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<tersono> I would appreciate reviews of this small enhancement to the git download method: Please let me know if there's a specific process for requesting reviews or for moving ahead contributions, thanks!
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<nbd> rmilecki: no idea why i couldn't reproduce it earlier, must have had some old stuff in my build tree
<nbd> did a clean build and was finally able to reproduce it
<rmilecki> nbd: not an issue for me, I'm happy I got to testing this before pushing it
<nbd> fix pushed now
<rmilecki> nbd: phy0-ap0 is up :) i'll do some testing with adding/removing interfaces
<rmilecki> nope. more errors ;)
<nbd> please show me
<rmilecki> it seems phy0-ap0 got reconfigured after all, encryption seems ok
<rmilecki> network.wireless notify has failed though
<nbd> yep, i can reproduce that
<nbd> should be harmless, but needs to be fixed anyway
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<rmilecki> nbd: ok, I've type of bug you're not gonna like
<rmilecki> when after first boot (wifi devices OFF) I do: uci set wireless.radio0.disabled=0; uci set wireless.default_radio0.encryption=psk2; uci set wireless.default_radio0.key=password12345; - it works all fine
<rmilecki> I can connect to my "OpenWrt" network using "password12345"
<rmilecki> however if I do that in 2 steps: first I enable wifi device (then reload_config); then I add psk2 + key (then reload_config), I can't connect to my OpenWrt ssid
<rmilecki> i didn't dump wireless traffic yet
<rmilecki> however I don't even see association info on router side
<rmilecki> I can see Mon Jul 17 08:01:27 2023 daemon.notice hostapd: Reloaded settings for phy phy0
<rmilecki> also: root@OpenWrt:/# grep password /var/run/hosta*
<rmilecki> /var/run/hostapd-phy0.conf:wpa_passphrase=password12345
<rmilecki> and my smartphone sees that OpenWrt ssid requires password
<rmilecki> so interface got somehow reloaded but still I can't connecto to it
<rmilecki> calling "wifi" helps but that of course results in:
<rmilecki> Mon Jul 17 08:05:48 2023 daemon.notice hostapd: Restart interface for phy phy0
<nbd> will try to reproduce it, thx
<nbd> so just to clarify: the issue occurs if you bring up an unencrypted interface and then reload after enabling encryption?
<rmilecki> nbd: yes
<nbd> i can reproduce that as well
<rmilecki> nbd: RSN is missing in beacons
<rmilecki> until I call "wifi"
<rmilecki> (it's "scan" dump from my notebook)
<nbd> yes, so i guess the individual bss config reload part needs to be fixed
<nbd> will dig through hostapd code
<rmilecki> o
<rmilecki> ok
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<nbd> fixed both issues
<nbd> changed the hostapd code to go through a complete down/up sequence for the updated bss instead of using the internal fragile reload code
<nbd> should be more reliable than potentially having to chase more similar issues
<nbd> i also verified that assoc works before/after the config changes and that unrelated interfaces are not affected by the reload
<rmilecki> nbd: i don't think it works for me
<rmilecki> RSN seems to be still missing
<rmilecki> (network.wireless notify seems fixed though)
<nbd> weird. i can't reproduce the error anymore no matter what i try
<nbd> are you sure the hostapd change got applied properly? you didn't use quilt or git-src on the hostapd package, right?
<rmilecki> nbd: i can do /clean
<rmilecki> i don't have any local hacks
<nbd> ok
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<rmilecki> nbd: i smashed whole target build dir
<rmilecki> rm -fR build_dir/target-arm_cortex-a9_musl_eabi/*
<rmilecki> recompiled, retested, it didn't help
<rmilecki> nbd: same case, same output as in the last pastebin i shared
<rmilecki> nbd: can you verify you pushed all chanes?
<rmilecki> *changes
<rmilecki> i double checked I use your latest changes
<nbd> i double checked that i pushed all changes
<nbd> so maybe this remaining issue is brcmfmac specific
<nbd> maybe some state doesn't get cleaned up
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<rmilecki> nbd: aren't my log messages indicating that phy0-ap0 was reloaded instead of rstarting?
<rmilecki> Mon Jul 17 10:29:54 2023 daemon.notice hostapd: Reload config for bss 'phy0-ap0' on phy 'phy0'
<rmilecki> (..)
