that mixed up, sorry!
<PaulFertser> brpr: what attribute qca is for there?
<brpr> forgot to remove that :P
<brpr> it was for ZyXEL
<PaulFertser> brpr: and I think you're doing it wrong for 955x, mtd-cal-data should be a direct subnode of &wmac
<brpr> alright
<PaulFertser> brpr: and probably should be wifi@0,0 if it's on pcie0
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<PaulFertser> brpr: and I'm not sure if ath10k supports mtd-cal-data at all.
<PaulFertser> brpr: 29-31 can be removed
<brpr> then what would be in wmac?
<PaulFertser> brpr: just okay and mtd-cal-data
<brpr> what about pcie0 then?
<PaulFertser> brpr: you should enable it like the other qca955x targets do, and supply the caldata from a script.
<PaulFertser> brpr: I just checked the sources, only ath9k supports mtd-cal-data.
<brpr> alright
<brpr> PaulFertser, do I need the reg variable?
<PaulFertser> brpr: I just did "git grep -C 10 wifi@.,. qca955*" in dts and every file has it.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#246]( of `ipq40xx/generic` failed.
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<brpr> PaulFertser, is the file ok now?
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<PaulFertser> brpr: I'd give it a try like that, yes.
<brpr> Compiling again.
<rsalvaterra> Will there ever be a solution for this?
<rsalvaterra> *sigh*
<rsalvaterra> As owner of an Armada 385-based device, having to keep local hacks just to be able to fully use my hardware, well… sucks.
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<brpr> PaulFertser, WE HAVE 2.4 GHz WIFI! but the 5GHz driver still fails to load.
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<brpr> PaulFertser, would you like the dmesg? The 5Ghz driver still spits out the same error
<brpr> [ 12.207467] ath10k_pci 0000:00:00.0: failed to run otp: -22 (download-cal-data)
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<PaulFertser> brpr: did you add the right script for 5 GHz caldata extraction?
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<Pepes> Guys, I am missing this commit;a=commit;h=025bd93f36c9923127674ce127e22933592cba6c for OpenWrt 19.07 to fix FragAttacks vulnerability. I also take a look at LTS kernels, I can see that this was fixed in kernel 5.4, but it was not backported to 4.19 (mac80211)
<hitech95> nbd, ping. I have a couple of questions about the mtk PPE and flow offload...
<brpr> PaulFertser, I'm yet to.
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<brpr> PaulFertser, you have said before that I'd only need scripts for MAC addresses.
<PaulFertser> brpr: I was wrong, since then I checked and told you mtd-cal-data is only implemented for ath9k.
<brpr> Alright. Where should I look for a template script?
<PaulFertser> 09:55 < PaulFertser> brpr: and for wifi calibration data nand/base-files/etc/hotplug.d/firmware/*
<brpr> PaulFertser, <- I don't care for MAC addresses yet, will this do for caldata?
<PaulFertser> brpr: not "cal" but "caldata". I also suggest to rename the label in the DTS file the next time you compile so that you avoid this particular mismatch.
<brpr> Alright.
<brpr> Compiling.
<brpr> PaulFertser, 5GHz works now!
<PaulFertser> brpr: :)
<brpr> And all Ethernet ports work!
<brpr> And all Ethernet ports work!
<brpr> oops
<brpr> sorry, client bugged out
<brpr> So now PaulFertser: The only broken thing is the reset button. How would I implement that?
<brpr> Oh and MAC addresses.
<PaulFertser> brpr: do "cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio" , then press the button and while holding it, cat again and see what changed.
<brpr> I have the GPIOs for all of the buttons and LEDs
<PaulFertser> 09:54 < PaulFertser> brpr: for MACs see target/linux/ath79/nand/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network netgear,wndr3700-v4 section , mtd_get_mac_binary , probably also nand/base-files/etc/hotplug.d/ieee80211/10-fix-wifi-mac
<PaulFertser> brpr: then define the reset button as the other boards do, name it "reset", should work.
<brpr> alright.
<brpr> PaulFertser, I'm looking at the section but how do I get the 0x6 part of the MAC setup? hexdump?
