<mrnuke_> russell--: do you know how to modify and build realtek-poe from sources?
<russell--> russell--: yes, do you have a patch?
<mrnuke_> s/B19200/B115200/ and see what it replies
<russell--> okay, but first, how do you dump the decoder data in pulse view ... looking at save options, not seeing it.
<mrnuke_> I suspect one of two: (1) old commands are implemented, and may work, or (2) old commands do nothing, and we have to implement the new protocol
<russell--> i see export raw binary logic data, but that gives me raw trace, not the decoder afaict
<mrnuke_> "New View" -> "Binary Decoder Output View"
<mrnuke_> It's a little icon on the left with a little down arrow next to iy
<russell--> aha, thank you!
<russell--> fyi, the pin16 trick causes u-boot to occasionally nuke the first 4k block of one or more of the firmwares
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#616](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/25/builds/616) of `rockchip/armv8` completed successfully.
<russell--> which actually came in handy, because it nuked my openwrt install and so it autobooted firmware2 where the vendor firmware still lives
<mrnuke_> don't you just love it when a cosmic ray causes a shitty bootloader to erase a perfectly good firmware partition
<mrnuke_> ?
<mrnuke_> russell--: did you see my earlier hint about using fw_setsys to boot alternate firmware?
<russell--> yes, i did. that's an openwrt command?
<mrnuke_> yup. Just like fw_setenv
<russell--> where is that stored on flash?
<russell--> not in the u-boot-env
<mrnuke_> u-boot-env2
<russell--> oh, yeah, i see it
<russell--> ty
<mrnuke_> No need to simulate cosmic rays via pin16 ;)
<russell--> i suppose there is a knob in the vendor firmware to change the boot partition too
<mrnuke_> web interface
<mrnuke_> don't ask me where though in the web interface
<russell--> mrnuke_: just noticed something interesting
<russell--> the baud rate in the current realtek-poe is (measured) about 114672 baud
<russell--> measured startbit to startbit across an 11-byte span (byte 1 to byte 12)
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<russell--> 959.25 microseconds
<russell--> oh, wait
<russell--> lol
<russell--> i'm still booting up in the vendor firmware
<mrnuke_> You nuked your uimage header, remember? Might have to reflash
<russell--> i did that, but when it came back up i thought it would be me but it was them, lol
<russell--> the knob in the vendor firmware for
<russell--> Dual Image doesn't work
<russell--> at least in their web interface
<russell--> show partition image:
<russell--> 0 Backup v OpenWrt Linux-5.10.134 3267080 2022-07-31 18:30:20
<russell--> 1 Active v2.00.05-c1.9.37 7874970 2021-10-18 18:59:24
<russell--> EWS2910P(config)# boot system image0
<russell--> FAILED
<russell--> measured current realtek-poe from start bit to stop bit edge gives a baud rate as expected 19148 which is well within tolerance
<russell--> at least we are talking to the right pins
<mrnuke_> There's only one hardware UART besides the console. If ciurse we're talking on the rigt pins
* mrnuke_ waits for thunder to dissipate
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<russell--> this is with 115200 but otherwise recent openwrt: https://personaltelco.net/~russell/ews2910p-v3/openwrt-current-with-115200.hex
<mrnuke_> russell--: okay, it ain't gonna work, I see. old commands don't work, although the MCU does reply to them
<mrnuke_> russell--: will need to finger out the command mapping. Ouch
<russell--> actually, i added the ports in /etc/config/poe and it is working
<russell--> out of the box, realtex-poe only creates one port configuration in /etc/config/poe
<russell--> poe device plugged into port4
<russell--> mrnuke_: ^^^
<russell--> btw, if you don't have a sensepeak pcbite, recommended!
<mrnuke_> russell--: wait. It's wokring with 115200 baud?
<mrnuke_> It makes no sense Some replies don't make sense. But it's working ....
<mrnuke_> reply :20 01 61 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 18 is interpreted as "97 ports" that's nonsense. Why does it work?