<rmilecki> Mon Jul 17 10:29:54 2023 daemon.notice hostapd: Reloaded settings for phy phy0
<nbd> that's the way it should be
<rmilecki> ok...
<nbd> can you please do this: /etc/init.d/wpad stop; sleep 1; hostapd -d -g /var/run/hostapd/global > /tmp/log.txt 2>&1 &
<nbd> then please trigger the problem again and send me the logfile
<rmilecki> should I do that right after first boot, or after brinding interface up with no encryption?
<nbd> wifi needs to be restarted after hostapd restart anyway
<nbd> typically that happens automatically
<Ansuel> rmilecki ping ?
<rmilecki> Ansuel: pong, but i'm a bit busy with nbd' stuff atm
<Ansuel> just a quick question
<Ansuel> can i use negative values for the nvmem layout ?
<rmilecki> yes, you should
<rmilecki> <&mac (-4)>
<Ansuel> ok thanks
<rmilecki> let me know if that doesn't work
<rmilecki> nbd: i can nofirm this issue does NOT affect # strings /proc/device-tree/compatible
<rmilecki> netgear,r6220
<rmilecki> mediatek,mt7621-soc
<rmilecki> *confirm
<rmilecki> so this is brcmfmac think apparently
<rmilecki> *thing
<nbd> maybe something in the log will indicate which command sequence brcmfmac doesn't like
<rmilecki> i'm switching back from mt7621 to broadcom but I'll continue testing after dinner
<bluecmd[m]> rmilecki: thanks for the patch to vEdge 1000 for the Mac address. I'll try to make time to test it tomorrow
<bluecmd[m]> We had it on our Todo to do this change either way so it was nice to find your patch
<rmilecki> bluecmd[m]: great to have someone to test it :)
<neggles> hello friends
<neggles> is wpad-openssl still required for wpa3 + 802.11k/r/v
<neggles> or will wolfssl do it
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<Ansuel> rmilecki can confirm the -1 works correctly
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<stintel> anyone notice stability issues with the latest hostapd bump? my phone seems to be losing connectivity regularly
<neggles> hi stintel o/
<neggles> cant help you on the hostapd front im afraid
<neggles> tho actually while i remember, did you ever dig into those Xirrus XD2s?
<stintel> yes!
<stintel> they have Xirrus Boot Loader and I fear it's going to be a hard one :P
<stintel> also the antennas are fragile, I noticed 1 broke off of the PCB
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<rmilecki> Ansuel: good ,thanks
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<neggles> stintel: interesting. I never got around to hooking a console up to mine, but, at last check the octeon they use doesn't actually support any meaningful secure boot so it shouldn't be horrible
<neggles> i am somewhat confused by the presence of SPI NOR, parallel NAND, *AND* eMMC though. w-why
<neggles> guess i should pester someone at cambium for a gpl dump
<stintel> they do have a TTL header
<stintel> TTL pinout:
<stintel> GND VCC RX TX LAN2 LAN1
<stintel> [Boot ] Address : 0x20000000 ... ### Wrong Image Format for boot Command ###
<stintel> is as far as I got
<stintel> didn't have much time to dig further
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<neggles> alrighty, i shall do some poking at some point
<neggles> been off in AI shenanigans land building chatbots
<neggles> and messing around with shady chinese NPUs
<stintel> haha I've been doing ESP32 development
<neggles> I bought two nvidia A40s for this stuff because I am insane :P oh? whatcha building?