<PaulFertser> brpr: yes
<brpr> Also how would I resolve the 04 thing?
<brpr> And of course the MAC is on an UBI partition.
<PaulFertser> brpr: by adding 4 I guess
<hauke> Pepes: mac80211 was updated in 19.07.8 to a version which includes this chnage
<brpr> PaulFertser, Alright, the thing concerning me is the ubi partition thing.
<PaulFertser> brpr: I think script will be reading from ubi partition all right, you see it in /proc/mtd after OpenWrt as any other partition, right?
<brpr> I... don't
<brpr> I only see bootloader, ubi and caldata.
<brpr> I can read the MACs from /dev/ubi0_1
<hauke> mangix: I would just keep gdb without arc support. I think no one here is able to test on arc if it actually works and it looks like synopsys does not care any more
<hauke> I do not think they will get many new customers for arc with Linux anyway because RISC V cores are probably similar expensive and better supported
<hauke> I am only aware of Quantenna using arc with Linux
<brpr> PaulFertser, nevermind! Now I can't seem to get ANY MAC addresses from any ubi partition!
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<brpr> PaulFertser, nevermind again lol, I now get the mac address. I've been typing it wrong :P
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<brpr> PaulFertser, so in the script, I replace caldata with /dev/ubi0_2?
<PaulFertser> brpr: no, use mtd_get_mac_binary_ubi
<brpr> PaulFertser, Hmm, I've been hexdumping the factory partition, not the whole ubi one. Do I need to?
<PaulFertser> brpr: no, mtd_get_mac_binary_ubi accepts a ubi volume name as the first argument.
<brpr> so "factory"?
<PaulFertser> brpr: yes
<brpr> 00001000 02 02 30 5a ** ** ** e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |..0Z:_..........|
<brpr> 02 02 MAC
<brpr> so the line that has the MAC begins with 02 02
<brpr> PaulFertser, will that be a problem?
<PaulFertser> brpr: just use 0x1002 offset
<brpr> PaulFertser, check this out.
<PaulFertser> brpr: your case statement is after esac...
<brpr> oh lol
<PaulFertser> You should instead integrated into main case
<brpr> yeah, fixed that
<Pepes> hauke: Yeah, I am aware of if, but I still miss some patches like this: , maybe I'm blind to find it that it is applied into 19.07.8
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<brpr> fixed
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<brpr> PaulFertser, if that's ok we can move to my biggest enemy. USB.
<PaulFertser> brpr: not fixed, missing ;;
<brpr> PaulFertser, added. Apart from that it's ok?
<PaulFertser> brpr: try setting status okay for &usb_phy0 and &usb0 probably that's nough
<brpr> Oh wow. I was calling it the biggest enemy because it ruined compiling because it had some extra zyxel components.
<brpr> PaulFertser, this device has two USB ports - one 2.0 and one 3.0. Also - it has two USB LEDs.
<brpr> How would I accomplish that?
<hauke> Pepes: yes this patch was not backported to kernel 4.19 stable branch
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<PaulFertser> brpr: are you sure it actually supports SS?
<brpr> yep. it has supported it in original FW and it advertises it on its support webpage.
<PaulFertser> brpr: probably external controller on additional PCI bus?
<brpr> I don't know. It's on a different side of the board (front of the router) so - probable.
<PaulFertser> brpr: that should be visible from vendor dmesg
<brpr> seems like it uses Etron xHCI Host Controller
<brpr> PaulFertser, Belkin F9K1115 v2 seems to use the same controller.
<PaulFertser> brpr: so in your dts just enable @pcie1 status okay and include xhci driver in the build.
<brpr> where would that be located in menuconfig?
<PaulFertser> brpr: not in menuconfig, add it to the list of packages in image/Makefile.
<brpr> right
<brpr> kmod-usb3
<brpr> ?
<PaulFertser> Yes
<brpr> Compiling.
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<Pepes> hauke: Should I send PR to have it included in 19.07?
<Pepes> Because right now it seems that the FragAttacks was fixed partially
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#241]( of `realtek/generic` completed successfully.
