ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<shtrom> hi all
<shtrom> I'm trying to get to the bottom of a weird issue on a Debian bookworm box, where GDM3 doesn't want to start after a power-cut induced reboot
<shtrom> I'm down to looking at wayland and trying to make sense of what's happening
<shtrom> but save for starting Xwayland and watching it fail miserably, I'm not really sure how to debug further
<shtrom> strace is not really helpful save for a permission issue on /dev/dri/renderD128 which I think is a red herring
<shtrom> and running as user and/or root never seem to work, but without an indication why
<shtrom> worth noting is that I'm connected to the box via SSH (it's literally not in the same country as where I am)
<shtrom> any hint or pointer about where to look for further debugging would be most welcome
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<sh-RE_> better in a tmux (:
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<shtrom> more context on my issue here:
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<peelz> is there anything that says how ext_idle_notify_v1 is supposed to interact with idle_inhibit_unstable_v1?
<peelz> and unfortunately that prevents standalone screen lockers (e.g swaylock) to turn off the monitors after a period of inactivity :(
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<emersion> that's the whole point
<emersion> idle-inhibit exists for preventing screen lockers from kicking in while you're watching a movie
<peelz> right, except it would be nice to ignore inhibition if swaylock is already active
<peelz> so dpms can work on the lockscreen
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<peelz> if I have an inhibitor active and I manually trigger the lockscreen, swayidle won't be able to turn off the outputs after a timeout
<emersion> that's arguably a sway issue, it should ignore inhibitors which are not visible on-screen
<peelz> ah I see, create_inhibitor() takes a surface
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<peelz> emersion, if sway were to ignore inhibitors that aren't on screen, how would one go about creating an inhibitor that isn't associated with a window (e.g a CLI tool)? sorry for the uneducated question, I'm still quite new to wayland internals
<emersion> CLI tools don't use wayland
<peelz> well there's wl-clipboard (wl-copy/wl-paste)
<peelz> it uses an invisible surface to do clipboard stuff afaik
<emersion> sway has commands to tweak the idle inhibition, so one could use that from a script
<emersion> no, it uses a wayland protocol for clipboard managers
<peelz> huh? so wl-clipboard doesn't use wayland but it uses the wayland clipboard protocol?
<emersion> we use "a wayland protocol" as an abbreviation of "a wayland protocol extension", it's still just wayland
<peelz> right, but you said "CLI tools don't use wayland"
<peelz> by that definition, doesn't wl-clipboard (which uses the wayland clipboard protocol extension) use wayland?
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<peelz> sorry, I think I got confused. I see you were talking about how wl-clipboard uses the wayland clipboard protocol (which doesn't use any surfaces)
<peelz> I'll take a look at sway's inhibit_idle command. That might just be what I need. Thanks :D
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<kennylevinsen> peelz: wl-clipboard is a hack and an outlier. It creates a window briefly to get permission to use the clipboard it it can't get access to the clipboard management protocols
<kennylevinsen> in the context of sway, CLI tools usually use sway's IPC or call swaymsg
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<peelz> kennylevinsen, ah gotcha. I thought I was misremembering about the window thing. Why does it need to create a window? Is it a protocol requirement? I'm trying to find an answer on
<kennylevinsen> You are not allowed access to the clipboard unless you have focus
<kennylevinsen> and you can't have focus without a window
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<peelz> oh
<peelz> I see from the wl-clipboard that they use gtk_primary_selection and wlr_data_control:
<kennylevinsen> gtk_primary_selection is deprecated and replaced by the primary selection protocol
<peelz> what's the protocol for the clipboard (not primary selection)?
<kennylevinsen> wlr data control is a privileged clipboard management protocol that not all compositors support, meant for writing (privileged) clipboard managers
<kennylevinsen> peelz: wl_data_offer/source/device/device_manager in the core protocol
<peelz> right, that's what I was getting at. It's not implemented by gnome-shell for example
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<peelz> oh alright
<peelz> thanks for answering my questions, I appreciate it
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !284 closed (wayland-client: Add wl_display_get_default_queue)
<wlb> wayland/main: Julian Orth * protocol: wl_subsurface will never be focused protocol/wayland.xml
<wlb> wayland Merge request !236 merged \o/ (protocol: wl_subsurface will never be focused
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<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: MaxVerevkin * linux-dmabuf: sync changes from unstable to stable stable/linux-dmabuf/linux-dmabuf-v1.xml
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !266 merged \o/ (linux-dmabuf: sync changes from unstable to stable
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !259 closed (Draft: (Re)move Xwayland related protocols)
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<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Jonas Ådahl * xdg-shell: Clarify what a toplevel by default includes stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !222 merged \o/ (xdg-shell: Clarify what a toplevel by default includes
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !219 closed ( Explain that "unstable" label is not semantical)
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !270 opened by Simon Ser (emersion) ci: upgrade ci-templates and Debian
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<wlb> wayland Issue #426 closed \o/ (Adding restrictions to global binding and resource creation.
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