<neggles> someone introduced me to Xianyu, chinese ebay type thing, and it is a curse. there's so much weird hardware on here
<stintel> hahaha
<neggles> and yet
<neggles> i am still haunted by Octeons
<neggles> oooh. willow seems cool
<rmilecki> nbd: logging doesn't show anything interesting on reload after enabling psk2:
<neggles> I knew I'd regret not buying one of the "I can't believe it's not M5Stack" ESP32-S3 things
<rmilecki> it's from -dd and with "procd_set_param stdout 1" and "procd_set_param stderr 1"
<stintel> we will add support for M5Stack S3 before end of the month
<rmilecki> nbd: i tried your command too but didn't get anything more
<neggles> oh there's an m5stack s3? (I meant the ESP-BOX, which is Absolutely Not The Same Form Factor No Sir Nuh Uh)
<stintel> ah :)
<stintel> well 1 week after we launched Willow mouser adafruit and digikey were sold out
<stintel> but right now digikey has stock
<neggles> i think espressif's official aliexpress store has stock too
<stintel> yeah quite possible
<neggles> whisper's quite good
<stintel> I just tend to stick to mouser, very fast delivery and I don't have to deal with customs
<neggles> it's partially integrated into my chatbot stuff, but dealing with parsing text chat is difficult enough without adding multiple people talking at once into the "ok so when do I trigger a response?" logic
<stintel> hah I can imagine
<stintel> I'm running a local inference server on a P4
<neggles> yeah if I was in the EU i would too, but down here our customs' attitude to things under AU$1k declared value is "meh"
<stintel> considering getting a T4 but waiting until price drops a bit
<neggles> T4 suffers a bit from power limits
<neggles> but it ought to be about 4x the speed of a P4, or something along those lines - P4 can't actually do fp16 math, it lies
<stintel> hmmm wait the T4 is x16
<neggles> you can't argue with how stupid cheap they are, mind you, but Pascal's a complete wash for ML stuff
<stintel> I thought it was x8 and would fit in my r515 without molesting a slot on the PCIe riser
<neggles> A2 is x8
<stintel> (they're x8)
<neggles> but A2 is kinda mid tbh, it's slower than a T4
<stintel> I see
<neggles> not by a lot but by a little
<neggles> (I have one)
<stintel> well I already molested one riser for the P4
<stintel> so a T4 would fit :P
<stintel> and I found 3 risers in some German shop so decided to buy them all 3
<neggles> right now in the US/AU at least, a used A4000 is better value than a T4, for some reason T4s still go for ludicrous prices
<stintel> I have 2 r515 - now with spare risers I can risk messing one up without issue :P
<neggles> though that said, I do have a friend who's trying to sell one rn for uhhh
<neggles> ~365EUR+postage, whatever that'd be
<stintel> o_O
<stintel> is that friend in Europe ?
<neggles> Perth, sadly, but he's happy to ship, should be about 40EUR
<stintel> and customs :(
<neggles> he's from sweden lmao
<neggles> eh, would it be that bad if it's marked with a low value and non-commercial?
<stintel> yes
<neggles> booo
<stintel> the xirrus took 4 months because retarded
<neggles> *yikes*
<stintel> 1 month to get from UK to BG
<stintel> then it was shipped from Northern Ireland which should be handled as from within EU
<stintel> but nobody here knows that
<neggles> of course not...
<stintel> so I declared the value and said fuck it i'll pay the tax
<stintel> then 3 months later I get an SMS " it's in the post office "
<stintel> had almost forgotten about them
<neggles> h-uh. well, fwiw he does still work for a company in sweden so might be able to pull a string or two, i can ask
<neggles> man makes more money than is remotely reasonable, dropped AU$50k on a shiny new dev system without even really thinking about it
<neggles> 8x L40 + dual 48-core high-clock epyc genoa + 4TB of RAM O_O
<stintel> nice
<neggles> but yeah uh. it helps to remember that the T4 is almost literally a 2070 with a 75W power limit and 16GB
<stintel> I've been looking at getting a beefy epyc workstation at some point but damn
<neggles> it's not super zippy
<neggles> heh
<stintel> it's ok, it's going to be better than the P4 ;)
<stintel> and I can keep the P4 in the "testing" r515
<neggles> yeah and if you're stuck with HHHL+75W it doesn't get much better
<stintel> and setup a redundant inference server!
<stintel> I even limit the P4 to 60W
<neggles> at least not without an L4, and, well, they're US$6k
<stintel> because limited power on the PCIe riser in the r515
<neggles> ah
<stintel> and I do have an HBA and x540-t2 in there also
<neggles> wait r515 as in the cursed opteron dell?
