<hurricos> dmesg
<hurricos> df
<hurricos> .... sorry. jow: in light of x86 netdev naming being non-configurable, I'd like to submit this patch: https://paste.c-net.org/PeeingCheap
<hurricos> It uses the preinit stage + 02_network to submit to board.json e.g. "network_device" { "eth0" { "path": "$sysfs_path" }, ... } node
<hurricos> this path is the same path syntax used in /etc/config/wireless.
<hurricos> thus an ethernet port on a well-known board, e.g. mx100, can be labeled "management" and actually *called* management
<hurricos> ditto for eth1. So it's not randomly eth8 instead.
<hurricos> etc, etc.
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_tegra.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<jow> hurricos: looks fine on a first glance
<jow> hurricos: couple of remarks:
<jow> - leave out the unrelated "network-device" -> "network_device" change
<jow> - "management" is a rather long ifname (linux maximum length is 16) leaving only 6 bytes for prefixes and suffixes, br-management.4095 would already be too long, maybe consider mgmt
<jow> - the rename logic might fail in case names need to ber swapped
<jow> e.g. eth0 <> eth1
<jow> I see you have some logic in place to use an autogenerated name then
<jow> I'd suggest to do two cycles; first rename all relevant netdevs to temporary names, then rename them to their intented name in a second cycle
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* f00b4r0 learns about CVE-2022-38392 and chuckles
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<rmilecki> hurricos: i can't make much sense out of "x86 lacks device trees with which to name network port interfaces"
<rmilecki> hurricos: "mapping from ethernet port name" - do you mean Ethernet interface? that port sounds misleading in this context
<rmilecki> "to reconfigure all network device names" - i'm not eaxtly sure what names reconfiguration is
<rmilecki> (i'm trying to understand that patch)
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<xback> nbd: good morning :-) can I get your ACK on this one? https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/staging/xback.git;a=commit;h=f2ca7dbcf74a6325cdf5c8020b3029740c04882e
<nbd> sure
<jow> robimarko: it's about assigning predictable netdev names
<jow> sorry, rmilecki ^
<rmilecki> jow: hurricos: it would be great to put that clear info in a commit :)
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<stintel> hurricos: jow: in scripts, use full iproute2 invocations, e.g. ip l should be ip link
<stintel> also, device tree doesn't allow naming ethernet interfaces either, afaik, it's just DSA ports you can name
<stintel> so I think this patch could be relevant for all archs not just x86?
<stintel> and I agree managment -> mgmt, internet should just be wan like we use everywhere else
<russell--> fwiw, i expect network interfaces to look like network interfaces, cutesy names are just confusing
<stintel> blame udev ;)
<stintel> people want wlp0s20f3 rather than wlan0 ;)
<stintel> need to look that up every time
* stintel pukes
<Habbie> tab completion helps ;)
<Habbie> i'm typing at you from enx3ce1a14cdcac
<russell--> i heard that once, but ... it doesn't in a non-trivial number of cases
<Habbie> i recently found it works for tcpdump, which is the only place i ever type that name
<stintel> iw wlan0 link
<stintel> use it all the time to see where I'm connected :P
<russell--> it works for some shells
<russell--> "net.ifnames=0", ftw
<stintel> aye
<russell--> Predictable Network Interface Names really only makes sense is a server in a data center, which seems like the wrong thing to be optimizing for. most machines have one network interface of a particular flavor, and the most predictable name is eth0 or wlan0 </rant>
<Piraty> predictable network interface names were supposed to address race condition in device enumeration so that eth0 and eth1 are possible mixed up on next boot, which i *never* ran into in my life without predictable network interface names. thanks systemd-udev
<stintel> I call them Unpredictable Network Interface Names :P
<stintel> e.g. I have a board with eno1 and enp12s0
<stintel> suck much, both onboard, why is it not eno1 and eno2 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<PaulFertser> onboard or not is decided based on SMBIOS information (you can see it in dmidecode), so blame your UEFI vendor
<stintel> no, I blame udev, every body knows vendors suck at making BIOSes, building something that relies on bios info being reliable is a mistake
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<PaulFertser> Or the ACPI _DSM table. In SMBIOS case, check "dmidecode -t 41", if that lists just a single adapter then it explains why only one is marked onboard.
<PaulFertser> (the ACPI table is of course made by the same shitty vendor, and they sucked during BIOS times and continue to suck in UEFI times as well, I agree)
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<f00b4r0> stintel: heh, so damn true. It's not a mistake, it's retarded. I have net.ifnames=0 on all my machines nowadays, including raspis :P
<karlp> I'm glad you all never had problems, I had many problems with eth0/eth1 swapping, and it was a nightmare.