<russell--> when i say it works, i mean "i plugged a meraki mr24 into port 4 and it lights up"
<russell--> or any port
<mrnuke_> what does ubus call poe info say?
<\x> you guys trying to make poe control work on an openwrt'd switch?
<\x> nice
<mrnuke_> \x: we have it working with realtek-poe. Issue is, new version of supported switch uses a different PoE controller with similar protocol
<russell--> s/trying to make/accidentally made/
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<\x> hah
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<mrnuke_> SO accidental, that one of the authors of realtek-poe is shocket it's working at all
<russell--> i can't imagine engenius wanted to change the protocol, they would have tried to hide as much of the difference as possible behind the microcontroller
<mrnuke_> russell--: It's not engenius. It's a different PSE chip altogether
<russell--> it's engenius's board
<mrnuke_> It's based on a realtek design
<russell--> it seems to be their rebranded microcontroller
<mrnuke_> Those fucking broadcom PSEs are $30 a piece. I suspect realtek just designed their own version
<russell--> the E == engenius, i'm guessing (of a standard stm32 part)
<mrnuke_> when half the cost of a device is the damn PSE chips, you're doing it wrong...
* russell-- seems to recall that the license fees for the poe patents used to be around $15 a piece
<russell--> which is partly what seemed to motivate ubiquiti to use passive poe
<russell--> probably the patents have expired now
<russell--> that was a while ago
<russell--> 15-ish years ago
<mrnuke_> russell--: if you compare the vendor dump with that, you'll start seeing that a lot of the commands are the same, just a different command ID
<russell--> what does PSE stand for anyway, i googled and was lost in a maze of irrelevance
<mrnuke_> Power Sourcing Equipment
<russell--> maybe some bits are ingored?
<russell--> ignored*
<mrnuke_> russell--: the rtl MCU replies with the same answer to most commands from realtek-poe
<russell--> mrnuke_: your HW v1.0.0 has a broadcom PSE?
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#721](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/1/builds/721) of `ath79/generic` completed successfully.
<mrnuke_> russell--: yes
<russell--> mrnuke_: and is there an intermediary MCU as well?
<mrnuke_> russell--: yes
<russell--> it is identified?
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<russell--> mrnuke_: is there labelling on U39? the one with the green splotch near the headers.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#647](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/8/builds/647) of `x86/64` completed successfully.
<russell--> it looks like it might be the LQFP48 version of the same microcontroller on v3 hardware
<mangix> jesus m1 is fast
<mangix> my mvebu thing can't keep up
<mrnuke_> russell--: It's an STM I think. Protocol identifies the MCU, lemme check
<mrnuke_> ST Micro ST32F100. Anyhow, MCU type is not as relevant as the firmware the MCU is running
<russell--> mrnuke_: sure, but if it was me, i'd want the SoC to MCU protocol to be the same, since it can translate to whatever the PSE needs. Presumably, the vendor SoC firmware is the same between hardware versions.
<russell--> "it" being the MCU
<russell--> the MCU presumably can be programmed to talk serial at arbitrary speeds, so why 115200 instead of 19200? seems like gratuitous complexity.
<mrnuke_> It's a dfferent PoE solution. The broadcom stuff predates the RTL chips by many years
<mrnuke_> It might make sense foir things to be consistent... but when you're an engineer looking for a promotion saying you've done something better and faster is probabl bonus points
<russell--> "ubus call poe info" returns silliness
<russell--> "firmware": "v255.255",
<russell--> "consumption": 2508.699951,
<mrnuke_> Still not 1.21 GW!
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<nick[m]1234> Does that make sense to do something like +PACKAGE_libtirpc:libtirpc ?
<nick[m]1234> However, feels strange.
