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<kabel> Ansuel: I see that some support for ipq95xx was merged, and some people in the PR talked about getting boards
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<kabel> Ansuel: we are developing a new board on this platform. Would you personally like getting one? We would like to send some to OpenWRT developers
<kabel> Ansuel: hi, btw :)
<robimarko> Oh, nice to see new boards outside of the usual vendors
<kabel> we have just a few prototypes now but a large batch should be available in may
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<kabel> robimarko: hi :)
<robimarko> hi kabel
<kabel> Ansuel: where did you get all the patches for the PPE driver for ipq95xx? On netdev there is only part 1/3...
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<kabel> robimarko: but this is only part 1 of 3
<kabel> in target/linux/qualcommbe/patches-6.6 there are more patches
<robimarko> You also need NSSC
<kabel> starting with 103-32-net-ethernet-qualcomm-Add-phylink-support-for-PPE-MA.patch
<kabel> the cover letter says
<kabel> Part 1: The PPE patch series (this series), which enables the platform driver, probe and initialization/configuration of different PPE hardware blocks.
<kabel> Part 2: The PPE MAC patch series, which enables the phylink operations for the PPE ethernet ports.
<kabel> Part 3: The PPE EDMA patch series, which enables the Rx/Tx Ethernet DMA and netdevice driver for the 6 PPE ethernet ports.
<kabel> and parts 2 and 3 were not sent to mailing list yet, but somehow Ansuel got them :)
<robimarko> They were
<kabel> where
<robimarko> But in the v1 patchset
<kabel> ah
<kabel> omg
<kabel> and this one year old series works correctly?
<robimarko> Its supposed to, be most of the patches need to be updated to current versions
<robimarko> As PCS was split out of the initial PPE set
<robimarko> etc
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<robimarko> They probably have more PPE stuff in the queue after the initial support is merged
<kabel> hopefully
<kabel> the external qca drivers also have support for offloading NAT
<kabel> do you know if this is also supported with the implementation that Ansuel merged?
<robimarko> I doubt they had that in v1 that was sent upstream
<kabel> because I still don't know whether NAT offloading is supported by the kernel networking API
<robimarko> It should be as Mediatek has an upstream driver that does NAT offload AFAIK
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#90](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/210/builds/90) of `main_mediatek/mt7622` completed successfully.
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<T_X> svanheule (or others): is there a datasheet for the registers for the RTL8382M? saw this description: https://svanheule.net/realtek/maple/register/l2_fld_pmsk
<T_X> asking because I saw this one here: https://www1.iodparts.com/datasheets/realtek-2103121437-realtek-semicon-rtl8382l-vb-cg-c2760850.pdf. and it mentions IP4_UNKN_MC_FLD_PMSK and IP6_UNKN_MC_FLD_PMSK. which I don't see implemented/added in the OpenWrt rtl83xx DSA driver yet
<T_X> ah, found it, I think. they are in here, it seems: https://svanheule.net/realtek/maple/register/vlan_profile
<kabel> robimarko: do you also work with ipq9574?
<robimarko> kabel: just some basic stuff
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<robimarko> I have one TP-Link Deco board
<robimarko> Havent had time to get the next kernel with pending QCA stuff working on it
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