<vulpes2[m]> is there a way for me to disable a frequency band for a radio on the pcie bus?
<slh> vulpes2[m]: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=blob;f=target/linux/ipq40xx/files/arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom-ipq4019-map-ac2200.dts;h=32f0473fb169aefe6c220e444351174daf238128;hb=HEAD#l204 see &wifi1 (qca4019/ ahb) and &pcie0 (qca9984/ pcie)
<vulpes2[m]> slh: excellent, is the `ieee80211-freq-limit` property universal to all drivers? device in question is an mt7612e
<slh> there are plenty mt7621 and mt7620 (and ath79) devices using it, so probably generic enough for your needs
<vulpes2[m]> I see, should have searched for it before asking :)
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#810](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/1/builds/810) of `ath79/generic` failed.
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<Tapper> jow I just tryed to build master after doing a make dirclean and am getting:
<Tapper> ERROR: package/feeds/luci/luci-base [host] failed to build.
<Tapper> make[4] scripts/config/conf
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<dwfreed> Tapper: please provide the full log
<dwfreed> that information is quite useless
<Tapper> dwfreed OK
<Tapper> ../../luci.mk:114: *** unterminated call to function 'if': missing ')'. Stop.
<Tapper> time: package/feeds/luci/luci-base/host-compile#0.27#0.04#0.37
<Tapper> dwfreed that's what I get in the log file after swiching on logging in make menuconfig
<dwfreed> that's not the full log
<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_ath79.html has been updated. (98.6% images and 99.6% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<Tapper> dwfreed What is it to get the txt output?
<Tapper> make -v =s?
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<dwfreed> yeah, that's useless; follow the instructions at the end of that
<Tapper> dwfreed That was make v=s so should I do v=sc now?
<dwfreed> V
<dwfreed> case matters
<Tapper> K
<dwfreed> V=s
<dwfreed> not v=s
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<Tapper> dwfreed Do you know how to pipe the txt to a .txt file because there is so mutch text it is crashing my screen reader when copping and pasting it?
<stintel> BUILD_LOG=1
<Tapper> stintel is that in make menuconfig? That is toggled on, but does not give granular output.
<Tapper> stintel I want to get the hole log to help jow with the changes to luci
<stintel> you can pass that on the command line or enable in .config, it will result in logs per package in logs/
<Tapper> stintel yeah that is not enuff info mate. Thanks for trying to help, but I need the output from make V=sc pipping to a txt file.
<stintel> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Tapper> EG this is the log I did get. https://controlc.com/3ca0ca80
<Tapper> I need more detail.
<stintel> build with BUILD_LOG=1 then find the file in logs/
<Tapper> stintel when I do that there is just one line in the file.
<Tapper> stintel It does not log to just one file.
<Tapper> The one line is this.
<Tapper> ERROR: package/feeds/luci/luci-base [host] failed to build.
<jow> got another report on github about it
<jow> however can't reproduce it
<Tapper> jow do you know how to pipe the text out put to one txt file?
<ldir> try 'rm tmp'
<Tapper> ldir OK
<Tapper> ldir I did a make dirclean before building with the new changes to luci
<ldir> thing is, I've seen this too but I can't remember what I did to fix it.
<Tapper> rm -r tmp
<stintel> maybe BUILD_LOG=1 also needs V=sc for verbose logs in logs
<stintel> dunno
<stintel> anyway, can't reproduce
<Tapper> stintel will try that out next
<ldir> yes, removing the tmp dir will force a rebuild of a few things, including the package dependency calculator/calculations.
<stintel> should probably start doing that by default
<stintel> CI builds from scratch so doesn't catch these annoying problems
<Tapper> Even with BUILD_LOG=1 V=sc I just get the same crap output.
<Tapper> ../../luci.mk:114: *** unterminated call to function 'if': missing ')'. Stop.
<Tapper> I did do a make dirclean befor I started my build so should not be any crap hanging around.
<Tapper> Or could be somthing in my config.