<hauke> Pepes: I think it does not apply automatically
<hauke> if you made it apply then please send a patch, probably the upstream stable kernel team would also like to have it
<brpr> PaulFertser, Error: ../dts/qca9557_asus_rt_ac55u.dts:56.1-6 syntax error
<PaulFertser> brpr: bet it's another typo ;)
<brpr> Can't really see it
<brpr> 100% it is
<brpr> but I can't really see it
<PaulFertser> brpr: wps missing closing bracket
<PaulFertser> brpr: wps key
<brpr> ahhh
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<PaulFertser> brpr: see how indentation is useful :)
<brpr> I do lol
<brpr> How can I see if USB works?
<brpr> PaulFertser, the USB device that I've plugged in doesn't show up in dmesg
<PaulFertser> brpr: read dmesg for "hci" messages
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<brpr> [ 2.681949] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
<brpr> [ 2.690169] ehci-fsl: Freescale EHCI Host controller driver
<brpr> [ 2.697249] ehci-platform: EHCI generic platform driver
<PaulFertser> brpr: so that one should work already, you should see messages when inserting.
<brpr> nope
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<PaulFertser> brpr: your last paste lacks any usb specifications
<brpr> i'm dumb
<brpr> just checking and i only did pcie1
<brpr> brpr: try setting status okay for &usb_phy0 and &usb0 probably that's nough should I do this?
<PaulFertser> brpr: would I be suggesting it otherwise? ;)
<brpr> ;)
<brpr> also - the MAC address script doesn't work :(
<PaulFertser> brpr: you can try running it manually to see what happens. Add "echo" there etc. You can modify it on hardware, without reflashing.
<brpr> oh yeah I've found the issue
<brpr> if you don
<brpr> if you don't do patch_mac it won't work :P
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<PaulFertser> brpr: patch_mac is only for wifi I guess.
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<brpr> PaulFertser, [ 66.897183] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-platform
<brpr> PaulFertser, MAC addresses still aren't showing up!
<hauke> mangix: do you want to supprot clang as host compiler?
<hauke> how far are you?
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#240]( of `bcm63xx/smp` failed.
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<brpr> PaulFertser, I'm back. The MAC address is still 00:02:03:04:05 I believe
<PaulFertser> brpr: this doesn't look correct
<PaulFertser> brpr: is that what you see when running vendor firmware?
<brpr> no
<PaulFertser> brpr: what your question is? How to debug the uci-defaults script?
<brpr> my question is yes - how can I debug and fix this
<PaulFertser> brpr: please show "git diff" you currently have, probably I can spot something obvious.
<PaulFertser> brpr: and /etc/config/network you get after booting.
<PaulFertser> brpr: as mac address from the script is going to be added to that config.
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<PaulFertser> brpr-away-short: wifi obviously another typo: mtf_get_mac_binary_ubi
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#247]( of `mvebu/cortexa53` failed.
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<brpr> PaulFertser, compiling.
<PaulFertser> brpr: was wifi mac wrong or wan or lan?
<brpr> Well, it was all of them
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#234]( of `lantiq/xrx200` completed successfully.
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<hitech95> Hi is tere someone other than nbd that now the MTK PPE offload process?I've seen that initial patch as created by blogic...
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#298]( of `ath79/generic` completed successfully.
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<brpr> PaulFertser, I have some questions. 1 - no Ethernet interfaces appear in ip l on OpenWRT. Is that normal?
<brpr> 2 - The MAC address problem sadly still happens.
<PaulFertser> brpr: you said ethernet works before :) if you see no interfaces how can you tell if mac address works?
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<brpr> I only see wifi - Ethernet worked on previous builds but now doesn't work. Weird.
<PaulFertser> brpr: please run the wifi eeprom/mac script manually on the target with "sh -x /path/to/script" and show the output.
<PaulFertser> brpr: if you see no interface in "ip l" it means your DTS changed to not allow them somehow.
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<brpr> ip l: lo, wlan0, wlan1
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<brpr> PaulFertser, that really makes me wonder if we just didn't enable ethernet in DTS...
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<PaulFertser> brpr: then you couldn't have seen them before
<PaulFertser> brpr: I need output for the sh -x wlan script
<brpr> + '[' -e /lib/firmware/ ]
<brpr> + exit 0
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#248]( of `bcm27xx/bcm2708` failed.