<stintel> yes
<stintel> didn't know it was cursed :P
<neggles> ...whyyyyyy
<neggles> all those opterons are cursed afaik
<stintel> because 12x LFF disk bay and could get them for cheap :P
<neggles> worse power efficiency than westmere
<stintel> but it's ~550ms to STT a typical home assistant intent
<stintel> the P4
<stintel> so it's quite usable
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<neggles> interesting
<neggles> i've found current STT stuff to be very underwhelming
<tetienne> Hi all
<neggles> TTS is cool and good but speech synthesis is... iffy
<neggles> o/
<stintel> o/
<stintel> yeah. "turn on desk light" -> "turn on this light", "turn on disc light"
<stintel> you need to choose your words carefully :P
<neggles> depends on how big of a model you run ofc
<stintel> I should probably add an alias "workstation" so I can say "turn on workstation light"
<stintel> even on large it's not reliable enough
<stintel> or maybe my English just sucks :P
<neggles> ohhhh right of course
<neggles> it's probably the accent
<bluecmd[m]> <neggles> "someone introduced me to Xianyu,..." <- Huh, really cool. You have now transferred the curse to me. Do you have any experience with things like dropshipping/mailboxes/or just simply asking sellers to ship to e.g. Europe?
<neggles> superbuy
<neggles> are who i use
<neggles> xianyu won't even let you talk to sellers without a verified chinese ID, and it's only accessible on mobile app or via the link share webui
<neggles> so superbuy hands your link over to a local agent who handles the local seller
<neggles> loongson 3A4000 board... for US$45
<neggles> so tempting.
<neggles> probably going to pick up one of the mATX Kunpeng 920 boards that are in the $200-300 region, just because funny 7nm chinese arm chip; been trying to find one of the 24-core W510 boards but they're rare
<tetienne> I have a small question (sorry to disturb your discussion). Are there people building their OpenWRT image bins on a gentoo OS? On my gentoo the package libnl is always failing, whatever the version 3.5.0 or 3.7.0. In a Debian virtual host it's working fine, I would be curious if other people got the same problem.
<neggles> stintel: you're up :P
<neggles> tetienne: iirc stijn rolls with gentoo+musl so may be able to help you out, otherwise I can't think of a reason why that wouldn't work, do you have a dump of the output from a failure with `make V=sc` ?
<bluecmd[m]> I had some issues on NixOS with libnl because NixOS enables some extra warnings
<tetienne> neggles: seems to have to do with bison stuff byacc -d -o lib/route/cls/ematch_syntax.c lib/route/cls/ematch_syntax.y
<tetienne> byacc: e - line 28 of "lib/route/cls/ematch_syntax.y", syntax error
<bluecmd[m]> format-security
<bluecmd[m]> Is what I had issues with
<bluecmd[m]> Fwiw
<tetienne> I'm trying to make back to back comparisons to understand where it comes from
<tetienne> but I'm also surprised to get that kind of issue since the toolchain is supposed to be the same with the same tolls versions
<neggles> yeah that's the whole point of building and using the local toolchain
<neggles> i guess it doesn't BYO yacc though
<neggles> `%name-prefix "ematch_"` seems like a weird place to fail
<rmilecki> nbd: hostapd is also very silent on mt7621 when calling "reload_config" after seting psk2
<neggles> tetienne: bison versions?
<neggles> > Prior to Bison 2.6, a feature similar to api.prefix was provided by the obsolete directive %name-prefix and the option --name-prefix.
<tetienne> neggles: I was thinking about bison versions, but they are compiled in the toolchain, it's supposed to be the same ?
<tetienne> on gentoo I have 3.8, on Debian it's 3.7
<tetienne> I've just recompiled a 3.7 local version on my gentoo to see if it can influence the whole process
<hauke> I am using debian stable with bison 3.8.2 and it works fine
<hauke> maybe you deactivated some options in your bison build
<neggles> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sounds like it, there's probably a flag to enable the apparently-long-deprecated name-prefix thing
<tetienne> good to know hauke, on gentoo there are not that much USE flags, but again, the toolchian should use it's own bison install, no? I've seen during the toolchain compilation a bison line
<neggles> might be a config file thing?