<stintel> but if the real problem would be a synta problem in luci.mk we should be able to repro it ?
<ldir> humour me - please do a 'sum feeds/luci/luci.mk'
* Tapper Nods
<stintel> find -name luci.mk maybe you have another feed with luci.mk that is broken?
<stintel> 38865 12
<Tapper> ldir 38865 12
<Tapper> tapper@TappersPC:~/openwrt$
<ldir> good, so the file is the same as everyone else's - hmmm!!!!!
<stintel> try the find command to see if you have another luci.mk
<Tapper> find luci.mk
<Tapper> tapper@TappersPC:~/openwrt$
<Tapper> find: ‘luci.mk’: No such file or directory
<stintel> and the gh report has the error in line 115 ?
<stintel> Tapper: -name 'luci.mk'
<stintel> find luci.mk tries to find in ./luci.mk
<Tapper> stintel sorry what's that mate?
<stintel> 25|10:00:32 < stintel> find -name luci.mk maybe you have another feed with luci.mk that is broken?
<Tapper> Just the one luci.mk
<Tapper> ./feeds/luci/luci.mk
<stintel> then I'm out of ideas, works for me, there's a difference in line where the error supposedly is in your output compared to the gh report, something seems off
<stintel> maybe rm -rf feeds/luci
<stintel> and ./scripts/feeds update
<Tapper> stintel trying that now
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<stintel> svanheule: LLDP seems no longer "forwarded" on master, both on USF and GS108
<Tapper> stintel No still crapping out.
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<jow> Tapper: what version is reported by `make -v` ?
<Tapper> GNU Make 4.2.1
<Tapper> Copyright (C) 1988-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
<Tapper> Built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
<Tapper> That was for jow
<svanheule> stintel: that's good. Though I wonder what changed between your two builds that fixed it
<stintel> svanheule: many commits :P
<stintel> make 4.3 here
<Tapper> stintel I am using Ubuntu in WSL2
<Tapper> There is no updates for it.
<stintel> can't test if make 4.2.1 is the culprit my distro no longer provides it
<Tapper> stintel I all so cant find how to install make 4.3 in ubuntu
<EqUaTe> Tapper: upgrade to impish or newer, like jammy (22.04 lts)
<Tapper> EqUaTe I would but I am using wsl2
<EqUaTe> and?
<Tapper> When I do apt distupgrade says there is no upgrade
<Tapper> ok thanks
<EqUaTe> it would, because you have to either use the do-release-upgrade command, or edit the sources.list files to point at the new release, then use apt upgrade and dist-upgrade
<EqUaTe> do-release-upgrade *should* be safer.
<Tapper> EqUaTe OK updating now thanks.
<stintel> /home/stijn/Development/OpenWrt/openwrt/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt7621/mt76-2022-10-01-72b87836/mt7915/init.c:330:44: error: 'IEEE8
<stintel> 0211_MAX_AMPDU_BUF' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 'IEEE80211_MIN_AMPDU_BUF'?
<stintel> interesting
<stintel> ah src tree override
<stintel> still, worked fine for mediatek/u6lr
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<stintel> ah, that got fixed with a patch in package/kernel/mt76/patches which obviously doesn't work if you're using src override
<jow> Tapper: dito, make 4.3 here also
<jow> Tapper: the construct in question is an $(if ... \ (line continuation) so maybe make 4.2 chokes on this
<Tapper> jow hi lookinb in to upgrading now mate.
<Tapper> jow will let you know how I get on
<Tapper> jow updated to make 4.3 now
<Tapper> jow yes the update to make 4.3 has fixt it.
<Tapper> Thanks all who helpt mme
<Tapper> Thanks stintel and ldir
<Tapper> and EqUaTe
<EqUaTe> good luck :)
<Tapper> Build has mest up again. lol BRB I need food. It's is a driffrent build error
<Tapper> different
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<Tapper> OK my build is dun and flashed. Will kick the tires for a bit to see what I can brake.
<Tapper> jow in my Overview menu in luci I have 2 firewalls.
