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* stintel has an operational LoRaWAN network \o/
<stintel> using ChirpStack, running chirpstack-concentratord-sx1302 in uxc on OpenWrt
<stintel> right now in an APU2 but they abuse miniPCIe PINs for non-standard signals, so I need to get a Raspberry Pi HAT to get the GPS part working, will order 2 of those and another RAK5146 USB
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<Slimey> stintel, we wifi'in APs 665 Clients 1571
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<aparcar[m]> stintel Someone ported basicsration and some LuCI package for LoRaWAN, could you review it? Seems like a fit to you current setup
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_lantiq.html has been updated. (96.2% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_bcm47xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<hurricos> svanheule: mrnuke: I'm reading through https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/netdevbpf/list/?series=671077&state=%2A&archive=both -- the patchwork entry to enable describing all power sourcing equipment (poe)
<hurricos> Patch 1/7 of the series links each of these poe nodes to an mdio register
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<FriendlyNGeeks> anyone here had success loading openwrt with kmods from usb on rpi0. from SD it assigns the kmod usb net rtl8152 driver but not when booted from usb
<hurricos> FriendlyNGeeks: probably to do with block_mount. You should ultimately check whether running `kmodloader` loads the driver
<FriendlyNGeeks> ah wasnt aware of that command
<hurricos> and if so just add it to /etc/rc.local
<FriendlyNGeeks> let me try real quick see if it forces loads
<hurricos> sounds like an order-of-operations issue ultimately
<FriendlyNGeeks> thats what i was thinking like usb might be loading before watchdog
<hurricos> I don't know if there is a usb-targeted build for the rpi0, if not the block_mount will happen after kmodloader gets run
<hurricos> if not, it's certain that block_mount will run*
<hurricos> mrnuke: svanheule: The gist of what I'm saying here is, "Do you think the intent of ieee802.3-pse-supply is to just point to a port?"
<FriendlyNGeeks> okay kmodloder did not force load it
<hurricos> FriendlyNGeeks: where is rtl8152.ko?
<FriendlyNGeeks> what should i put in with block_mount
<FriendlyNGeeks> ive tried two ways image builder online and added line for rtl8152
<hurricos> FriendlyNGeeks: I'm assuming that block_mount runs to get / from USB.
<hurricos> OK, now I'm not sure whether I can follow at all.
<hurricos> Is the .ko there?
<FriendlyNGeeks> and ive also currently build image from stintels rpi02 and make menu to add to kernal and not just module
<hurricos> Is there a build for the rpi0 which sanctions tihs?
<hurricos> (the USB rootfs
<hurricos> )
<hurricos> So sounds like there is, but not upstream?
<hurricos> I'd strongly suggest upstreaming if you can so we can regularize non-working stuff
<FriendlyNGeeks> yeah they are fighting with wifi perms from linux so he cant upload it
<hurricos> T_T
<FriendlyNGeeks> well to be fair i have a waveshare 3usb/poe for the pi0 and it shows up during boot the rtl8152
<FriendlyNGeeks> but it only gets assigned to lan when i boot from sd card
<hurricos> Then it's not supported, sadly. Working in some cases and not in others = "not regularized"
<hurricos> Where is rtl8152.ko?
<hurricos> Can you `find` it on the target?
<FriendlyNGeeks> let me load the usb or sd and look on root
<FriendlyNGeeks> bare with me as linux is in vm
<hurricos> TL;DR I challenge you to find rtl8152.ko in the /lib/modules/* directory, and then after kmodloader, not in output of lsmod
<hurricos> If we can confirm that then we have a stinkier bug :p