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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#312](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/189/builds/312) of `master_mediatek/mt7622` completed successfully.
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#306](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/149/builds/306) of `master_mediatek/filogic` failed.
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<Tusker> Heya guys, quick build system question, how do I set firmware-utils to pull from the local filesystem instead of from the latest git? I need to make some changes in firmware-utils and I've forgotten the steps :|
<Tusker> I have lrwxrwxrwx 1 tusker tusker 36 Jul 28 18:04 git-src -> /home/tusker/dev/firmware-utils/.git - but it doesn't seem to want to compile, even with CONFIG_SRC_TREE_OVERRIDE=y
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<Tusker> ah, I forgot that tools/ doesn't support git-src
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<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream, https://sdwalker.github.io/uscan/index.html
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<jow> rmilecki: fyi, here's another instance of calling /etc/init.d/* interfering with sysupgrade: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/issues/15994
<jow> rmilecki: we really need to figure out a robust way to query service enabled status without running arbitrary, potentially broken or malicious code
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<jow> maybe you recall that discussion from back when you implemented service enabled state retention in sysupgrade
<Tusker> tar --transform "s/firmware-utils/firmware-utils-2024.07.28~551fc8c0/" -caf openwrt/dl/firmware-utils-2024.07.28~551fc8c0.tar.zst firmware-utils/
<Tusker> that's my workaround for now
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#307](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/149/builds/307) of `master_mediatek/filogic` completed successfully.
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