<Tapper> The first takes me to Firewall Status and the sekend takes me to IPv4/IPv6 traffic table "fw4"
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<jow> Tapper: yeah, will fix
<jow> Tapper: fixed
<johnf> jow: I ran into an unusual issue yesterday and could use some help, I can make package/sscep/compile but when I try to "install" it fails
<johnf> but I can't figure out how to fix it
<johnf> there are quite a few more details in the backlog from yesterday
<johnf> appreciate any help you or anyone else can offer, no one had any suggestions yesterday
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<robimarko> What do you get if ran with V=s?
<dwfreed> there is no package/foo/install *make target*
<johnf> dwfreed: there is though, let me get all the info into a gist
<dwfreed> the package/foo/compile make target builds the ipk
<dwfreed> johnf: no, that's a function, not a target
<johnf> oh
<johnf> hmm, wait
<dwfreed> you don't manually call that function; the build system handles calling it when it's needed to run
<johnf> wow, ok
<johnf> thank you!
<dwfreed> Like I said, the package/foo/compile make target makes the ipk
<johnf> I think that my ipkg in bin wasn't updated on an even older system without running the install
<dwfreed> including calling the package/foo/install function to produce it
<johnf> but I could be wrong about that
<johnf> yeah, I've got it now
<johnf> thank you very much
<johnf> hmm
<jow> johnf: support for make package/foo/install was dropped in 2017
<jow> it used to be an alias for .../compile
<jow> so you might find documentation still referring to it
<johnf> should those references be removed or commented out?
<jow> s#/install#/compile#
<johnf> here it has both compile, then install
<jow> yeah, then install can be dropped
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<jow> offending ocmmit: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=commitdiff;h=d826af2cbbc7ff9781d6b9fdde5866f6e6367ec6
<jow> toolchain/install and target/install was retained for backwards compat with the buildbot
<jow> all other .../install targets got dropped
<johnf> if I can get into my wiki account I will update that page
<jow> thanks, that's appreciated
<johnf> well, I use it a lot every few years when I need to rebuild single packages in ancient systems ;)
<johnf> I tried a password reset as the password I have recorded doesn't work; I was told an email was being sent but haven't received one
<johnf> will it send that message for an invalid username?
<johnf> and how confident are people in the wiki's email system
<jow> we're playing blocklist-removal whak-a-mole with outlook and yahoo
<johnf> this is google apps
<jow> thne it usually works
<johnf> outlook/ms AV is horrid
<jow> I'll quickly fix the pacage
<johnf> like, shockingly bad
<jow> *page
<johnf> well, maybe anti spam is more appropriate
<jow> people keep filing complaints for legit openwrt mails
<jow> like forum double opt in or wiki registration confirmation
<jow> as a consequence, the system keeps getting added to yahoos and msft's blocklists
<johnf> ugh
<jow> maybe they have some kind of ui antipattern where people confuse moving/deleting/archiing with reporting
<jow> but no idea
<jow> generation tiktok is overburdened with e-mail anyway
<Tapper> Thanks jow.
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<rua> Hi, all. How to enable the "resetbc" sub-command of mtd tool for a given device?
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<karlp> I'm getting a weird error on ../patches/11.2.0/001-v11.3.0-ranger-Fix-up-fold_using_range-range_of_address-PR10.patch as being already applied? I've updated and cleaned my 22.03 branch, but this was added back in dec 2021? what's gone worng?
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<karlp> dropped the big dirclean hammer on it, and it's re-re-re-building gcc now at least so I guess that counts as progress.
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<svanheule> mrnuke: '<mrnuke_> For example, driver sets it at "0x2f39000f", whereas the default (that was previously working) is 0x2f396a3f' can you share the DT config that resulted in this value for LED_GLB_CTRL?
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<mrnuke> svanheule: not anymore. I didn not save it. Eventually got to a working config
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<mrnuke> svanheule: I remember what happened. I did not have any "x.2" LEDs yet, and the code automatically assigned 2 LEDs per group.
