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<Namidairo> no chance collectd shows you slowly going oom before mt76 kicks the bucket?
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<f00b4r0> Namidairo: no, but it does show some other weirdness:
<f00b4r0> slab_unreclaimed suddenly jumps
<f00b4r0> at a point where the CPU seem to be suddenly hogged (the gap shows in all metrics, and loadavg is registering 5+ when the metric recovers)
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<dhewg> nbd: since you're active on mdnsd, what's required to bridge interfaces? I'd like to e.g. allow 'lan' to access 'iot', but not the other way around. Do I just do that via fw or do we want rules and an implementation for it?
<theJoker8814> dhewg: do you got a use case for that only lan -> iot? just restrict the mdnsd resolution or the following ip traffic as well?
<dhewg> the traffic is already restricted via fw zones
<dhewg> lan can access iot stuff, bit iot can't initiate connections to lan
<dhewg> the use case is: don't trust vendor crap :D
<theJoker8814> that I get. As long as the client in lan initiates the connections and they are trackable/ tcp it should work.
<dhewg> yeah, and it does
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<theJoker8814> you just have to configure mdnsd to accept requests on lan and forward them to iot
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#24]( of `openwrt-23.05_ipq40xx/chromium` completed successfully.
<dhewg> I don't think it can be configured like that?
<dhewg> it has an option to listen on multiple interfaces, but it response only to the one where it originated
<stintel> wait, are we talking about umdns, and if yes, does that support mdns forwarding from 1 interface to another?
<dhewg> see the comment on the config example
<dhewg> stintel: yes and apparently no
<stintel> that's what I thought
<stintel> afaik the only option for that is avahi reflector or something
<stintel> and there is no way in hell I'm running avahi on my main routers :P
<dhewg> nope, that's not an option at all :P
<dhewg> exactly
<theJoker8814> y not?
<dhewg> my router has an active wan interface and the attack surface of that avahi pile is just too big
<dhewg> let alone the dependencies and the sum of the sizes of those
<theJoker8814> lol don't you drop any incoming packets on wan by default?
<dhewg> of course I do, but why the hell would I want ubus on my inet connected router
<theJoker8814> I can give you a sample config where it does not listen to every interface
<stintel> s/ubus/dbus ;)
<dhewg> erm, yes dbus, even worse
<dhewg> and well, we do have umdns, which is nice, small and fits very well into the openwrt eco system
<theJoker8814> but can it reflect like avahi?
<dhewg> I don't think that adding that repeater option to it is a huge task
<dhewg> apparently not, and now we're back to my initial question :)
<theJoker8814> you could circumvent the use of any mdns daemon at all
<stintel> if you want to use thread and matter, I really don't believe you can
<dhewg> yeah, although I think it might work if you have umdns just run on the thread interface (ignoring the fact that otbr doesn't have umdns support atm)
<dhewg> the thread network might still work, you just don't see its devices via mdns
<dhewg> (from other interfaces)
<theJoker8814> just enable routing of Multicast packets, mdns client implementations send their requests to ipv4 and IPv6 address ff02::fb
<stintel> have you ever actually tried that?
<theJoker8814> 3 steps: enable interface multicast on lan, add nftables rule to increase IP TTL by 1, add moulticast route entry to routing table
<theJoker8814> I have it working here. lan <-> wlan
<stintel> interesting approach
<stintel> thanks for the hint
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<mrkiko> robimarko: seen your PR 14555, maybe nbd is interested in it?
<stintel> theJoker8814: do you have an example snippet for /etc/nftables.d/ ? </lazy>
<robimarko> mrkiko: He already saw it
<mrkiko> robimarko: great :D
<theJoker8814> use it for AirPlay, mdns, SSDP
<theJoker8814> I can pack you all 3 parts
<dhewg> nice, I haven't actually tried that, I wasn't sure if it would work
<theJoker8814> after my next/ first offical owrt package, that's next on my agenda. for now it's manual configuration
<theJoker8814> it does. very well
<dhewg> but if that indeed works, why does avahi have a reflection implementation?
<theJoker8814> because it requires kernel access
<theJoker8814> so in big deployments / software projects not an option
<dhewg> sure, but doesn't it run as uid=0 anyway?
<dhewg> sorry, I've always avoided avahi :P
<theJoker8814> avahi runs the reflection code in userspace. no kernel multicast routes needed
<theJoker8814> also is has ABI/ API's
<theJoker8814> it just offers more features and is designed for big deployments. that's why Cisco for examples implemented it in their Wireless products ;)
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<stintel> heh someone on twitter is asking if I can install OpenWrt on their Firebox M300
<stintel> maybe it's time to make qoriq target not source-only
<Habbie> i solved this by not having twitter any more
<Habbie> way less work
<stintel> LOL
<f00b4r0> lol
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* f00b4r0 notices that miniupnpd seems to be broken on 22.03
<stintel> was it ever not broken? :P
<f00b4r0> heh :)
<dhewg> f00b4r0: going by that screenshot I assume you're feeding grafana with the lua node-exporter?
