ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<Dami_Lu> davidre:After the focus is switched to the parent window, will the child window still be on top of the parent window?
<Dami_Lu> I can provide a complete example if needed
<ManMower> the xdg shell parent/child relationship is defined to provide the behaviour you're seeing. if you want different behaviour, do not use it.
<Dami_Lu> thanks, Then I can understand that this is a problem under X, or I can understand that it is designed like this under wayland.
<ManMower> it may be a problem with a toolkit you're using, if it's using set_parent in a situation where the windows should not be stacked like this. but wayland and X are not the same - xdg_toplevel.set_parent wasn't designed to exactly mimic a specific X function call
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<Dami_Lu> It is not necessarily stacking. The parent-child relationship of the setting window is the same, but under wayland, the parent-child relationship binding is implemented using xdg_toplevel.set_parent. Is it possible to consider adding a request to handle such demand scenarios?
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<|> I'm looking at this and suddenly curious about putting apache kafka between apps and a wayland compositor
<|> Like subscribing to different events - idle inhibitors, lock screen, geometry changes, focus grabs, as kafka topics
<|> but not sure how practical that actuall is, it just seems like a win to have isolated control of those message queues and subscriptions
<|> with the added benefit of them being reachable over a network?
<kennylevinsen> |: not possible - Wayland protocols often send file descriptors instead of encoding the data itself
<kennylevinsen> Plus, it doesn't really make sense. Wayland is already an asynchronous message system, why put it through another asynchronous message system with more moving parts to break and specifications to deal with?
<kennylevinsen> (The Firefox usecase is special because of some very Firefox-specific design problems)
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<|> I was thinking if you could isolate messages from clients into topics in kafka, you could prioritize handling their changes in the compositor too. like nice'ing a non-gui app. I dunno, I just saw some of the message-queuing, subscribing, partitioning, features as attractive and something I wouldn't want to implement again in the compositor. but I do admit I'm no expert here
<|> and being able to dynamically move a client from this compositor to another, over the network, or replay events like a backtrace from the messaging queue - there's probably much better ways to do this than shoehorn in kafka.
<|> I have kafka fever.
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<kennylevinsen> |: if a compositor wanted to handle things with different priority it could do so already. Kafka would not enable any of those use-cases - e.g., logging all events is a built-in debug feature in libwayland and therefore more or less all Wayland clients and servers
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<kchibisov> kennylevinsen: firefox is solving not special to firefox problem though.
<kchibisov> Like the issue is a real problem, there's even a patch on wayland/wayland to address it.
<kchibisov> it's just sad that the work stalled and we have workarounds like that.
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<kennylevinsen> kchibisov: their fix and severity is specific to them
<kchibisov> idk, I have people from time to time complaining that their high res mouse crashes window.
<kchibisov> outside of e.g. alacritty, but in general, it's not uncommon.
<kennylevinsen> Yeah but Firefox is weird because they are trying to be a direct Wayland client while also using Gtk, so they don't have the control of things they want/need
<kchibisov> yeah, but expecting that 4KiB is enough for everyone is not gret.
<kennylevinsen> And the problem is much worse for them because they dispatch a ton of things to their main thread - iirc, this includes JavaScript
<kennylevinsen> The problem with the Wayland connection buffers definitely is real, but Firefox is also definitely weird
<kchibisov> yeah, but it doesn't justify that firefox issue can't be solved with unbounded buffer.
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<kchibisov> especially when we have patch around for year.
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<Arnavion> Why wasn't this a problem with X's socket?
<kchibisov> it's an implementation detail of libwayland , Arnavion
<kennylevinsen> I'm not a fan of that solution. I feel that either some fixed size is sufficient, or a mechanism is needed to halt events until responsive
<kchibisov> kennylevinsen: you've seen that it could be controlled?
<Arnavion> What's an implementation detail? That the server closes the socket when it can't write?
<Arnavion> Yes, so again, why wasn't this a problem with X? What does Xorg do when it can't write to the socket?
<Arnavion> (I assume it doesn't just block)
<kchibisov> I'm not familiar what xorg is doing, but the communication is via the same mechanism so it's not like you have that many options.
<Arnavion> Yes, that's why I'm curious why firefox etc only see this problem with wayland and not before
<kchibisov> I think one part of it is how communication is built, given that X in general gives more freedom on how you can do things.
<kchibisov> And with wayland the state is you libwayland or die.
<kchibisov> But I'm not familiar with firefox architecture to argue about that.
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<wlb> wayland Issue #430 opened by Marcos Dione (mdione) Wishlist: user actvity API
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