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<xf00[m]> <tobhe[m]> "the 23.10 installer also added..." <- Fyi we're reworking the entire provisioning story for 24.04 and planning on replacing gnome initial setup with a more powerful 'first boot' wizard followed by a 'desktop welcome' experience.
<xf00[m]> Would be nice to understand your requirements and see if we can accommodate the OOBE 🙂
<xf00[m]> * accommodate the asahi-ubuntu OOBE 🙂
<tobhe[m]> yes, that sounds super useful for us!
<tobhe[m]> i think asahi fedora is using calmares for a similar effect where you can configure username and other basic things at first boot
<xf00[m]> No promises, but hopefully we'd get this experience by default with the effort we're currently putting in.
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<tobhe[m]> can I follow this effort anywhere? maybe a github repo or discourse thread?
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<eslerm[m]> ^ Riga ?
<xf00[m]> Majority of code involved will be in [canonical/ubuntu-desktop-provision]( I'll be putting out a discourse post detailing our plans post Riga and then that should follow shortly after with designs.
<xf00[m]> Additionally i've started drafting UD049 to define the provisioning process (internally) which gives you an idea of the model we're looking to adopt. In riga there's a breakout for the provisioning work on Tuesday the 7th at 1600L. Finally, feel free to flag me down if you want to discuss 🙂
<xf00[m]> * [canonical/ubuntu-desktop-provision]( I should note work hasn', * 't really begun yet; just some preliminary changes. I'll be
<xf00[m]> also i pinged you in the provisioning channel on MM
tobhe_ is now known as tobhe