ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<isolier> Hello. I have developed an application that renders 3D .obj files to teach myself a bit about 3D programming the old school way (no OpenGL or Vulkan, etc.). I am using xcb, which is horrible, to create a window and obtain a shared memory frame buffer to poke pixels. I would like to use Wayland, both in the hopes that it is less horrible, but also as a learning exercise. What is the best resource for learning Wayland in this way; that is, to open a
<isolier> window and render stuff directly into that windows framebuffer, so to speak?
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<kennylevinsen> isolier: see emersion's hello Wayland examples
<isolier> I will check these out, thank you.
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