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<brpr> PaulFertser, I don't know what's going on with wlan0. It has a very weird mac address. 00 03 f7 00 00 00. wlan1 has the 00 02 03 04 crap that I've said before.
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<PaulFertser> brpr: where are you running it?
<PaulFertser> brpr: on target?
<brpr> yes
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<brpr> PaulFertser, that actually kinda fooled me because the real MAC starts with 30 :P
<PaulFertser> brpr: ok, now "export FIRMWARE=ath10k/cal-pci-0000:00:00.0.bin; rm /lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE" and rerun with sh -x
<brpr> PaulFertser,
<PaulFertser> brpr: line 113 is the answer
<brpr> ? Do I need to change factory to Factory?
<PaulFertser> brpr: of course
<brpr> :)
<PaulFertser> brpr: you can change it in the script now and retry with sh -x and see
<brpr> I will
<PaulFertser> brpr: and for ath9k you'll need to do about the same in the other script there.
<PaulFertser> 10-ath9k
<brpr> + '[' -e /lib/firmware/ath10k/cal-pci-0000:00:00.0.bin ]
<brpr> + exit 0
<brpr> PaulFertser, sadly it still doesn't show the right MAC
<PaulFertser> brpr: rm
<PaulFertser> And retry
<brpr> so it did a dd command now
<brpr> two of them
<PaulFertser> brpr: you won't see the right address in "ip" now, you can just verify that the mac was read correctly in the trace output. Then you change the script and enjoy it the next time you run.
<PaulFertser> I mean the next time you assemble the full image.
<brpr> PaulFertser, IT DID!
<brpr> We have a read!
<brpr> Right - changing in both of the files
<brpr> 10-ath9k looks a lot different.
<brpr> It doesn't have any commands with mac in it, only caldata
<brpr> PaulFertser, hint please :D
<PaulFertser> brpr: I see ath9k_patch_mac mentioned
<PaulFertser> brpr: does vendor firmware use same mac for both cards?
<brpr> I'll have to reboot, wait a second.
<PaulFertser> brpr: write down all addresses it uses, for wlan0, for wlan1, for lan and for wan. You should eventually collect 4 addresses.
<brpr> Weird thing is that it has eth0 and eth1
<brpr> and ath0 and 1
<brpr> PaulFertser, wifi0 and wifi1 (real names of interfaces) I can accept because 2.4 and 5GHz but for eth and ath?!
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<PaulFertser> brpr: ath0 is qca proprietary wifi driver
<brpr> PaulFertser, why does it have two eths though
<PaulFertser> brpr: for wan and for lan?
<brpr> one with the MAC ending with 0 and one with it ending in 4
<brpr> yeah that would make sense
<brpr> Alright, I have 4 addresses. Of course actually 2 as they repeat
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<brpr> PaulFertser, sadly the address ending in 4 doesn't show up in Factory
<brpr> PaulFertser, how would I tell which interface is 5G and which one is 2.4?
<brpr> 5G as in 5GHz
<PaulFertser> brpr: you can just assume it's the Factory address +4
<brpr> alright.
<PaulFertser> brpr: hm, probably iwconfig can help there
<PaulFertser> No idea about the proprietary driver
<brpr> If wireless works in OpenWRT it works :P
<brpr> (with an open source driver obviously)
<brpr> PaulFertser, the 5G MAC is the +4 one. How would I accomplish that?
<brpr> In the script
<PaulFertser> brpr: my point is that you're now booted to vendor's qca code. And to tell if ath0 is on 2.4 GHz you might use iwconfig, not sure.
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<PaulFertser> brpr: use macaddr_add shell function
<brpr> PaulFertser, ath0 is 2.4 and ath1 is 5ghz
<brpr> PaulFertser, so like macaddr_add "$mac" 1 if mac is a variable containing the factory mac?
<PaulFertser> brpr: yes
<brpr> obviously instead of 1 there'd be 4
<PaulFertser> brpr: what about the wired interfaces, what addresses are they using?
