ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<consolers> so on oct i updated from wayland from 1.21.0 to 1.22.0 and the existing wayland firefox --profileManager starts crashing when exiting the profile
<consolers> if I LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ from a preserved lib and run firefox it doesn't segfault
<consolers> how do they manage this
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<MrCooper> if a surface commit changes buffer scale, but doesn't attach a new buffer, is the new scale applied to the existing buffer? And is an invalid_size error generated if the existing buffer size isn't a multiple of the scale?
<emersion> i think so
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<Company> of, MrCooper is here
<Company> MrCooper: I've had a thought a few days ago and people thought you ight know the answer
<Company> Could it make sense for GTK3's Cairo rendering to VkAllocateMemory a dmabuf as a backing store instead of using wl_shm?
<MrCooper> I don't really see the point: 1) the wl_shm path will always be needed as a fallback, so it results in more code to maintain 2) it's doubtful that it'll make a big difference for performance, and a client with software rendering is kind of a slow path anyway
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<Company> the main benefit I was wondering about is large redrawn areas that are quick to redraw
<MrCooper> also, at least with dGPUs, memory which isn't super-slow for CPU rendering is pretty slow for GPU sampling, which might eat up any gains from saving the glTexImage calls
<Company> so where the limiting factor is the amount of copies
<Company> for example scrolling in a fullscreen Gimp window
<Company> Gimp has a backing store, copies it to the cairo surface and then the compositor copies it into the texture again
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<Company> same thing with a text editor - that's alpha blending, but it's still limited mostly by memory speed
<Company> at least I think it is
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<Company> and I know that jadahl is very sensitive about glTexImage2D() performance - it came up in the GLES discussions a lot.
<Company> so avoiding it seemed like a worthwhile goal to me
<MrCooper> glTexImage being slow is most likely a bug in Mesa and/or mutter
<MrCooper> let's just fix those
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1428 opened by zhou liang (zhouliang) backend-drm: fix drm find wrong connector
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<bwidawsk> If a client destroys a popup that current has a pointer, what is the expectation for a leave event to be emitted?
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<riteo> oh boy this is going to be a dumb one
<riteo> (this is unrelated to the question above)
<riteo> the dumb question follows: are we supposed to embed the various protocols in the client source code or should we depend on wayland-protocols?
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<riteo> (yeah sorry for the suddenness, it makes me look like I was commenting the question above as dumb, which is NOT what I intended)
<emersion> you mean check in the XML?
<riteo> yeah
<emersion> it doesn't really matter too much
<riteo> I've seen some clients do that and others not
<emersion> depending on wayland-protocols makes the updates free
<emersion> and XMLs guaranteed to match upstream
<riteo> mh
<riteo> I've noticed that some older wayland-scanner versions complain about DTD though
<riteo> not sure if that matters
<emersion> complain about DTD?
<riteo> yeah because of the new array_flag functions or something like that
<kchibisov> Usually clients have protocols in source for the ones not in wayland-protocols, e.g. wlr ones.
<emersion> that sounds orthogonal
<riteo> emersion: the DTD thing?
<riteo> kchibisov: if that's the norm I can adapt godot-side
<riteo> might make the PR smaller
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<RobertAyrapetyan[m]> Is it possible to force wlroots to emit frames even if image remains static?
<emersion> yeah, depending on w-p is the norm
<bl4ckb0ne> RobertAyrapetyan[m]: thats a question for #wlroots on libera
<emersion> RobertAyrapetyan[m]: the client needs to ask for wl_surface.frame
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<emersion> the compositor can't ask the client to redraw
<riteo> I see, thanks for the clarification!
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<riteo> I just look for wp with pkgconf, right?
<kchibisov> emersion: I think it's only _yet_ though?
<kchibisov> There was a protocol for GPU resets which basically had a concept like that.
<emersion> riteo: yeah
<emersion> kchibisov: indeed, not merged
<riteo> emersion: great!
<riteo> as long as there isn't some vendoring policy I think that I should manage to shave quite a bit of lines from the PR
<RobertAyrapetyan[m]> emersion: I'm using wlrtoots -> xdg-desktop-portal-wlr -> pipewire pipeline. Which of these should ask for a frame?
<kchibisov> vendoring is usually done in the context of non-c stuff.
<kchibisov> Because you're likely using different scanner, etc.
<emersion> RobertAyrapetyan[m]: ah, important precision. please ask in #wlroots on Libera
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<RobertAyrapetyan[m]> <emersion> "Robert Ayrapetyan: ah, important..." <- do you know if there is a bridge for available?