<f00b4r0> dhewg: no
<f00b4r0> it's pure collectd
<stintel> there's also prometheus-node-exporter-ucode
<dhewg> ah, okay
<f00b4r0> I try to run lean
<stintel> but I've been having major issues with that
<dhewg> stintel: yeah, which is why I asked, I feel alone with it :)
<f00b4r0> and I know how to avoid collectd's leaking tendencies
<dhewg> what's the issue?
<stintel> like multiple uhttpd processes
<stintel> for a single node-exporter
<stintel> eating all CPU
<stintel> so bad that even my wifi clients can no longer assoc
<dhewg> oh? the lua version sets it up that way too though
<stintel> killed my streak on :(
<f00b4r0> so it's not miniupnpd but rather its init script. Seems it has trouble coping with non-standard internal lan devices
<f00b4r0> hmm another case of bloated script and non-luci-exposed settings that result in broken config
<f00b4r0> sigh
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<dhewg> stintel: any idea which collector eats cpu? it works just fine here
<dhewg> it has one process, but spawns one upon a request
<dhewg> it's not as fast as I'd like, I've tried but haven't found the bottleneck. My suspicion is that it recompiles/reinterprets/whatever the ucode upon each request
<stintel> dhewg: dunno, it happens after some uptime
<stintel> I stopped the process because it was making my network extremely flaky
<dhewg> ~600ms scrape time total
<dhewg> kinda slow, but not blocking or killing anything
<dhewg> I've been using it for what, a year now or so? never noticed the uptime having an effect on it
<stintel> the ucode variant?
<dhewg> yeah
<dhewg> I did that in a `rm lua` killing spree :P
<stintel> what's your scrape_interval in prometheus?
<stintel> yeah same
<dhewg> scrape_interval: 30s
<dhewg> you probably have a more fancy network setups, maybe its the thread interface where it chokes on?
<stintel> so far I've only seen it on my 2 EAP615-Wall, no thread involved there
<dhewg> any old grafana graphs which could help pin the offender?
<stintel> snmp6 scrape duration 1.07s mean
<dhewg> heh, yeah that's not good
<dhewg> I don't use that, I blindly ported it from lua, which may be related to the issue at hand :P
<dhewg> I have one spike for the last 30 days, where 'netclass' took 400ms, but that's the only thing that catches the eye
<stintel> before I stopped it a week ago peaked at ~2.5s total
<stintel> I guess 5s scrape_interval is a bit harsh
<dhewg> lol yeah
<stintel> maybe it happens in combination with memory pressure (I suspect hostapd leaks memory)
<stintel> hmmm, I guess I can use hostapd instead of wpad
<stintel> right now I have an unused wpa_supplicant process and a ujail process for it
<stintel> that's the only problem with the EAP615-Wall, it has only 128MB RAM
<stintel> hmmm that also doesn't look good:
<KanjiMonster> looks like some script that doesn't check if the list already contains an entry before adding it
<stintel> but that's a different uhttpd instance so shouldn't impact the prometheus stuff
<stintel> KanjiMonster: yeah, it's some experimental thing I made when I was doing some OpenWrt stuff at Meta
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<dhewg> well scrape interval obviously isn't that nice with the ucode scrape duration, but I guess the device starts evicting pages if it has an effect on other stuff?
<dhewg> while it won't fix leaks, throw zram-lz4 at it?
<dhewg> my uhttp ucode node process has a VSZ of 1484
<dhewg> not tiny, but far from bloat
<dhewg> the uhttp luci one has 2140 atm, procd 1512
<dhewg> looks rather fine to me
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#58]( of `master_ramips/mt7620` failed.
<rmilecki> Error: /builder/shared-workdir/build/build_dir/target-arm_cortex-a15+neon-vfpv4_musl_eabi/linux-ipq806x_generic/linux-6.1.75/arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom-ipq8064-ea8500.dts:57.15-16 syntax error
<rmilecki> FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree
<rmilecki> Ansuel: ^^
<rmilecki> #include ended up in weird place I think
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<Ansuel> (anyway working on implementing dts check in CI)
<Ansuel> also lantiq...
<rmilecki> no worries, noone will remember tomorrow ;)
<Ansuel> ok discover the problem in my lovely stupid python script
<Ansuel> as always a last minute change -.-'''
<hauke> Ansuel: dts checks in CI would be nice
<Ansuel> yes almost there just trying to sort the complex stucture for
<Ansuel> adding make target/linux/dtb
<Ansuel> maybe i will call it compile-dtb or check-dtb
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<Ansuel> rmilecki should be fixed now
<schmars[m]> this toh entry gives me "Error: Call to undefined method syntax_plugin_data_table::_buildSQL() An unforeseen error has occured. This is most likely a bug somewhere. It might be a problem in the datatemplate plugin"