<f00b4r0> karlp: static udev rules can fix that though
<PaulFertser> static udev rules were not convenient when you were just replacing a PCI Ethernet card with another
<f00b4r0> they were reliable
<PaulFertser> Yep, but you'd need to reconfigure manually after such a replacement
<Piraty> stintel: that's a udev rule bug i think
<Piraty> also, the aliasing is weird
<stintel> it also doesn't help that at some point Linux introduced a bug that made one of the interfaces not initialize on cold boot
<stintel> on that board with eno1 and enp12s0
<stintel> I guess I can just make a static DHCP lease with the same IP for both mac addresses to deal with that :P
<stintel> or git bisect it but that can be time consuming, it's not my main box, it's not in my office and it doesn't have a BMC
<stintel> maybe I should put some effort into porting pikvm to openwrt
<stintel> but RPi camera is broken since 5.15 bump
<stintel> there's going to be a lot of yak shaving involved :)
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_mediatek.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<barhom> I've added a custom service using /etc/init.d/{Service} and it all works. It auto starts when I reboot the server and start/stop=99. However, how would I build my firmware if I wanted to include the service but not autostart it? I've tried issuing "service {service} disable" in uci-defaults, but that seems to not work
<stintel> I believe miniupnpd is configured to not start by default
<stintel> other option is to add an "enabled" option in uci and set the default 1
<stintel> ehr, 0 obviously
<Habbie> in the end, service enable just puts in two symlinks, right?
<barhom> <Habbie> "in the end, service enable..." <- I think so, but I'm not sure where. I havent added the symlinks myself and it still autostarts
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<barhom> stintel: Oh, so I can add a service and set its enabled/disable state in uci? I missed this
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<Habbie> the init script will have to check that state
<Habbie> net/dnsdist is a simple example
<Habbie> (packages/net/dnsdist/files/dnsdist.init)
<stintel> barhom: it's not a state really just another option and [ "$enabled" -eq 1 ] || exit
<barhom> Habbie: this helped, thanks! I see how it works now.
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<Habbie> barhom, good, np!
<mrnuke> svanheule: There isn't a driver for RTL8231 in shit-register mode, right?
<hurricos> stintel: not just DSA ports! mpc85xx is not DSA yet, but freescale picks up the port names from aliases for you anyways.
<hurricos> in the OpenWrt context, "device tree", "DSA" and "port disambiguation" are all the same
<hurricos> wow, glad it was well-received.
<hurricos> rmilecki: The commit message was not very clear, I just threw something together so I could get a first-pass. I didn't know whether this patch would be controversial
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<hurricos> stintel: RE: ip link: sounds good. I think the full invocation is done elsewhere in the same script.
<hurricos> ultimately the "device tree" complaint was that device trees give an option to name interfaces somewhere linked directly to the device. Whether it's of_ parsing it for us to name the interfaces or not.
<stintel> hurricos: the fact you can't change a real interface name in dts is the reason I used swethN for the switchports on the m300 rather than simply naming all the ports ethN
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<hurricos> stintel: then you can use the ucidefs provided by this patch :P
<mrnuke> hurricos: hi! I'm contrmplating closing some of the realtek-poe issues on github. Since people no longer complained, I'm assuming the retry mechanism fixed them
<ynezz> anyone who could help testing 5.15.62 kernel bump on bcm27xx device? there was a lot changes and manual fiddling, and since this target is using 5.15 as default I would like to be sure, that it at least boots :P
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<stintel> where can I find Dockerfile for the containers we publish?
<Habbie> origin git@gitlab.com:openwrt/docker.git (fetch)
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<hurricos> mrnuke: sounds very good, please do close.
<hurricos> I know I have an initial lead on a U-boot replacement for these switches from oliv3r, which
<hurricos> ... might fix the issue with the power sub-board losing power
<hurricos> stintel: the M300 has pci devices and not a switch chip?
<hurricos> I want to see lspci o_o
<hurricos> Oh, I see, it's a mix
<hurricos> some on-T2081QDS MDIOs, some on that Marvell switch
<mrnuke> hurricos: sub-board losing power... is this related to https://github.com/Hurricos/realtek-poe/issues/7 ?
<hurricos> Correct, this is the underlying problem.
<hurricos> I'm waiting on a scope with which to work out whether the sub-board loses power or whether the gpio pin gets "cycled" by u-boot
<hurricos> I say "cycled" because for the moment the machine is running nothing on reboot, I don't doubt that the pin falls low
<hurricos> and I think the gs1900-24hpv1 dts hogs it high, right?
