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<holiday> hello, does the gpu drivers work in ubuntu?
<tobhe[m]> hi holiday! yes, it does
<holiday> out of the box or do i have to do some things to make it work?
<holiday> like in fedora the openGL drivers come preinstalled
<tobhe[m]> no manual fiddling required. It should all just work
<holiday> hmm and i also wanted to know
<holiday> kali linux is based on debian/ubuntu
<holiday> do u know if the drivers work on it?
<holiday> or debian? i would avoid ubuntu because of the snap issues
<tobhe[m]> I think they technically would work but no one has made an effort to package them
<holiday> so the only distros that come with working openGL drivers are asahi, fedora asahi, ubuntu and debian?
<tobhe[m]> I haven't tested all of them but I would expect most in to have working graphics
<holiday> okk
<holiday> thank u
<holiday> i will try a different distro today
<holiday> oh one more question
<holiday> this is the git for kali
<holiday> it says its based on ubuntu-asahi
<holiday> do you think it's going to have gpu drivers or it's unlikely?
<holiday> (i dont want to waste time installing it for nothing)
<tobhe[m]> interesting, thx. I haven't seen that one before
<tobhe[m]> if it uses our ppa and just adds stuff it might work
<holiday> ok now i have some hope
<holiday> thankss
<holiday> will try later today
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<holiday> so it seems that kali asahi git is the same as the ubuntu asahi one
<holiday> but with a few links changed in the file
<holiday> (broken links)
<tobhe[m]> maybe it is still WIP
<holiday> hopefully
<tobhe[m]> Do you have a particular reason to prefer Kali? Have you used it before?
<tobhe[m]> because it seems like an unconventional choice for a daily driver distro unless you work in pentesting I guess
<holiday> i don't work in pentesting but i wish to someday
<holiday> i want to learn and kali comes preinstalled with A LOT of stuff
<holiday> it's gnome interface and tterminal also looks pretty
<holiday> and it's also debian based which is very nice
<holiday> i was looking now at the debian install guide but i think i will go with ubuntu and disable everything i find with snap
<tobhe[m]> I don't personally see a need for removing anything but you can configure your system however you like. using a regular distribution suited for everyday use and installing what you need sounds like a solid plan
<holiday> im pretty new to linux but i read that snap apps take a lot more to start?
<holiday> and are generally slower
<holiday> im not sure if that's always the case, my lack of expertise is showing here
<holiday> oh btw
<holiday> im guessing this wont work natively on mac right?
<tobhe[m]> it did at some point but doesn't anymore
<holiday> :( damn
<holiday> oh well see u on ubuntu
<holiday> :)
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<tobhe[m]> lol. yeah that isn't going to work
<enick_81> export INSTALLER_DATA=
<enick_81> Looks like this one's on you, Tobias /s
<tobhe[m]> looks like someone just did s/ubuntu/kali/g
<enick_81> Haha, yep
<tobhe[m]> I mean, it could have worked right
<enick_81> Are you doing a lightning talk, tobhe ?
<tobhe[m]> yes, but not on asahi
<tobhe[m]> but there is the big summit asahi talk:
<enick_81> No recording or remote link, though?
<tobhe[m]> I hope there will be one
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<eslerm[m]> could we enable the Kubuntu flavor?
<eslerm[m]> we should speak to flavors about bug triage at the summit, but I think we can own this flavor since upstream supports KDE
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<tobhe[m]> I think we can
<tobhe[m]> I would still wait until next week and talk to them first
<tobhe[m]> but we can prepare something
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<eslerm[m]> <tobhe[m]> "but we can prepare something" <- is a mantic version ready? I can test
<tobhe[m]> not yet. let me start a build
<tobhe[m]> hope it still works
<eslerm[m]> 4 flavors were interested in RPI images ^
<tobhe[m]> i hope that builds
<tobhe[m]> Estimated finish in 7 hours
<eslerm[m]> I'll be ready :)
<eslerm[m]> alright if I message the Kubuntu Council?
<tobhe[m]> sure