ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<yrlf> generally, a few things in the wayland space that desktop compositors need seem to be converging on dbus, e.g. the XDG Desktop Portal for screenshare and global hotkeys
<yrlf> @latex
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<graywolf> Hello. Could someone recommend some reading for switching to wayland? Looking for somewhat practical guide (what is replacement for xrandr, xinput, xdotool, ...).
<wb9688> It depends on your compositor
<graywolf> uhh... there are no portable tools under wayland? I do not know the compositor (yet), wanted to try a bunch
<soreau> there are portable tools backed by protocols but not all compositors support the same protocols
<graywolf> That sounds... complicated. Thanks anyway, so I guess I need to pick compositor first without trying it (well, I can just read the docs and check youtube), then port my scripting directly to it instead to a "wayland".
<soreau> yes, wayfire and sway have some interesting scripting options if you choose that route, plus they are wlroots compositors which means a lot of interesting tools and features
<graywolf> I am currently on i3, so sway is one of the candidates. Maybe one more question: Do screen sharing work in wayland (or sway? Unsure what I should ask :D )? I know that collegues had troubles sharing a single monitor (as oposed to whole screen or a window). So I wonder if that got better.
<graywolf> Also I am not sure if that is "wayland thing", "sway thing", "firefox thing" or "wlroots thing" so unsure where to look
<soreau> short answer: screensharing works via xdg portal and friends
<graywolf> I see. Well I am off to google that :)
<graywolf> Thank you
<wb9688> graywolf: But on wlroots single window screen sharing doesn't work AFAIK
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<soreau> wb9688: I think they meant share tab? and also share a single output instead of all outputs
<graywolf> I would like to share (in xrandr terminology) just HDMI-A-0 and not eDP. IIRC collegues had troubles with that under wayland, but I could be mistaken.
<soreau> you might be mistaken, or the compositor you were using is treating all outputs as one screen. In wlroots, the outputs are separate unless the compositor combines them somehow
<graywolf> Oh, nice. Just to make sure, while wayland is supposed to be keylogger and everything resistant, the compositor can still intercept all the keypresses, correct?
<soreau> sure
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<graywolf> Right, so I will just have to patch whatever compositor I chose to support xcape funcionality, I assume that will not be that harc.
<graywolf> hard
<graywolf> Thanks :)
<wb9688> Wayfire allows almost everything in plugins
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<soreau> a small enhancement
<soreau> I label the performance improvement 'shmokin'
<psykose> wow that's cool
<bl4ckb0ne> more like smoke powerpoint on the left
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<soreau> :-)
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