<hurricos> my bad
<hurricos> I can't read
<hurricos> it's a PD69014
<hurricos> s/69014/69012/
<hurricos> not necessary to replace the coldfire daughter board
<hurricos> the CP2102 goes directly to the little MCU that drives the PD69012
<hurricos> so I"m guessing this isn't a serial console. Time to fire it up and find out
<Slimey> i have some of these crestron rmc3 and shit i dunno what to do with
<Slimey> and some solstice pod things that run android
<Slimey> lol oh yeah 4M of flash
<hurricos> it's a serial console =-+
<hurricos> the coldfire board is literally just a serial-to-network device
<hurricos> I feel betrayed
<hurricos> oh, wait ... what?
<hurricos> whatever's at the other end of this can ping, too. Hmm. Not sure how I traced the output of the CP2102 to the MCU then.
<hurricos> It's definitely the MCF5272. I can upload an S-Record to it if I want. So uclinux is an option, technically. But nahh
<hurricos> anyways
<hurricos> enough fooling around with this. It has a network port. IT's probably fine
<hurricos> (to be used over the network)
<slingamn> i'm using the imagebuilder; i want to build an image that always tries to use /dev/sda as the overlay device (it's OK if it fails to boot if /dev/sda is absent). is this possible by hardcoding /etc/fstab or some other /etc files?
<slingamn> or perhaps by changing the device tree file?
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<stintel> Grommish: it seems after /etc/init.d/network restart things stopped leaking
<Grommish> stintel: Interesting. I've been pulling free every 5 mins to see the creep, let me check that
<stintel> after that restart network traffic also dropped
<stintel> might need to compare that with tcpdump next time I reboot the thing
<Grommish> stintel: I restarted the network and now eth0 doesn't pickup an ipv4 address.. hmmmm
<stintel> but I have a config and image that seems to reliably show the leak
<stintel> so that's something I guess
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<stintel> rebooted with sqm-scripts disabled, 10MiB less memory usage after boot and no leak so far
<Grommish> stintel: I'm not running sqm at all
<stintel> you said you don't use it, are we again chasing a different bug :/
<stintel> show me tc q output though
<Grommish> stintel: What do you need?
<stintel> just show the entire output
<Grommish> Of the boot?
<stintel> tc q
<Grommish> stintel: /bin/ash: tc: not found
<stintel> ugh
<Grommish> Not like i can't build a package.. what is tc?
<stintel> it's part of iproute2 to manipulate "traffic control" settings (qdiscs etc)
<Grommish> This device isn't hooked to anything but the network via WAN.. so no traffic and can be reflashed at will
<stintel> Grommish: show output of "ip link?
<stintel> s/?/"?/
<stintel> ok, so just fq_codel qdiscs used
<stintel> reverted to my original changes and leak does not show :/
<Grommish> stintel: eth0/1/2 are the only ports on the device aside from the console, I'm guessing eth3 is available on the controller, but nothing connected to it
<stintel> this leak is fucking annoying
<stintel> now the only other thing is different from last night is that I did a cold boot then
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<Grommish> Well, when I cycled networking, it refuses to pickup a DHCP address until I reboot the device
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<stintel> really very vague stuff
<Grommish> I still think it's the octeon-ethernet driver, but I dunno how to prove it
<stintel> going to try another cold boot to see if it reproduces then
<stintel> if not that means I just lost my "reliable" repro
<stintel> and I'll probably just mark octeon source-only and call it quits
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<neggles> stintel: you also gotta remember he's got an octeon3 and you have an octeonii :P
<Grommish> neggles: Interesting.. When I made the octoen-ethernet as a module, the .ko didn't get loaded into the rom. Any idea if it should have?
<Grommish> neggles: ./linux-octeon/linux-5.10.103/drivers/staging/octeon/octeon-ethernet.ko gets created in the build_dir hmmm
<Grommish> I'm going to copy them into the root.orig and see if that fixes it
<Grommish> but it seems o be the fact it's in drivers/staging
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<stintel> you need to make a kmod package
<f00b4r0> hmm. I seem to be hitting an interesting cornercase: when starting a service, "/etc/init.d/<service> running" returns true *and* "/etc/init.d/<service> status" is not "running". Is this expected?
<f00b4r0> the other way around
<f00b4r0> sorry. running returns false and status is running
<f00b4r0> maybe it's just a race and each command see a different state while the service starts.
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<stintel> auch, my gs108t-v3 dropped offline after running "ethtool --show-eee lan1"
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<stintel> and it seems to happen reliably so I created a gh issue
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<f00b4r0> hmm. I don't understand why kmod-ipt-coova isn't in the archive although coova-chilli is apparently built with it
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<Grommish> stintel: Ah ha! Got it.. Thanks :)
<jow> f00b4r0: you asked that a while ago already
<jow> f00b4r0: the reason is likely still the same
<jow> 11:09 < jow> f00b4r0: I suppose due to the deps. kmod-ipt-coova depends on (not selects) coova-chilli
<jow> 11:09 < jow> f00b4r0: since phase1 builds CONFIG_ALL_KMODS=y but does not select coova-chilli, it'll never get enabled
<f00b4r0> oh right.
<f00b4r0> I'm getting senile :(
<f00b4r0> thanks for jogging my memory.
<f00b4r0> jow: I suppose there's no fix for that, since kmods cannot be built by phase2, correct?