<mangix> nick[m]1234: libtirpc is from packages, not base
<nick[m]1234> Mangix: Oh. Okay, so dependency has to be disabled. I already tried to override it, but I was not sucessful: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/iproute2/iproute2.git/commit/?id=1ee309a49aa071c247d1fecb2b4d736284a714fc
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<nick[m]1234> ah I see what I have to do. thanks! :)
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<nick[m]1234> I would realy love to go on with porting openwrt to avm fritzrepeater 24000. However, no idea why the partition layout has such a small kernel parition. https://forum.openwrt.org/t/adding-openwrt-support-for-avm-fritz-wlan-mesh-repeater-2400/80630/7
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<f00b4r0> can someone jog my memory to the buildroot command that unpacks and patch the target kernel (no compile)?
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<Borromini> f00b4r0: make target/linux/{clean,prepare} afaik
<f00b4r0> thanks!
<Borromini> yw
* f00b4r0 bookmarks :)
<aiyion> Regarding b64_encode from libubox
<aiyion> I added libubox as dependency for the package I'm working on, but am lacking b64_encode
<aiyion> the include looks fine: `#include <libubox/utils.h>`
<aiyion> but calling `b64_encode("foo", 3, NULL, 2);` like in the tests does not work:
<aiyion> wait.
<aiyion> nvmd -.-'
* f00b4r0 curses Apple Mail who do not honor the "reply in same format" setting
<aiyion> disturbing. As soon as you link it right, it works.
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<russell--> /home/openwrt/src/lede/staging_dir/host/bin/grub-bios-setup: warning: Your BIOS Boot Partition is under 1 MiB, please increase its size..
<russell--> seen on an APU build
<hauke> russell--: could you please have a look at this pull request: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/10392
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_omap.html has been updated. (11.1% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<russell--> hauke: thanks for the headsup, i'll look in the next day or so
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<PaulFertser> mrnuke_: "BCM59111 family, 119200n8" extra 1 there
<f00b4r0> stintel: OT, just curious, you never fiddled with the WT32-ETH01 ESP32 board, did you?
<mrnuke_> PaulFertser: I was hoping nobody would notice. Thank you!
<PaulFertser> mrnuke_: I'd say if framing and checksum calculation is the same then it makes sense to implement it all in one daemon.
<f00b4r0> mrnuke_: wait until you see K&R declaration style. You're going to love it :D
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<mrnuke_> PaulFertser: I see "gnu" in the URL, which makes me efarful of opening the link :)
<mrnuke_> PaulFertser: "For the body of the function, our recommended style looks like this: " umh no no no no no no no no no no!
* mrnuke_ closes the page and runs
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<PaulFertser> mrnuke_: Linus recommends printing out that document on real paper
<mrnuke_> PaulFertser: and don't read it. Just burn it as a symbolic gesture. I've already done that, BTW :)
<PaulFertser> That explains it :)
<mrnuke_> Between full-time job, extra contract, and OpenWRT, I'm tired most of the week. I ain't got time to squint :p
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<mrkiko> nick[m]1234: eheheh yess :D
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_lantiq.html has been updated. (96.2% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<Ansuel> Hi guys, sorry for being silent lately but i'm on holiday and I don't have too much time to check pr and give correct review... I notice some ping so i'm apoligizing for not leaving a message :(
<stintel> f00b4r0: nope
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<mrnuke_> umh, we don't support IPQ6018 by any chance, do we?
<Habbie> a quick 'git grep' and ls target/linux smells like no
<mangix> mrnuke_: too hard cause qualcomm
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_bcm47xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 97.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<mrnuke_> I see ipq6018 support in upstream kernel. Should I just try to add a target, see what happens?
* mrnuke_ wishes robimarko and Ansuel would run IRC bouncers. They'd be able to rate the stupidity of my idea on a very accurate scale :p
<Habbie> haha
<Habbie> well, on that note, i have no idea, but just try it? :)
<mangix> mrnuke_: they're both working on it. give them time.
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<mrnuke_> Mangix: I know they're doing ipq807x. are they also killing 6018 ?
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<slh> mrnuke_: ipq60xx support depends to a large extent on getting ipq807x in, there's a big similarity between them
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