ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<vulpes2[m]> Hi everyone, I'm wondering if there's a way to disable "Tap-to-click", "Tap-and-drag" and "Tap and drag lock" with a command or a configuration file?
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<vulpes2[m]> Trying to troubleshoot a touchscreen related issue where the system thinks the finger is held down even after the finger has been removed, and the touchscreen will remain completely unresponsive until I hit Esc on a physical keyboard.
<vulpes2[m]> I'm using wayland so none of the x11 tools will work, and since the device is not a trackpad or mouse, GNOME doesn't provide an interface to configure them either.
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<DemiMarie> Report a GNOME bug
<DemiMarie> Or at least an enhancement request with GNOME
<vulpes2[m]> GNOME does not support touchscreen configuration, making it work on GNOME's side would require an entirely new menu in gnome-control-center. I'd prefer not to propose new feature requests and just work with libinput instead if possible.
<q234rty> vulpes2: there's a hack using I believe LD_PRELOAD
<DemiMarie> q234rty[envs] vulpes2: I still recommend the feature request. I doubt you are the only one with the problem.
<vulpes2[m]> I need to make sure this is indeed a libinput configuration issue before bringing it up GNOME, at this point it's just an educated guess and the bug is not trivial to reproduce.
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<vulpes2[m]> Do features like "tap and drag", "tap drag lock", etc. exclusively apply to touchpad devices? They are showing up as n/a for other devices when I run libinput list-devices, but I'm not entirely sure if that means they're completely disabled or not.
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #168 opened by SnowNF (zsnow) Request for New Wayland Protocol to Improve Window Taskbar Progress Features
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