ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<kennylevinsen> DemiMarie: mesa wsi implements blocking eglSwapBuffers by blocking on Wayland. It's a broken API that applications unfortunately depend on
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<i509vcb> I'm thinking about how to expose input events to a window management client, I'd think the least painful way to do that would be extend wl_keyboard/pointer/touch to allow being focused to an output?
<i509vcb> Hand rolled protocol by the way so I can be quite flexible in the possible solutionz
<i509vcb> However that seems to be an issue if the window management client also creates some of it's own surfaces that would normally conform to wl_surface focus?
<i509vcb> Although if the wm knows where it's own surfaces are placed, I'd guess wl_surface focus would be redundant?
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<kennylevinsen> i509vcb: just make a separate protocol that sends output and surface focus events. Don't route everything to the wm process, just what is required to make the decisions you need.
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<Arsen> is there a way to check whether a given window is visible by the user (partially unobstructed, on current workspace, etc)
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<kennylevinsen> Arsen: there is a signal that the surface is not generally being repainted (suspended)
<kennylevinsen> But it's compositor policy when and why it isn't repainting
<Arsen> hmm, right
<Arsen> thanks, I'll keep a note of this
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<fluix> note overlapping windows can have transparency
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<vyivel> i presume zmike isn't actively maintaining xdg-shell anymore? if so, should w-p/stable/xdg-shell/README be updated?
<vyivel> though it doesn't seem like READMEs are generally being kept fresh hm
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<i509vcb> kennylevinsen: sure there is good reason to be minimal, but I see no way to implement server driven surface resize of toplevels without some way to get input on the wm side
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