<jow> they can but they'll never end up on the build hosts
<jow> erm end up on the download servers
<f00b4r0> I see. No way around this then.
<jow> apart from fixing the depdnency
<jow> there's no technical reason for it to be there, likely a cludge for menuconfig cosmetics
<jow> are cargo culting
<jow> *or
<f00b4r0> oh, I see what you mean
<f00b4r0> I'll check if the module really does not depend on the package includes, if so I'll submit a patch
<jow> by convetion, kmods should not depend on userspace anyway
<jow> if at all then the other way around
<f00b4r0> indeed
<f00b4r0> but chilli being a trashcan, I wouldn't assume anything ;P
<f00b4r0> it looks like it could work indeed
<f00b4r0> I'll submit a patch to remove the dep
<rmilecki> I'm working on support for a router with 2 WAN interfaces
<rmilecki> setup (config) needs to allow to configure them separately (e.g. dhcp vs static) so I need 2 "config interface"s in /etc/config/network
<rmilecki> I've achieved that by:
<rmilecki> ucidef_set_interface "wan1" device "wan1" protocol "dhcp"
<rmilecki> ucidef_set_interface "wan2" device "wan2" protocol "dhcp"
<rmilecki> (I now have "wan1" and "wan2" interfaces)
<rmilecki> the problem with /etc/config/firewall which has "wan" and "wan6" hardcoded (package/network/config/firewall/files/firewall.config)
<rmilecki> how to solve that? :)
<jow> rmilecki: for now usinga uci-defaults cludge
<rmilecki> jow: use uci-defaults to modify firewall config?
<jow> yes
<rmilecki> jow: do you have any long term different solution in mind?
<jow> yes, two
<jow> 1) using "option zone wan" on the two ifaces (but needs to be happen globally)
<jow> 2) add support for ifgroups in netifd, then fw4 and use that
<jow> my personal favorite is 2
<rmilecki> i could implement 1
<rmilecki> 2 is probalbly too complex for me
<rmilecki> if you prefer 2 though there is probably no point in wasting time (and dealing with backward compatibility later) on 1
<jow> 1) is already implemented and used by virtual dynamic interfaces to join themselves into firewall zones without having to modify the firewall config
<jow> I just never tried it in actual uci configured interfaces, could be that it's not recognized there, yet by fw3 and fw4
<jow> and it would intersect with the list of interfaces in the firewall config
<jow> but I guess that's tolerable for now
<jow> (fw will likely complain about missing "wan" on start)
<rmilecki> let me test that
<rmilecki> jow: zone trick seems to work
<rmilecki> jow: so what would be better for me?
<rmilecki> 0. uci-defaults modifying /etc/config/firewall
<rmilecki> 1. option zone 'wan'
<f00b4r0> jow: if I read this https://github.com/openwrt/packages/blob/ae9baa8d7ea43e7acc281ce53f1b640021df8fd0/net/coova-chilli/Makefile#L73 it'll take more than removing the dependency for this to work. It seems the package doesn't define a build recipe for the kmod, it only grabs the build by-product?
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* f00b4r0 isn't quite clear on how phase1/phase2 work together (or not)
<jow> f00b4r0: that looks okay
<jow> rmilecki: stick with the zone thing then, it's the cleanest
<rmilecki> jow: thanks
<jow> rmilecki: downside is that LuCI does not expose it
<jow> but that can be fixed later
<rmilecki> ack
<rmilecki> jow: about about board.json? could we push that info there?
<jow> not sure
<f00b4r0> jow: but this only happens when the /package/ is built. Phase1 will not do that, will it?
<jow> f00b4r0: phase1 will install all source packages from all feeds, then enable all kmods
<f00b4r0> ok
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<f00b4r0> PR opened.
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<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_ath79.html has been updated. (99.2% images and 98.3% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<russell--> what does this mean? tmp/.config-package.in:103464:symbol PACKAGE_shorewall6 depends on PACKAGE_shorewall6
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<Grommish> stintel: I've managed to successfully kmod the octeon ethernet driver. Now I can yank it and see what happens
<stintel> great
<Grommish> It was counter-inuitive at first that the kmod has to be required rather than Moduled in order to be included so it can be turned on and off :D
<russell--> blocktrron: someone reports (https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/issues/5095) a unifi ap as being ar7240 (from the boot log), but the device tree says it's ar7241, do both exist in the wild (like for ubiquiti bullet m's)?
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<blocktrron> russell--: if I'm informed correctly they are identical apart from some missing io
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<stintel> thanks again for your help and guidance
<stintel> oops
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<russell--> blocktrron: they are different when it comes to their ethernet port
<russell--> which lead to the split for bullet-m
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<blocktrron> Split?
<blocktrron> And in which way different?
<russell--> - compatible = "qca,ar7240-eth", "syscon";
<russell--> + compatible = "qca,ar7241-eth", "syscon";
<russell--> in ar71xx they were compatible, but not ath79
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<russell--> unless something has changed since march 2020 when i found ath79 for bullet-m didn't work on ar7240 hardware
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<russell--> blocktrron: this is what I heard previously: 2019-02-24 17:53 gch981213: russell--: ar71xx has the ability to auto-detect many things but ath79 doesn't. ar7240 and ar7241 can't share the same dts on arh79 but they can use the same piece of machine code in ar71xx.
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<russell--> and then: 2019-03-23 20:40 gch981213: russell--: I don't think there is a way to do so. Maybe we should create two dts/firmware for the two variants.
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