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<wlb> weston Issue #913 closed \o/ ([Support] Clone LVDS output to HDMI card
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<pq> King_DuckZ, probably best to use a solid-color surface. No need to mess with the shaders.
<pq> King_DuckZ, well, I cannot guess what kind of chroma-keying, and would be showing through and how, so hard to say.
<pq> *and what would be
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<King_DuckZ> pq: I'm trying to figure myself, but as I understand I get a frame from a video stream and a colour threshold and need to get rid of any pixels beyond that threshold, there's a requirement to do it on gpu and to show "what's behind" after chroma-keying, whatever that means
<King_DuckZ> soreau: thanks
<pq> King_DuckZ, wait, so you need to emulate chroma-keying with shaders, and not use the chroma-keying hardware of a display controller?
<King_DuckZ> pq: yeah because *I think* the hardware one has certain limitations that won't work in our case
<pq> oh, then forget what I said
* King_DuckZ presses the forget button
<pq> If that needs to be off-loaded to the compositor, then shaders it is: if (color threshold) color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0); or maybe even discard;
<King_DuckZ> yep, just wondering how to inject that into the compositor's default shader, soreau suggested I try wayfire, I'll be looking into that if weston can't do it out of the box
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<daniels> King_DuckZ: libweston/renderer-gl/fragment.glsl is the shader source
<daniels> you'll want to also make pixel_format_is_opaque() inside libweston/pixel-formats.c return false for any format you're planning to apply this to
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<pq> King_DuckZ, you need a new field in struct gl_shader_requirements for turning the chroma-keying on/off.
<pq> King_DuckZ, is this something for downstream only, or do you hope to upstream this?
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<pq> King_DuckZ, Weston has no "default" shader. There is one shader source file, which gets compiled many times with different #defines. Those #defines come from struct gl_shader_requirements.
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<soreau> but instead of mucking about with the default shader, you can apply your own fullscreen shader with a plugin like this
<soreau> this plugin allows applying a shader to the entire output, or a single surface
<soreau> (directly from a shader file, not compiled upfront)
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<soreau> but, "what's behind" sounds like if you do it correctly, it will show some hidden video
<soreau> so I'd say the shortcut is, just use keycolor plugin on mpv under wayfire and done
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<soreau> keycolor shader basically operates on a single toplevel, and replaces one color + threshold, with another color
<soreau> plus, I think you can install latest releases of wayfire and wayfire-plugins-extra, and keycolor will be ready OOTB
<soreau> oh, I am wrong about the operation: it takes a color + threshold but only affects the alpha output, not the color
<soreau> so filters plugin would probably be better but it requires latest wayfire git
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<soreau> but for the simple purposes of just revealing the hidden message/video, keycolor still might work
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<King_DuckZ> soreau: thanks, unfortunately from asking around it seems I'll have a hard time getting wayfire approved as a new dependency, which is a shame because I think that mpv idea is exactly what's required
<King_DuckZ> I think there will be two videos playing, the one at the front will have this chroma key applied and it will be overlayed on top of the "background" video
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<pq> King_DuckZ, and the top video cannot come with an alpha channel to begin with?
<King_DuckZ> pq: top video is a regular mp4, I *think* I can access the shader in mpv while it gets played back, I'm just not clear how that shader will interact with weston's, if at all
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<pq> it cannot interact per se, they are different processes
<pq> but if it changes the pixels that go into the buffer that weston gets, then yeah
<King_DuckZ> I mean, say my frag shader in mpv outputs (1, 0, 0, 0), does that get rendered to black immediately (because a=0) or does it magically go through weston's shader first?
<pq> in weston, everything goes through weston's shaders, or the equivalent
<King_DuckZ> interesting, thanks for clarifying that!