<RobertAyrapetyan[m]> RobertAyrapetyan[m]: nevermind, found something, thanks
<emersion> the bridge to Libera has been shut down because it caused too many issues
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<roussinm> I am using Weston(10) as a compositor with Xilinx hardware. We face an issue where rendering falls back to mixed mode instead of using plane-only composition. The Xilinx DRM plane initialization (drm_universal_plane_init) uses a NULL as modifiers. Although the DRM format is compatible (RGB565), the modifiers seem to be the root cause. Weston's drm_fb_compatible_with_plane calls
<roussinm> indicate format compatibility, but the modifier is not DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID, and weston_drm_format_has_modifier returns false. This leads to the mixed mode. Manually modifying the code to return true for the correct plane resolves the rendering performance (mixed mode is slower). Is this a Weston problem, or is it more likely an issue with the Xilinx DRM driver's handling of
<roussinm> modifiers during plane initialization?
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<daniels> roussinm: it's a Xilinx DRM issue - it needs to support modifiers to have any chance of working correctly
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<roussinm> daniels: we upgraded from weston 7 to weston 10, and bunch of other libraries libdrm, etc... but not the kernel. Since the upgrade we lost plane-only composition. I guess some checks must have been added in userspace and prevents use of using it again.
<daniels> roussinm: yeah, if you provide a buffer with an explicit modifier, then we won't try to use implicit modifiers with it ...
<roussinm> daniels: when you said `explicit modifier`, does it mean how xilinx setup the plane with NULL as the modifiers? I think we it used DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID it would be different.
<daniels> roussinm: when you said 'but the modifier is not DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID' (presumably it's DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR), that's an explicit modifier: the client is telling you which modifier the buffer has
<daniels> DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID is 'who knows what the modifier is, maybe try and guess if you can'
<daniels> and you can't mix the two worlds: if xilinx-drm is saying it can't handle explicit modifiers, then we can't give it a client buffer which was given to us with explicit modifiers
<roussinm> daniels: ok so from weston-debug output I can see the modifiers LINEAR. How is that set if xilinx send NULL, is that libdrm ?
<daniels> roussinm: if it's from a client, it's from ... whatever your client is
<daniels> be that libmali, or GStreamer, or whatever
<roussinm> Ok we use Qt, with mesa, kernel is lima driver. So client is mesa.
<roussinm> if I understand that correctly.
<roussinm> Oh no, you are right, probably libmali from xilinx
<roussinm> daniels: I'm all over the place, probably a bit over my head, but actually mesa is the client.
<daniels> right, in that case it's still the xilinx drm driver which needs to be fixed to handle modifiers to make this work
<roussinm> daniels: what kind of work does that imply? If I wanted to implement modifiers handling in their driver?
<daniels> roussinm: tbh it should just be passing { DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR, DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID } as the supported modifiers, and returning true to both in the format_mod_supported hook
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<daniels> (newer kernels just do this automatically, so I guess the kernel is pretty old)
<roussinm> daniels: 5.4
<emersion> daniels: the kernel doesn't use INVALID to mean implicit
<emersion> KMS cannot say that it doesn't support implicit mods
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<daniels> emersion: hrm?
<emersion> daniels: "tbh it should just be passing { DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR, DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID } as the supported modifiers"
<daniels> emersion: oh right, you mean that it's only LINEAR in the list?
<emersion> yea
<daniels> thanks for the correction :)
<emersion> either way, doesn't matter with the new kernels :)
<roussinm> Looking at the documentation: * @format_modifiers: array of struct drm_format modifiers terminated by DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID
<roussinm> shouldn't I add it anyway? Since I'm not gonna upgrade the kernel atm.
<emersion> oh...
<roussinm> It is used as a sentinel flag or error code.
<emersion> so yeah, INVALID should be in the array, however it's not used to indicate support for implicit mods, it's used to end the list
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<roussinm> Since 5.18, apprently LINEAR is the default:, it doesn't seem to add the MOD_INVALID, interesting.
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<emersion> hm, maybe the kernel docs are out of sync with reality
<emersion> if the size is passed explicitly, no need for a terminating INVALID
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<roussinm> Fair.
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<bwidawsk> no takers on popup destroy + pointer leave event behavior?
<kennylevinsen> bwidawsk: the same as for any other surface, destroying the role object unmaps the surface at which point focus is lost
<bwidawsk> kennylevinsen: there is verbiage though about not sending a second enter event without a leave in between
<bwidawsk> so I'm confused if a leave should be sent when destroy request comes
<kennylevinsen> wlroots sends a leave event, if the wl_surface is destroyed it's to a nil surface
<kennylevinsen> my point is that this is the same as if you created and destroyed a toplevel, nothing popup specific
<bwidawsk> okay
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