<brpr> eth0 uses the 0 MAC
<brpr> eth1 uses the 4 MAC
<PaulFertser> brpr: and athX do the same?
<brpr> yes, ath0 uses the 0 mac and ath1 the 4 mac\
<brpr> except for the end number, the same
<PaulFertser> I mean eth0 and ath0 use identical MAC, right?
<brpr> PaulFertser, yes.
<PaulFertser> brpr: ok
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<brpr> PaulFertser, I have done wireless MACs. How would I do wired?
<PaulFertser> brpr: you should first get the interfaces working
<brpr> alright
<brpr> dts?
<PaulFertser> brpr: and macs you'll see how to do in 02_network
<PaulFertser> brpr: yes
<shibboleth> anyone care to try and build an ipq806x (preferably c2600) image from master and verify if this breaks network connectivity?
<shibboleth> tftp recovery will still work, no need to disassemble for recovery
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<brpr> PaulFertser, can't wrap my head around Ethernet. Have been doing research on other DTSes and still don't know.
<PaulFertser> brpr: you said it worked before with zyxel image?
<brpr> PaulFertser, at least to some extent, I could connect to it
<PaulFertser> brpr: so it must be that zyxel dts (or the dtsi it included) had proper eth sections and now your own dts doesn't.
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<brpr> I'm going to bed, will be continuing tomorrow.
<brpr> Bye
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<rsalvaterra> dangole: Is there anything specific to ath9k in hostapd?
<dangole> rsalvaterra: no, that's just the mac80211 driver, nothing more than that.
<dangole> (driver in hostap i mean)
<rsalvaterra> I think that PKG_CONFIG_DEPENDS is bogus.
<rsalvaterra> Not sure about the CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-cfg80211 dependency, though.
<rsalvaterra> Reminiscence from the madwifi days, maybe?
<mangix> hauke: not sure what you mean by this. if you're referring to the clang bugfixes, I just set CC=clang;CXX=clang++
<mangix> rsalvaterra: you don't need neon support for armada honestly
<mangix> i doubt you're running ffmpeg
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: I'm running WireGuard. ;)
<rsalvaterra> And yes, I know Cortex-A9 NEON is 64-bit-castrated, but it still makes things a bit faster.
<mangix> What's the WireGuard performance delta?
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Haven't personally measured, but I remember seeing numbers in the kernel crypto patches. Let me see if I can dig them up…
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<rsalvaterra> BLAKE2s doesn't benefit from NEON, as far as WireGuard is concerned, so the scalar implementation is used.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#247]( of `ipq40xx/generic` completed successfully.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#250]( of `mpc85xx/p1020` completed successfully.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#245]( of `ramips/mt7621` failed.
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#104]( of `ath79/nand` completed successfully.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#244]( of `mvebu/cortexa9` failed.
<mangix> rsalvaterra: you should ask the Turris people to run comparisons
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: Actually, I should run them myself, but I've been too lazy to do it. :P
<mangix> Right. Turris people have resources :)
<mangix> shibboleth: sounds like a side effect of the NVMEM updates
<mangix> There's a DSA PR that should work.
<rsalvaterra> mangix: True… but they also have their own OS, which isn't vanilla OpenWrt (and the reason I hate it).
<mangix> Their OS is very close to uostream
<mangix> Except for TOS 3
<shibboleth> sure, but hopefully this can be fixed without forcing users onto dsa?
<mangix> DSA is the future
<mangix> Note that this is openwrt-devel
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<rsalvaterra> Me and stintel will only love DSA when it supports multiple CPU ports connected to a switch. :P
<rsalvaterra> Right now, my Omnia has a dangling eth0. Not cool.
<shibboleth> well, having ipq806x broken on master can't be a desirable status quo?
<rsalvaterra> shibboleth: Master can break from time to time. It's not desirable, but it happens. People will get around to it, eventually.