<tetienne> tetienne@P15 ~/OpenWRT/openwrt-22.03.5 $ ls dl/bison-3.8.2.tar.xz
<tetienne> dl/bison-3.8.2.tar.xz
<tetienne> from what I can compare, the ematch_syntax.y files are exactly the same from my build on a gentoo and another working build on debian
<Slimey> giggity
<Slimey> careful, deviwiki is trying to serve spicy malware from ads
<tetienne> from libnl Makefile I suspect it is using my system byacc instead of the one built during the toolchain compilation
<Znevna> ads? :p
<Slimey> =0
<tetienne> neggles: think I've found, on my gentoo it's using YACC = byacc (probably because byacc is installed on my system) where as on Debian it's using YACC = bison -y (byacc not present on that debian install)
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<stintel> neggles: tetienne: my dev workstation is Gentoo glibc and usually builds OpenWrt fine. I do hit host lib leakage more often than most others because everything installs with headers
<tetienne> stintel: check if you have byacc installed on your gentoo, which is the root cause of the issue
<tetienne> I've just checked that export YACC='bison -y' fixes the problem for libnl
<stintel> no byacc and I also don't have libnl enabled in any of my builds
<stintel> but I guess the libnl Makefile needs some change to use bison from toolchain
<tetienne> I could not find any option in the configure script, but it seems to be sensible to YACC variable, so export YACC='bison -v' seems to do the job, I'll post a remark on git to robustify the whole process
<nbd> rmilecki: don't change the init script to start hostapd with -d - please run it from the command line with output redirected to a log file
<nbd> oh, wait
<nbd> i also forgot something
<nbd> you need to set CONFIG_WPA_MSG_MIN_PRIORITY=0 in the config
<nbd> i mean in the openwrt .config
<nbd> otherwise it gets compile without debug messages
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<stintel> I'll upload an OEM bootlog soon - it's very silent and shows some non-standard things
<stintel> [Image ] Type : MIPS Linux Multi-File Image (uncompressed)
<stintel> oh
<stintel> so Multi-File Image seems to be a standard U-boot thing - had not seen it before
<stintel> let's see if I can just feed it a uImage
<stintel> s/I'm/am/
<nbd> rmilecki: can you please test if this makes a difference for brcmfmac?
<rmilecki> nbd: i'll try to get back to this today late evening
<stintel> neggles: so it accepts a uImage but then fails with Error allocating memory for initrd!
<stintel> it might actually be not so hard
<stintel> I might have to order a bunch of MTK mPCIe cards soon if this thing boots :P
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<djfe> How do we want D-Link to be written in file names? dlink or d-link (currently both forms exist)
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<schmars[m]> Same for tplink/tp-link btw ;)
<Mangix> stintel: what happened to zwave? :P
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<stintel> Mangix: you mean Thread?
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<Mangix> hmm I thought yoiu said you had a bunch of zwave stuff in your place
<stintel> I do
<stintel> few fibaro plugs, few aeotec lamps
<stintel> and a load of ikea zigbee lamps too
<stintel> but what about it?
<Mangix> eh don't people generally stick with one system?
<stintel> have you met me? :P
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<Mangix> nope :P. was in Bulgaria recently too
<stintel> I had zwave first, but wasn't super happy with it
<Mangix> hmm? what was wrong?
<stintel> then I came in Ikea and saw they have cheap zigbee bulbs and spots, and I decided to give them a try
<stintel> things dropping from network etc
<stintel> might have been implementation issues
<stintel> but I find the ikea zigbee stuff to be very reliable
<stintel> and it's much cheaper than philips hue
<Mangix> I think so. I did firmware updates and mine is fine now.
<stintel> and much better longevity than all other non-smart LED spots I bought here
<stintel> anyway, need to hop in the shower and pick up my client who's visiting from US
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<stintel> woooo
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<rmilecki> nbd: i decided modify /etc/init.d/wpad despite your suggestions but I think it worked as expected
<rmilecki> nbd: please check
<rmilecki> djfe: schmars[m]: > grep -i -B 1 "d-link" Documentation/devicetree/bindings/vendor-prefixes.yaml
<rmilecki> "^dlink,.*":
<rmilecki> description: D-Link Corporation
<rmilecki> i vote for upstream Linux compatiblity & using "dlink" string
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<rmilecki> nbd: your dca241e2 patch FIXES (or rather workarounds?) this issue, log:
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<Mangix> Ugh I regret updating snapshot. Nothing but problems
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