ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<mistertuna93> hey there, I was trying to figure out if there is possibly a problem with the freedesktop gitlab repo, could anyone here answer that question?
<bl4ckb0ne> gitlab instance is down for maintainance
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<mistertuna93> Cool, is there an estimate of when it will be back up?
<mistertuna93> Thank you for the response
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<bl4ckb0ne> its a big one, cant say for sure
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<ahmadraniri[m]> Is wlroots repo down ?
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<bl4ckb0ne> well, its on the fdo gitlab
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<pq> emersion, swick[m]; di_cta_hdr_static_metadata_block.desired_content_min_luminance could also legitly be zero, not only when unset?
<emersion> iirc the spec says zero means undefined
<pq> maybe it says so somewhere earlier than I looked...
<pq> ah, there it is, indeed
<pq> thanks
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