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<shibboleth> i get that, but we're apparently talking about a month here :)
<stintel> git bisect it so the breaking commit can be reverted
<slh> shibboleth: chances are also that it 'just' affects the c2600 and not the r7800/ nbg6817/ g10/ ea8500 (because the r7800 was presumably tested, and nbg6817, g10 and ea8500 use a different approach to read out and set the MAC addresses (fetched from ubootenv or similar as ASCII, not in an nvmem compatible way)
<stintel> if you run master you should be willing to get your hands dirty
<stintel> I don't have the device so I can't do it for you
<rsalvaterra> This ^
<shibboleth> i've tested both c2600 and ad7200
<slh> yes, but those two are very similar to each other - but different to the other mentioned devices (and ansuel can only test the r7800)
<rsalvaterra> stintel: I see you changed your mind and created a new qoriq target, nice. ;)
<stintel> rsalvaterra: oh few weeks already. if I had done that I would have never hit the thread_shift problem and probably would have been using the device for 6 months already
<stintel> if I had done that from the beginning*
<stintel> I should probably further debug those dropped packet in the stats
<rsalvaterra> Yeah, ppc64 is a different beast. :)
<mangix> rsalvaterra: Ansuel ported the Turris patch in his DSA PR.
<rsalvaterra> Turris parch? For multiple CPU ports?
<rsalvaterra> *patch
<slh> yes
<slh> running it here on ipq806x (nbg6817 and g10)
<rsalvaterra> Wait, has it been accepted upstream?
<slh> no
<rsalvaterra> Thought so. So, no consensus yet. Sigh…
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<slh> sadly, yes
<mangix> Just carry it locally
<stintel> I should probably give that thing a try too
<stintel> or maybe first finalize qoriq and send it for review
<stintel> I seem to be having a problem with finishing things :(
<rsalvaterra> stintel: I can relate. :P
<rsalvaterra> mangix: To be honest, the patch is useless to me. I have an external switch connected to my Omnia's lan4, and all my devices connect to the switch.
<mangix> Strange setup
<rsalvaterra> Come to think of it, I had already seen the patch and thought "meh", at the time. Oh, well.
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: Well, not *all* devices. The wan of the Omnia is connected to the internet, of course.
<mangix> Right. Seems a waste not to use the built-in switch though.
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: Not enough ports… :)
<rsalvaterra> But I agree it's a bit wasteful, yes.
<mangix> Friend I have uses both the ports on his router and external switch.
<mangix> I assume your switch is 24 port. His is 9 :P
<mangix> *8
<rsalvaterra> mangix: That implies a bottleneck between the devices on the external switch and the devices on the Omnia's switch. :/
<rsalvaterra> Actually, my switch is also 8-port.
<mangix> Maybe. No idea how big it would be.
<stintel> pfff don't mention switchports. with the extra testing hardware I ran out
<mangix> Lol
<rsalvaterra> …
<slh> I'm getting nervous whenever I have more that ~half to 2/3 of my switch ports in use (especially with managed switches, where you can go more crazy in terms of assigning VLANs)
<mangix> Sadly I'm starting to value wifi over Ethernet
<rsalvaterra> stintel: You should post photos of your setup, somewhere. :P
<stintel> heh
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Wi-Fi is useful and nice to have, but nothing beats a guided medium to get sh*t done.
<slh> fortunately/ sadly I've gone a little crazy in terms of switches recently, rtl8382 based gs1900-24e, gs1900-24 and dgs-1210-16g1 - one more than I really wanted to buy, but I just couldn't let the gs1900-24 pass for the money
<mangix> rsalvaterra: sure but wires are annoying. :)
<mangix> Wonder how to use a MAC address specified in uboot-env
<slh> mangix:;a=blob;f=target/linux/ipq806x/base-files/etc/board.d/02_network;hb=HEAD#l81 (nbg6817), ansuel had some idea to use nvmem for that as well, but he hasn't come back with an approach for that, yet
<rsalvaterra> mangix: Eww, what device from hell specifies the MAC address that way?
<slh> quite a few do
<mangix> CyberTAN (OEM) is notorious for this
<rsalvaterra> I was afraid of that answer. :P
<slh> rsalvaterra: in the ipq806x target at least: ASRock G10, Linksys EA7500v1/ EA8500, ZyXEL NBG6817
<rsalvaterra> Is the uboot-env also writeable?
