ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<bl4ckb0ne> > [3045432.558] discarded [unknown]@12.[event 0](0 fd, 8 byte)
<bl4ckb0ne> what can cause that?
<bl4ckb0ne> oh I know, buffer destroyed before getting released
<wlb> weston Merge request !1236 closed (Draft: new feature: add secure display wayland protocol implementation)
<wlb> weston Merge request !1327 opened by sophia gong (sophia) kiosk-shell: bind key to weston surface
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<bl4ckb0ne> kchibisov: found a fix for my first frame issue
<bl4ckb0ne> good ol' single pixel buffer
<kchibisov> well, if you draw it's probably fine.
<kchibisov> I know for sure that in the past doing shm and then starting dmabuf was breaking things.
<bl4ckb0ne> interesting
<bl4ckb0ne> havent wired up dmabuf yet
<kchibisov> maybe that was a sway bug, I don't remember the details anymore.
<kchibisov> But there're github issues on winit tracker when we tried that.
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<babustand> I no longer have wish lists open, all of the sudden it became clear that i have made it through with big help from others, boyz and gals, one more time have a look on roaring bitmaps, well well short and intelligent, array path of runtime in-place algorithm should make it clear what i was after. There is more alike appears canadian french made this pdf but license termes are good for this already , so i skipped others, apache or mit is
<babustand> offered.
<babustand> That changes everything , as i do not have to work on those loops on my own, everything is pasted together
<babustand> in place version is loopless
<babustand> they have on disk format too serialized into
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<babustand> the needed code is under run containers, that is separate path from roaring
<babustand> and run to array has in place runtime
<babustand> it looks wau, those boys are intelligent
<Ermine> emersion, daniels: requesting banhammer
<babustand> mixing it with tiny solver or filling in the indexed answers gets you to heaven
<babustand> it's offsets that have ranged intersection aka or that can do it
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<drakulix[m]> Finding a date for the protocols meeting next week seems to be difficult..
<drakulix[m]> d_ed are those yellow checkmarks "maybe can't make it" or "would prefer another time" situations? I am thinking specifcally about monday evening right now.
<d_ed[m]> Means I'll get in trouble at home, but can make it. Go for the Monday evening.
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<drakulix[m]> 👍️ I appreciate the sacrifice.
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<bl4ckb0ne> as i said, i dont mind skiping it if it makes more CEST folks happy
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<evangeline> Hi, I'm having issues selecting text with my mouse; if I press left-mouse button and drag mouse to the right, it will automatically release the pressed mouse key; this makes it very hard to actually select the text that I want
<evangeline> I suspend it's wayland bug, because it happens in all applications
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<evangeline> Any ideas?
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<dottedmag> evangeline: There are no "wayland bugs", no more than there are "HTTP bugs". Wayland is a protocol, not software. Please ask in support channel of your compositor (Mutter for GNOME, KWin for KDE, etc)
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