ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<MrCooper> ManMower: "commit-timing-v1 doesn't provide a queue" it's not that simple; as emersion pointed out in , even core Wayland has an implicit queue, since the client can attach any number of buffers before any of them become ready / are released by the compositor
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<zzoe-`> 嘿,你应该访问我们的 ir​c 网络。
<zzoe-`> 你的网络太烂了,他妈的母狗。
<zzoe-`> іr​c.ʂυрérn​ẹtʂ.ỏrġ  #ʂυрérbỏw⁠ḷ
<zzoe-`> zzoe-` cyrinux iomari891 Kerr Guest2453 mbalmer soreau andyrtr sima eroc1990 d42 rv1sr abeltramo58952 floof58 ascent12_ Emantor DragoonAethis columbarius shankaru aswar002 vaxry sewn tristianc6704 flokli Amber_Harmonia cuiltb^ agd5f lileo Nosrep Hypfer systwi kelnos orowith2os[m] tzx[m] mboudr35[m] Leopold_ Shimmy[m] YHNdnzj[moz] FbioPacheco[m] RomanGilg[m] Poly[m] joantorres[m] botiapa[m]
<zzoe-`> qaqland[m] sergi1 NepNepdmsalwaysopen[m] bindu Nico danburd[m] ambasta[m] ttancos[m] yshui` ongy[m] Nova[m] JosExpsito[m]1 KingoftheElves[m] teh1[m] ujineli[m] d_ed[m] windowsxp[m] dani-g5x[m] gnustomp[m] GrahamPerrin[m] pounce gildekel luks2[m] arichardson[m] SeunghunLee[m] AnyCreatureMorph[m] unix-supremacist[m] Zeroine apol[m] AJ_Z0 i509vcb zebrag[m] zamundaaa[m] zvarde198830320677919168
<zzoe-`> emilio[m] zhxt[m] selckin bdaase[m] rajveermalviya[m] basemale DPA2 diamondburned[m] Vanfanel cmeissl[m] floki[m] drakulix[m] JosExpsito[m] hex[m]1 q234rty q234rty[m][m] ahmadraniri[m] mrkzboo[m] nazarewk[m] heeen[m] mohit815 Mershl[m] zaibon[m] pobthebuilder[m] hch12907 rubo_[m] lockywolf cptaffe karmavil[m] Saijin_Naib[m] zzxyb[m] Sumera[m] dos1 dmitz doras heftig cousinofthor[m] Guest2240
<zzoe-`> kenrendell[m] Guest2233 niecoinny[m] akallabeth[m] vchernin[m] emersion bl4ckb0ne Nefsen402 AndrewAylett[m] nielsdg j-james[m] doraskayo davidre Max1 [old]freshgumbubbles[m] PavelNasevich[m] YaLTeR[m] nnm junglerobba[m] teaper[m] robertmader[m] elinor furyishere[m] vyivel xerpi[m] hariselldon[m] Coelacanthus[m] swick[m] CME Fischmiep danshick pq PopLamina cns peeterm blathijs anarsoul psykose
<zzoe-`> DodoGTA crazybyte jtbx paulk dv_ bodiccea Arnavion MrCooper alarumbe cheako manuels moxie lbia ids1024 opotin65 Plagman cphealy qyliss Net147 gfxstrand pitust Ampera pieguy128 bim9262 gallo novenary pbsds glennk haise01 vova jlco noord JakeSays1 c7s abcdw ogromny WhyNotHugo tsujp staceee cpli kindablue sumoon kchibisov novakane Guest1248 rosefromthedead dnkl txtsd leon-p cat elibrokeit dorkbutt
<zzoe-`> geemili rpigott kennylevinsen moses ifreund mainiomano tommybomb mxz Dami_Lu bookworm | the_sea_peoples mtj cwittlut UndeadLeech Lightsword riverdc_ cnsvc jbit bcheng _isinyaaa _whitelogger that_guy tlwoerner danieldg ManMower JPEW bwidawsk panzeroceania_____ Ariadne caseif_ fullstop_ d10n codingkoopa32 ebassi fvok4 mcf yar clamps melissawen nurupo jsto quantum5 xyene hays utsweetyfish chris_
<zzoe-`> ramcq zamundaaa mupuf wlb pedrocr tagr trepatudo GentooPhysicist3935426 benbrown pH5 ivyl JoshuaAshton puck_ JEEB Arsen PhilAlbano modin any1 LaserEyess fossdd whot Prf_Jakob marex gusnan SardemFF7 mceier shoragan bbhtt ecloud mriesch wb9688 tzafrir FLHerne neobrain kinlo mstoeckl zubzub r00tobo zumbi jadahl mort_ lanodan saumon mtretter llyyr occivink al heeen rawoul m5zs7k juergbi Consolatis
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<YaLTeR[m]> damn oftc isn't safe either
<Nova[m]> what happened here
<mupuf> YaLTeR[m]: IRC as a whole isn't safe
<YaLTeR[m]> spam looks similar to what we had on the leftovers of gimpnet a few days ago
<emersion> mupuf: matrix is worse
<mupuf> emersion: i can believe that! I prefer anyway ;)
<mupuf> But yeah, read the room spammers
<mupuf> You are wasting your time
<doras> emersion: not my experience.
<emersion> you are lucky then
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<ambasta[m]> ugh, that MR for absolute positioning turned ugly so fast :D
<ambasta[m]> Is it acceptable to provide comments on such proposals as a non-dev?
<bookworm> not sure adding to the peanut gallery is particularly useful...
<ambasta[m]> I see, will refrain. Thanks
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<kennylevinsen> ambasta[m]: it is acceptable, but remember that it mainly brings value if you add something new to the discussion, rather than repeating opinions
<ambasta[m]> Certainly, I was going to propose alternate solutions as a discussion point. But maybe some poc would be more useful to suggest an alternate approach
<ambasta[m]> This is something that the wine wayland driver is also writing hacks around
<ambasta[m]> And also, jetbrains
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<any1> An alternative approach has already been submitted.
<any1> Now, I wonder, my proposal for transient seats was accepted a while ago. What happens now?
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<swick[m]> ManMower: I'm not so sure that timing and queue can be separated...
<swick[m]> but separating timing feedback from presentation timing is a good idea either way
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<soreau> xwayland gets to position clients on wayfire..
* soreau hides
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<ManMower> MrCooper: fair enough - I suppose what I meant to say was that commit-timing-v1 in its current state doesn't allow clients to explicitly control a queue.
<ManMower> swick[m]: not 100% sure myself. queue control without timestamps is mucky, perhaps completely useless. (vulkan must commit before returning from present, a client using vulkan may want to do commits of its own between those vulkan commits for whatever reason - having them queued on different refresh cycles craps up the framerate...)
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<Ermine> Is mr for absolute positioning 247?
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<bl4ckb0ne> yes
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<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Andri Yngvason * Add the transient seat protocol staging/ext-transient-seat/README staging/ext-transient-seat/ext-transient-seat-v1.xml
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !61 merged \o/ (Add the transient seat protocol
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