<slh> depends on who did the porting and the device in question, often, yes
<rsalvaterra> What could possibly go wrong? :P
<rsalvaterra> Well, probably the reference MAC address is also written in a sticker somewhere…
<hurricos> @stintel: Any updates on the Firebox m300? Alternatively, do you presently have a box in mind that would work well for a main firewall?
<slh> e.g. Linksys stores the active (boot-) partition in uboot-env, so there it must be writable. the g10 and nbg6817 don't need to have it writable
<stintel> hurricos: the M300 is my main firewall :)
<stintel> mangix: you don't want to see how many wires I have here :D
<rsalvaterra> stintel: I still want AltiVec accelerated crypto for WireGuard… :P
<hurricos> stintel: I seem to remember it is ... yes, thanks rsalvaterra, powerpc. But not mpc85xx, where is it?
<mangix> Why?
<hurricos> or have you not mainlined it?
<hurricos> err, into OpenWrt.
<stintel> hurricos: it's not mainlined yet
<stintel> hurricos:;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/qoriq
<hurricos> OK. Gotcha. I have a building I may very soon be completely rip-and-replacing the networking in, and I'm considering a Firebox
<hurricos> Currently has a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Pro and it's ....
<stintel> I have some quirks to figure out, but all ethernet ports are working, 0-2 real, 3-7 DSA
<hurricos> Nice. OK ...
<hurricos> Well, probably not in time. I may opt to just work with a smaller device as the main firewall and do everything else with VLANs, but I find that turns ugly and makes change / structure hard to communicate.
<hurricos> (if you only have 4 ethernet ports ;( ...)
<stintel> let's see ...
<hurricos> I look at the FireBox and see a fairly powerful multicore machine and I grin, of course.
<slh> hurricos: you be awayre that the m300 is effectively a small rackserver, so 3 small fans spnning at 6000-11000 rpm
<hurricos> Yes, sure. I have an R510 in the same rack.
<hurricos> slh: Thanks :^)
<rsalvaterra> slh: Ouch. That's a big no-no for me. :(
<hurricos> > 75 watts max -- ouch
<slh> rsalvaterra: one in the back of the 1U case, two in the PSU (and at least those are unavoidable)
<hurricos> See, I would convert the EdgeRouter pro, but unfortunately it is not mine.
<hurricos> it's also Cavium, rrg. Rats!
<stintel> still have a bad taste of cavium in your mouth yes ? :D
<hurricos> why is there no way to smack a 24-port switch onto x86 over XAUI?
<hurricos> yes, very much so ... to be realistic, I just know there's not much support
<hurricos> I don't want my building to suddenly not have internet. I do have half a mind to keep the EdgeRouter there but the change in the building present a perfect opportunity to rip and replace and it's been nearly a decade since that was last done
<hurricos> I was briefly looking at the Meraki MX84 until I noticed that the switch chip on it is VSC7425, which raises its own red flags --
<slh> depending on the number of clients and WAN speed (1 GBit/s symmetric), it may be sensible to just get a low-end core i5/ low-end ryzen with a couple of ethernet cards and a good/ big managed switch and call it a day
<hurricos> slh: I had that exact thought in mind, tbh. It's presently just 150Mbit/s and it will likely be 1GBit/s within a year, at most.
<slh> that can be rather low-noise/ low power consumption
<hurricos> I do have a zbox ci323-nano:
<hurricos> Ah, that's probably the way to go. I just have to figure out a reasonable way to integrate it into the rack.
<hurricos> A small part of me dies when I have to just rest something critical on top of something else and call it a day
<slh> although that probably is the most sensible solution here
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<hurricos> The truth hurts :P
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<stintel> noltari: great job on rpi 5.10!
<noltari> stintel: thanks!
<stintel> here goes nothing
<stintel> hurricos: keep an eye out on the mailinglist :)
<stintel> ah I forgot to mention that I'm running this as my daily for several weeks already
<Habbie> this question may sound stupid - what is 'rpi 5.10' here?
