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<Piraty> https://gitlab.postmarketos.org/users/sign_up asks me to accept "Terms of Use and acknowledge the Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy." but the linked site doesn't contain any of these
<Piraty> wrong channel oops
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#76](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/204/builds/76) of `openwrt-24.10_apm821xx/nand` failed: failed './scripts/feeds update' (failure)
<soxrok2212> Ansuel: did you push that airoha patch?
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<soxrok2212> is it possible to use nvmem on a uboot env that sits as a binary on a fat partition?
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<rmilecki> soxrok2212: i don't think it's possible
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