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<tobhe[m]> New image is uploaded and works on my m1n1
<tobhe[m]> s/m1n1/m1 mini/
<john-cabaj[m]> What's the firmware version?
<tobhe[m]> 13.5, so the newest
<john-cabaj[m]> Does the webcam work?
<tobhe[m]> the mini doesn't have one
<tobhe[m]> it didn't work on my m2 air last time i checked
<john-cabaj[m]> Hah, of course not. Thought I say m1n1 without "mini" at first
<john-cabaj[m]> s/say/saw/
<tobhe[m]> you did 🙂
<john-cabaj[m]> Hmm, maybe reports of webcam functionality were premature
<tobhe[m]> idk. Is the kernel config option enabled? node in the dtb?
<tobhe[m]> fedora seems to have it working
<john-cabaj[m]> Hmm, is it in the modules list?
<john-cabaj[m]> That could be the issue
<tobhe[m]> user@ubuntu:~$ lsmod | grep apple_isp... (full message at <>)
<tobhe[m]> but no dev video
<tobhe[m]> [ 1.866824] apple-isp 22a000000.isp: could not parse apple,firmware-version: -22
<tobhe[m]> [ 1.866825] apple-isp 22a000000.isp: could not parse apple,firmware-compat: -22
<john-cabaj[m]> There were a couple of firmware version fixes in asahi-6.5-15
<john-cabaj[m]> Those builds finished in the Apple ARM PPA a short time ago
<tobhe[m]> i am running your newest one
<tobhe[m]> 1008
<tobhe[m]> oh, ok. let me try that
<tobhe[m]> first I will copy the firmware from macos
<john-cabaj[m]> I cut modules in half and moved more to modules-extra. apple_isp should still be in the main modules package, but just an FYI
<tobhe[m]> that's great as long as the essential stuff stays in the main one
<john-cabaj[m]> I took anything that was in lsmod on a reboot.
<john-cabaj[m]> But modules-extra is still installed by default, I think. So it doesn't really matter unless you install debs individually.
<eslerm[m]> <john-cabaj[m]> "Hmm, maybe reports of webcam..." <- I believe they are still staging for public update
<tobhe[m]> user@ubuntu:/tmp/firmware$ sudo asahi-fwupdate... (full message at <>)
<tobhe[m]> sounds like it worked
<john-cabaj[m]> This was on v1009?
<tobhe[m]> nope, kernel update is what's coming next
<john-cabaj[m]> Could that be made part of the postinst script or something?
<tobhe[m]> not really because you need to do some of it from macos
<tobhe[m]> I expect there will be something like an asahi update option in the installer
<tobhe[m]> and then you boot macos, do the whole curl | sh thing again and that updates all_firmware
<john-cabaj[m]> I see
<john-cabaj[m]> I have to do this all before Riga. I'm planning on just bringing my M2
<tobhe[m]> unless we get proper support for apfs 🙂 then we could do it from ubuntu
<eslerm[m]> can we extract the firmware on install like upstream does?
<tobhe[m]> but that's the installer
<tobhe[m]> we already use that
<tobhe[m]> the question is how do you update a running system
<eslerm[m]> that feels reasonable for users to manually do
<tobhe[m]> idk, we could also have a single command you run on macos at some point
<tobhe[m]> 1009 also doesn't show a /dev/video...
<tobhe[m]> same error
<eslerm[m]> maybe, we'd have to account for multiple installs etc
<tobhe[m]> right. we'll just see what the others do
<john-cabaj[m]> tobhe that's an M2, right?
<john-cabaj[m]> Same firmware parsing error?
<tobhe[m]> yes
<john-cabaj[m]> Strange..
<tobhe[m]> I'll look at the code
<john-cabaj[m]> Drivers are identical
<tobhe[m]> so what does it try to parse?