<stintel> I'll have to upgrade my small army of RPis now though :P
<stintel> mixed feelings
<stintel> I had automated this but maintaining an internal CI/CD pipeline was a PITA
<Habbie> hehe
<stintel> and there is no way in hell that I'm adding an SSH key that can run sysupgrade on my devices in the cloud
<Habbie> that's a big patch
<stintel> I don't even trust a local gitlab or github runner
<stintel> yeah, rpi is .. special :)
<Habbie> but, nice work indeed
<stintel> I've done an RPi kernel bump like that myself once iirc, and that's also a serieus PITA
* mangix has no RPis
<stintel> I think I have 10
* mangix wonders if he's missing out
* mangix wonders if this will become a reality:
<stintel> I have a Zero W in my power cabinet that polls the SDM630 Modbus power meter, a Zero W with motion, and a camera aimed on my front door, another Zero W with a motion sensor that drives my welcome light, one in the bedroom with PM sensor, and a 5th one for testing (e.g. this will be used to test the 5.10 kernel first)
<stintel> a 3A+ here close to LBSF for ADS-B capturing and feeding to flightaware, a 3B+ doing the same at my parents' place close to EBBR
<Habbie> my PM sensors are on ESP8266 or ESP32
<stintel> yeah I have a few of those too
<stintel> have even 2 ESP32-C3 (RISC-V model) doing that
<Habbie> ah, i have 2 C3 but I haven't tried them yet :)
<stintel> I have 20 :D
<stintel> went a bit nuts
<Habbie> they came in last week
<Habbie> lol
<stintel> and they will probably all be donated once the WiFi6 model is out
<stintel> to continue the RPi story, a Pi 4 with Lora/GPS HAT used as stratum 0 NTP server here
<stintel> and finally a Pi 4 at my parents place that one day should be running Pi-KVM
<stintel> so that's 9, not 10
* mangix still needs to get this wifi 6 router in shape to run OpenWrt
<Habbie> stintel, wifi6 esp is coming?
<stintel> Habbie: yeeees
<stintel> 2.4 only iirc, but still
<Habbie> i knew about the matter/zigbee one
<stintel> ESP32-C6
<Habbie> nice
<stintel> yeah
<stintel> the let's be nice to the spectrum features are definitely worth it imo
<Habbie> yeah that's the point - low rate wifi devices take up so much spectrum time
<stintel> O_O
<Habbie> ohh also nice
<Habbie> but no use to that ESP :)
<stintel> idd
<stintel> > This in practice means that every EU member state must update their national frequency allocation plans to reflect the 6 GHz decision before December 1, 2021, sources say.
<stintel> santa will come early :D
<Habbie> haha
<Habbie> 6ghz - now your walls must be even thinner :D
<stintel> this is Bulgaria, no problem :D
<Habbie> you're in Bulgaria?
<stintel> yes
<stintel> EU's tax haven ;)
<Habbie> lol
<stintel> I used to be in Belgium. went from >50% income tax to 10-15%
<stintel> as an added bonus I have 1000/600 for EUR 16 per month or so
<Habbie> neat
<stintel> only no native v6 :(
<Habbie> i got native v6 a few weeks ago and it totally broke down behind the stock openwrt box :D
<stintel> I do have a HA router setup, with each router a tunnel to a different endpoint but with the same /60 announced via BGP, which is kind of cool, but still tunneled :(
<stintel> hmmm, did my patches go out twice?!
<stintel> ah no, thunderbird messing up probably
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<stintel> doesn't even look too crazy to review
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#243]( of `mediatek/mt7622` failed.
<stintel> meanwhile my HiFive Unmatched is slowly building KDE Plasma and dependencies :P
<stintel> really curious how that will perform
<stintel> damnit thread is again broken in the ML archive
<stintel> dwmw2_gone: can something be done about greylisting breaking patch series in different threads ?
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<mangix> stintel: somewhat amusing
<stintel> mangix: ?
<mangix> The tax Haven comment
<stintel> how so ?
<mangix> Dunno. I haven't been there in 9 years. It's news to me.
<stintel> the 10% income tax is nothing new
<mangix> Right. I was talking more about its tax Haven status :D
<stintel> well compare it to any west-european country
<mangix> Never been to one.
<mangix> Unless you count airports
* stintel looks at Andorra