<pq> I have a hard time imagining how it wouldn't. :-)
<King_DuckZ> so I think the answer is yes, I can set an alpha channel
<pq> cool, then you don't need to hack Weston or any other compositor
<JEEB> pq: magical passthrough somehow? but yea, not weston :)
<King_DuckZ> idk, I might be stuck in DirectDraw's days, but to me the graphics library is something that completely "takes over" the video card
<King_DuckZ> cool indeed
<pq> weston has passthrough, however it also ensures to use it only if it is equivalent (enough) to the shaders
<JEEB> drm interfaces can override other things on screen
<JEEB> something similar to ye olde overlay in dshow
<pq> yeah, except apps won't get access to them
<pq> unless is some vendor-butchered downstream kernel, anyway
<pq> *in
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<King_DuckZ> ok, well that's not my case as far as I know
<King_DuckZ> so just having two mpv's playing, with the front one doing the chroma stuff, should just work
<pq> There is no "taking over the video card" in the Wayland architecture by design.
<pq> hardware is fast enough to get stuff on screen without needing to cut corners
<pq> everything has exceptional cases though, like drm-leasing can give a whole output to an app, or a set-top box may want to push 4k video while its GPU cannot even copy so many pixels.
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<pq> none of that is reason enough to cut corners, though
<King_DuckZ> yeah it's embedded stuff, but I think it's high power enough, and either way if we want to apply some effects, there's no other way than spending the cpu/gpu time to do so
<pq> yes - unless your display controller could do it
<pq> the not-GPU part
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<King_DuckZ> it doesn't, at least that's the premise I was given when they handed this over to me
<pq> alright
<pq> then it should be architecturally "easy"
<King_DuckZ> I tried asking about wayfire btw, they flat-out rejected adding new packages :| no wiggle room there
<pq> Things get complicated, when one wants to off-load things to the display controller in order to not use the GPU, which means the stuff must be off-loaded to the compositor first, and that takes protocol extensions.
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<soreau> well, in the case of wayfire filters plugin at least, the shaders and other 'commands' are side loaded through a separate ipc socket, kinda like sway has
<soreau> for the shaders, it just gives an absolute path to the shader
<soreau> King_DuckZ: but it sounds like your task has you painted in a corner
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<wlb> weston/main: Marius Vlad * gitlab-ci.yml: Always run container jobs to allow page deploy to work .gitlab-ci.yml
<wlb> weston Merge request !1540 merged \o/ (gitlab-ci.yml: Remove dependency on docs-build to publish docs
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<sewn> why does every wayland application seem to have it's own way of doing wl_buffer creation? (eg. shm_open randomized seen in wayland book, memfd_buffer, mkostemp, and the list goes on)
<sewn> it seems to be in EVERY wayland application that wants to make a non-compositor surface, shouldn't it be provided by wayland?
<vyivel> sewn: shm buffers aren't the only type of buffers
<bl4ckb0ne> and there's different ways to open a shm
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<sewn> bl4ckb0ne: its almost always the same for most platforms, just needs proper compiler checks and its crossplatform just like that
<sewn> most applications have to do these things themselves
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<ids1024_> sewn: I believe the correct way to do it is generally memfd_create on modern Linux and FreeBSD, and shm_open/shm_unlink with a random name on an OS that doesn't support it. But that can be a bit verbose for an example.
<sewn> ids1024_: this makes sense, but i still don't get the reasoning for most wayland applications having to do the same shm or buffer creation for every codebase
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<ids1024_> Most applications aren't using Wayland directly anyway. They're using a toolkit.
<sewn> right, and each toolkit has to do the same thing their own way
<sewn> when it's all similar and to achieve the same task
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<kennylevinsen> sewn: 1. It’s pretty simple so eh, 2. The Wayland protocol is not limited to one way to do it (what about dmabufs?), 3. libwayland is not that kind of utility lib - that’s what toolkits are
<sewn> ok makes sense
<wlb> weston Merge request !1545 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) Draft: libweston: Return NULL from creation of animations that have finished [libweston API]
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