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<mrnuke> svanheule: I can see situations with 2 LEDs per port, but signaling requiring 3 clocks (i.e. TL-SG2008 without PoE). Would it make sense to have an optional "leds-per-group = <3>;" property?
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<ynezz> karlp: did you simply updated your tree from 21.02 to 22.03?
<karlp> ynezz: doubt it, it's a special directory named owrt-2203, so would have been cloned separtely, I normally have a separate clone for each major branch, to aovid that sort of issue..
<karlp> I probably changed _arch_ though, from sunxi to ath79 and back again?
<ynezz> if you find reproducer, please update the issue, thanks
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<f00b4r0> so apparently tegra/generic does not set CONFIG_TARGET_tegra_generic in defconfig, but I don't know if that's a bug nor how to fix it
<karlp> ynezz: I will, but I certainly hope never to see it again, and i'm not going to be going back to old poitns and dircleaning and moving forwards again to try I'mn afraid :|
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<svanheule> mrnuke: where the SG2008 has PCB traces for x.2 LEDs, but no actual populated LEDs
<svanheule> It's quite annoying that rtl838x has a subtly different LED controller. The other SoC generations are much more similar
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<svanheule> rtl93xx supports per-port LED counts (https://svanheule.net/realtek/longan/register/led_port_num_ctrl), so "realtek,leds-per-group" would only make sense on rtl83xx; although I suppose different compatibles could allow for that
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_lantiq.html has been updated. (96.2% images and 99.6% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<mrnuke> svanheule: Yes! That's the layout! SG2008 non-poe doesn't have the top row of LEDs.
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<svanheule> mrnuke: I'm considering making users add "disabled" led@x.y.z nodes, but parsing them anyway to count the number of outputs
<svanheule> upstream will probably shout at me for doing that
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<mrnuke> svanheule: I think an optional property to be able to override "Low port LED mask" and "High port LED mask" might make sense. That would save you the need to have "disabled" nodes.
<mrnuke> svanheule: That being said, while it might be confusing to have extra LEDs in /sys/class/leds, if we configure them via 01_leds script, 99% of users will be happy
<mrnuke> And my plan is to play with this ^ 01_leds script
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<ldir> Those on macos - beware homebrew gawk 5.2.0 - it core dumps as part of the kernel build :-(
<robimarko> svanheaule: It looks like RTL target is slowly getting good
<svanheule> robimarko: very slowly :)
<robimarko> I am liking the slow creep to being kind of MIPS generic compatible
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<svanheule> I don't really have the time to go fast at the moment anyway, but luckily there are a few like-minded developers
<svanheule> and people finding and actually fixing bugs in the ethernet driver
<robimarko> Going fast just means that you are gonna have to fix it up later
<robimarko> In the meantime forgetting how it works etc
<robimarko> Yeah, I see that people are finding some interesting L2 bugs
<f00b4r0> yay! ynezz, jow: I have a working buildmaster that can switch between branches ;) Next task: restore force build tags
<svanheule> robimarko: yeah, lots of subtle stuff and edge cases
<robimarko> I dream of improving the IPQ807x ethernet driver with some basic offloading
<robimarko> Just cant find any crumbs on the stupid descriptor it uses
<robimarko> Its kind of fake DSA tag
<svanheule> some sort of in-band configuration of the switch?
<robimarko> Yeah
<robimarko> They can it "preheader"
<robimarko> The issue is that only lead is comments on 6 descriptors it has
<robimarko> But they are using only 2
<robimarko> And there are no leads what the bits actually do
<robimarko> Its effectively a DSA tag but with them avoiding using DSA
<robimarko> So, I have added GRO but that can actually degrade performance as checksum offload is not implemented
<robimarko> And QCA only works on EDMA v2 HW driver, leaving EDMA v1 untouched and way slower
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#372](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/72/builds/372) of `imx/cortexa9` completed successfully.
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<vulpes2[m]> hauke: Do the LED changes look good here? https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/11081
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_bcm47xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.6% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<stintel> ugh all this security theatre mailing list noise
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