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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#469]( of `bcm27xx/bcm2709` failed.
<KGB-0> has been updated. (100.0% images and 98.3% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<mangix> ping @ldir
<mangix> hmm not here it seems
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<mangix> Ugh need to set up a macOS VM to test though.
<slh> which is... fun
<mangix> I set up a FreeBSD one yesterday. Doesn't work right.
<mangix> macOS is worse as no GNOME Boxes support
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<T-Bone> is there a way to show the registered procd trigger on a running system?
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#477]( of `mpc85xx/p2020` failed.
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<Kali_> yo i gotta question: What's up with ucode
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<jow> f00b4r0: yes, ubus call service list '{ "verbose": true }'
<jow> or ubus call service list '{ "verbose": true }' | jsonfilter -e '@[*].triggers' if you want it line-wise
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<f00b4r0> jow: thanks!
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<jow> nbd: are you around?
<jow> nbd: I try to understand the UBUS_ATTR_NO_REPLY semantics wrt. ubus notify requests
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<jow> what exactly is a "reply" in this context? Can subscribers respond to incoming notifications? If so, how? Can you suggest any example code?
<jow> is that what the data_cb of struct ubus_notify_request.req is for?
<jow> invoked once for each reply of each subscriber?
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<nbd> jow: blocking ubus_notify waits for all subscribers to complete
<nbd> jow: when using ubus_notify with timeout -1, it means that the subscribers don't need to bother with a status reply
<nbd> since the notifier will not wait for one
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<stintel> nbd: have you tested autorate-ingress? there seems to be a problem in the qosify init script that enables it, while it's not enabled for that device. additionally, enabling that on a mostly idle devices results in the ingress rate lowering until traffic is barely possible at all
<stintel> while this sounds like a bug in cake, I propose to either disable it in qosify for now. alternatively we can print a warning, but this could be very easily overlooked
<stintel> thoughts?
<stintel> I'll look into why the init script enables it even if it's not
<nbd> i'm fine with disabling it by default
<stintel> oh, it is enabled by default?
<nbd> yes
<nbd> i think so
<stintel> that would explain something
<stintel> let me dig into the code again
<nbd> btw. i've created a testing branch, where i've implemented dns snooping within the qosify daemon
<nbd> in a way that shouldn't cause performance issues
<stintel> that's neat
<stintel> although we realised the whole dns snooping is going to be useless in the future, as people/operating systems/.. switch to DoH/DoT/DoQ
<nbd> at some point, yes
<stintel> I will ask my colleagues if they can test it
<nbd> at that point the clients devices/browsers will need some helpers to feed qosify
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<stintel> cfg->autorate_ingress = true;
<stintel> ok I missed that :)
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<stintel> nbd: can I add your ack on this ?;a=commitdiff;h=ae86fe96fa9d1ed148ad4429486cea5b67358e57
<stintel> and same question for;a=commitdiff;h=619260d991a61642d1e39d2f15a93edb81aea4a0
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<stintel> in 26 minutes, 100Mbps dropped to <5000kbps with autorate
<nbd> ouch
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<Slimey> heh
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<stintel> qdisc cake 1: root refcnt 2 bandwidth 55944bit autorate-ingress diffserv4 dual-dsthost nonat nowash ingress no-ack-filter split-gso rtt 100ms raw overhead 0
<stintel> after 1h05 uptime
<stintel> we're now on a 1999 Internet connection :D
<Habbie> haha
<jow> nbd: I suppose I can from within a subscriber callback, invoke ubus_send_reply() on the passed req context and it'
<jow> ll end up in the .data_cb() of the notifier?
<jow> and final question: is it valid to (regardless of the context, also for normal object methods invocations) do ubus_send_reply() and return a status code != UBUS_STATUS_OK ?
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<f00b4r0> stintel: yes, but with ultra low latency! :D
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<nbd> jow: yes, you can send replies from the subscriber cb, and data replies are independent of the status code
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<jow> nbd: thanks
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#470]( of `bcm27xx/bcm2709` completed successfully.