<john-cabaj[m]> It's expecting that "-22" to be "3"
<john-cabaj[m]> Then it checks for firmware 12.3, 12.4, or 13.5
<tobhe[m]> ok, so time to look at our device tree
<john-cabaj[m]> Seems not happy about the firmware version, yes
<tobhe[m]> apple,firmware-version = <0x0000000c 0x00000004 0x00000000>;
<john-cabaj[m]> Should hit this check - `else if (ver[0] == 12 && ver[1] == 4 && ver[2] == 0)
<john-cabaj[m]> return ISP_FIRMWARE_V_12_4;`
<john-cabaj[m]> Length is 3, so that should be fine
<tobhe[m]> right, so what's going on here
<tobhe[m]> are we using the wrong dtb
<john-cabaj[m]> But if you're on 13.5, strange that it's not 0xD, 0x5, 0x0
<tobhe[m]> this one is my laptop
<tobhe[m]> mini is 13.5
<john-cabaj[m]> So many apple products
<tobhe[m]> + cat /usr/lib/m1n1/m1n1.bin /lib/firmware/6.5.0-1009-apple-arm/device-tree/apple/t6000-j314s.dtb /lib/firmware/6.5.0-1009-apple-arm/device-tree/apple/t6000-j316s.dtb /lib/firmware/6.5.0-1009-apple-arm/device-tree/apple/t6001-j314c.dtb /lib/firmware/6.5.0-1009-apple-arm/device-tree/apple/t6001-j316c.dtb /lib/firmware/6.5.0-1009-apple... (full message at <>)
<tobhe[m]> looks correct to me
<john-cabaj[m]> Have to step away for a bit
<tobhe[m]> john-cabaj[m]: I have a powerpc mini and laptop too. just no x86, I don't like those
<tobhe[m]> i'll let you know if i find something
<john-cabaj[m]> No diffs in arch/arm64/boot/dts/apple/ either
<tobhe[m]> huh I think i was looking in the wrong place. the isp node doesn't have a firmware-version field
<tobhe[m]> look for apple,isp
kaazoo has joined #ubuntu-asahi
<kaazoo> Hi, do the device trees in the latest kernel have the camera device enabled for all models?
<tobhe[m]> i think so
<kaazoo> When loading apple-isp module on 6.5.0-1008-apple-arm on j414s nothing happens.
<tobhe[m]> might be the same thing we are looking at right now
<tobhe[m]> my dmesg says apple-isp 22a000000.isp: could not parse apple,firmware-compat: -22
<kaazoo> for t602x it is still set to "status = "disabled";"
<tobhe[m]> in t6020-j414s.dtb it seems to be enabled
<tobhe[m]> /lib/firmware/6.5.0-1009-apple-arm/device-tree/apple/t6020-j414s.dtb
<tobhe[m]> oh i think i might need to update m1n1
<john-cabaj[m]> That patch looks like it was changed into, which Ubuntu Asahi carries
<tobhe[m]> let me try that
<tobhe[m]> i think the previous errors are red herrings
<tobhe[m]> [ 1.997049] apple-isp 22a000000.isp: No valid iommu-addresses found for heap
<tobhe[m]> [ 1.997059] apple-isp 22a000000.isp: failed to init iommu: -19
<tobhe[m]> building...
<tobhe[m]> works 🙂
<john-cabaj[m]> m1n1, then?
<tobhe[m]> I will push an update
<tobhe[m]> yes, it needs to set up the iommu I think
<john-cabaj[m]> Awesome - good find
<john-cabaj[m]> 1009 builds all ready, too
<tobhe[m]> and it's release day too, I should start publishing mantic
<tobhe[m]> do-release-upgrade should work already
<tobhe[m]> kaazoo: I wonder if yours works with the latest m1n1 from asahi-testing
<eslerm[m]> 1009 upgrade went well
<tobhe[m]> \o/
<tobhe[m]> if you got m1n1 1.4.2 from asahi-testing webcam should work 🙂
<kaazoo> Can you please push a new m1n1 package for lunar? It only has 1.3.3
<tobhe[m]> right, one sec
<tobhe[m]> we need to wait until the Pending switches to Published
<kaazoo> same for kernel 6.5.0-1009.11
<tobhe[m]> also done
<eslerm[m]> <tobhe[m]> "if you got m1n1 1.4.2 from asahi..." <- could you update asahi-fwextract and m1n1 for mantic?
<tobhe[m]> those should be up-to-date in the testing ppa
<tobhe[m]> and already syncing for the main asahi one
<tobhe[m]> (because I'm testing on mantic)
<tobhe[m]> oh right... that's kinetic
<tobhe[m]> one sec
<eslerm[m]> mantic's apt oesn't like asahi-fwextract's liblzfse dependency, no install candidate
<eslerm[m]> s/oesn/doesn/
<tobhe[m]> because lzfse is missing
<tobhe[m]> should sync now too
<eslerm[m]> thank you
<eslerm[m]> asahi-fwextract should probably be a build-recommends somewhere
<tobhe[m]> i will hook that up to ubuntu-asahi i think
<tobhe[m]> as a hard dependency
<tobhe[m]> we just never needed it until now with the webcam
<kaazoo> OK, thanks for your work! WIll try tomorrow, as the packages are still in pending status
<tobhe[m]> gn8 o/
<tobhe[m]> eslerm: everything should be there now