<hurricos> Thank you for cleaning up, mrnuke :^)
<hurricos> ynezz: I have a WRT54GL, 8/64 I think. I can see if I can dig it up
<hurricos> oh, that's bcm53xx
<hurricos> I have a pi 1b right now :^)
<mrnuke> hurricos: well, either osmelloscope or illogic analyzer will work
<mrnuke> (well, logic analyzer might not work id VCC=48V; careful there)
<hurricos> We are being lent a very expensive and very powerful osc that can eat up to 600V at CATIV
<hurricos> indefinitely, by an owner who has no interest in keeping it around
<hurricos> jow: json_select_object "network-device" creates a node "network_device" instead.
<hurricos> I do wish this were clearer!
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<Lynx-> Any special packages required for "type filter hook ingress device "wan" priority -149; policy accept;" to work properly in 22.03?
<Lynx-> (nftables)
<stintel> hurricos: no no, no PCI network interfaces
<stintel> hurricos: 3 real ethernet interfaces and 5 switched
<stintel> actually 5 real but 3 exposed on the front, the other 2 are connected to the switch
<stintel> Habbie: thanks
<mrnuke> hurricos: You don't need expensive scopes to measure high voltages. You can use high-attenuation probes like https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/cal-test-electronics/GE3425/6041717
<hurricos> I know, but I have one :^)
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_kirkwood.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<svanheule> mrnuke: the RTL8231 in shift-register mode is really just a dumb shift register, doesn't need any special driver when used as a GPIO output
<svanheule> mrnuke: the LED peripheral on realtek on the other hand, doesn't require an RTL8231 as output in shift register mode, could also be any other non-latching shift register
<hurricos> wv
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<mrnuke> svanheule: Thank you! I'm getting my terminology mixed up. Though I wonder, if four 74hc164 could do the job, why do vendors spend money on to put in an RTL8231?
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<mrnuke> svanheule: BTW, I am looking at the patch link you provided on github (v4/7), and I do see "create mode 100644 drivers/leds/leds-rtl-switch-port.c", but I don't see the actual file in the ML thread. Is this in error?
<svanheule> mrnuke: yeaaaah, I messed up that series... that file is in 3/7 (pinctrl patch)
<mrnuke> svanheule: oh cool. Thank you!
* svanheule should post a v2 already of the realtek MFD series
<f00b4r0> mrnuke: pcb real estate, bom and assembly costs, power usage? Lots of reasons :)
<f00b4r0> mrnuke: that pcb looks fairly crowded to my eyes. The parts aren't everything, the routing takes space
<mrnuke> f00b4r0: fair enough!
<f00b4r0> interestingly I can't seem to find a datasheet for the RTL8231: i was trying to figure if there's some killer feature that could be a differentiator :)
<ynezz> hurricos: PR#10498, thanks
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<mrnuke> f00b4r0: Yeah, the lack of any information is quite infuriating ... https://github.com/libc0607/Realtek_switch_hacking/blob/files/RTL8231_Datasheet_1.2.pdf
<svanheule> mrnuke: f00b4r0: fwiw, I had pretty complete support ready for the RTL8231 https://lore.kernel.org/all/cover.1623532208.git.sander@svanheule.net/
<svanheule> but the regmap maintainer didn't like any approach I proposed on how to handle RMW ops on aliased registers (read for GPIO input, write for GPIO output)
<svanheule> nobody appeared to have an idea on what would be good approach though, so that got stranded :-/
<mrnuke> svanheule: don't use regmap then?
<svanheule> mrnuke: but then I loose the possibility to easily support both the I2C and MDIO modes
<mrnuke> svanheule: can you have an _ops structure with read() and write() accessors, which gers instantiated depending on the mode?
<svanheule> mrnuke: and then get told I'm reinventing regmap?
<mrnuke> svanheule: explain that regman can't handle this use case, add middle finger between the lines
<svanheule> :P
<barhom> Is there a hotplugd equivalent to listening to events that are received from "ip -4 monitor neigh" ?
<barhom> The hotplug.d/neigh/ is not it right? Thats for Neighbor Discovery Protocol for ipv6?
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<f00b4r0> mrnuke: ok it does look slightly more elaborate than a bunch of 74164 :)
<f00b4r0> svanheule: *sigh*, what you describe sounds sensible though.
<mrnuke> f00b4r0: definitely more elaborate in SMI mode. But on the picture I sent, It's used a dump shift register...
<mrnuke> f00b4r0: although I'm more of a 74hc595 fan myself :p
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<robimarko_> HC595 FTW
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<mrnuke> hurricos: Any updates on https://github.com/Hurricos/realtek-poe/pull/24 ?
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<hurricos> mrnuke: I wish. The USB is still giving me issues.
<hurricos> It's a tthe top of a rack. I'll revisit tonight.
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<mrnuke> hurricos: cool. I'd like to get that merged, and then we can tag realtek-poe v1.0 :D
<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_x86.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#118](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/16/builds/118) of `ath25/generic` failed.
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