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<slh> Piraty: in practice, the situation with musl isn't that different - there have been a number of breaking ABI changes with musl already
<Piraty> like time_t?
<Piraty> are breaking changes published or even announced in advance?
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<slh> like time_t, yes
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#53]( of `master_ath79/generic` completed successfully.
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<djfe> what would your thoughts be on OpenWrt switching to the TLD ".internal" once the ICANN signs this proposal?
<djfe> openwrt.internal instead of openwrt.lan
<quinq> “as the name implies, it's intended for internal use only”
<quinq> wat
<quinq> Then it doesn't have its place on external DNS
<quinq> Ahhh, I missed the first sentence of the article
<quinq> But why making it an ICANN TLD instead of adding it to DNS RFC as reserved
<slh> .internal is damned long (especially compared to .lan) - and why jump, after ICANN has just moved after over 20 years of ignorance (the alternative would be to defer the decision until there is a risk of conflict)
<slh> in theory, 'good' - but considering that ICANN has totally ignored over two decades of precedence (and remembering how .local has been redefined in the past) and how they picked a bad (=long) domain now...
<quinq> agreed
<quinq> .internal-not-to-be-exported-to-internet
<djfe> I don't think personal opinions should play into this. It's soon going to be decided and we can either follow the decision or decide against it. One thing might look better in the public eye.
<dhewg> you can already use .internal, nothing is stopping you. in fact I have with openwrt for a few years
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<djfe> slh: I can see why you were offended and I won't be able to change your opinion. Still: thank you for your input :)
<djfe> dhewg: interesting point. My idea was to propose changing the TLD for all new OpenWRT installations (not the existing ones)
<dhewg> I'm not so sure you can ensure that distinction. If one has openwrt with just the default dnsmasq settings (so .lan), and openwrt default changes to .internal, followed by a sysupgrade -u, that would change an existing setup and probally break it
<dhewg> that probably won't hit many users, but the chances of breakage is more than 0
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<f00b4r0> if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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<f00b4r0> nbd: I have a full mt7915 crash dump with debug enabled: let me know if you need more
<f00b4r0> the device is still powered up
<f00b4r0> fwiw the crash seems to consistently occur after about 5d uptime (for this particular device at that location, at least)
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